210 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview for the research that has been done so far in signcryption area. The paper also presents the extensions for the signcryption scheme and discusses the security in signcryption. The main contribution to this paper represents the implementation of the signcryption algorithm with the examples provided.ElGamal, elliptic curves, encryption, identity-based, proxy-signcryption, public key, ring-signcryption, RSA, signcryption

    MEDAPs: secure multi-entities delegated authentication protocols for mobile cloud computing

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    Since the technology of mobile cloud computing has brought a lot of benefits to information world, many applications in mobile devices based on cloud have emerged and boomed in the last years. According to the storage limitation, data owners would like to upload and further share the data through the cloud. Due to the safety requirements, mobile data owners are requested to provide credentials such as authentication tags along with the data. However, it is impossible to require mobile data owners to provide every authenticated computational results. The solution that signers’ privilege is outsourced to the cloud would be a promising way. To solve this problem, we propose three secure multi-entities delegated authentication protocols (MEDAPs) in mobile cloud computing, which enables the multiple mobile data owners to authorize a group designated cloud servers with the signing rights. The security of MEDAPs is constructed on three cryptographic primitive identity-based multi-proxy signature (IBMPS), identity-based proxy multi-signature (IBPMS), and identity-based multi-proxy multi-signature (IBMPMS), relied on the cubic residues, equaling to the integer factorization assumption. We also give the formal security proof under adaptively chosen message attacks and chosen identity/warrant attacks. Furthermore,compared with the pairing based protocol, MEDAPs are quite efficient and the communication overhead is nearly not a linear growth with the number of cloud servers. Copyright⃝c 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Security Pitfalls of a Provably Secure Identity-based Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme

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    An identity-based multi-proxy signature is a type of proxy signatures in which the delegation of signing right is distributed among a number of proxy signers. In this type of cryptographic primitive, cooperation of all proxy signers in the proxy group generates the proxy signatures of roughly the same size as that of standard proxy signatures on behalf of the original signer, which is more efficient than transmitting individual proxy signatures. Since identity-based multi-proxy signatures are useful in distributed systems, grid computing, presenting a provably secure identity-based multi-proxy scheme is desired. In 2013, Sahu and Padhye proposed the first provably secure identity-based multi-proxy signature scheme in the random oracle model, and proved that their scheme is existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message and identity attack. Unfortunately, in this paper, we show that their scheme is insecure. We present two forgery attacks on their scheme. Furthermore, their scheme is not resistant against proxy key exposure attack. As a consequence, there is no provably secure identity-based multi-proxy signature scheme secure against proxy key exposure attack to date

    Identity-based threshold group signature scheme based on multiple hard number theoretic problems

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    We introduce in this paper a new identity-based threshold signature (IBTHS) technique, which is based on a pair of intractable problems, residuosity and discrete logarithm. This technique relies on two difficult problems and offers an improved level of security relative to an individual hard problem. The majority of the denoted IBTHS techniques are established on an individual difficult problem. Despite the fact that these methods are secure, however, a prospective solution of this sole problem by an adversary will enable him/her to recover the entire private data together with secret keys and configuration values of the associated scheme. Our technique is immune to the four most familiar attack types in relation to the signature schemes. Enhanced performance of our proposed technique is verified in terms of minimum cost of computations required by both of the signing algorithm and the verifying algorithm in addition to immunity to attacks


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    In large-scale distributed systems, where adversarial attacks can have widespread impact, authentication provides protection from threats involving impersonation of entities and tampering of data. Practical solutions to authentication problems in distributed systems must meet specific constraints of the target system, and provide a reasonable balance between security and cost. The goal of this dissertation is to address the problem of building practical and efficient authentication mechanisms to secure distributed applications. This dissertation presents techniques to construct efficient digital signature schemes using trapdoor hash functions for various distributed applications. Trapdoor hash functions are collision-resistant hash functions associated with a secret trapdoor key that allows the key-holder to find collisions between hashes of different messages. The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows: 1. A common problem with conventional trapdoor hash functions is that revealing a collision producing message pair allows an entity to compute additional collisions without knowledge of the trapdoor key. To overcome this problem, we design an efficient trapdoor hash function that prevents all entities except the trapdoor key-holder from computing collisions regardless of whether collision producing message pairs are revealed by the key-holder. 2. We design a technique to construct efficient proxy signatures using trapdoor hash functions to authenticate and authorize agents acting on behalf of users in agent-based computing systems. Our technique provides agent authentication, assurance of agreement between delegator and agent, security without relying on secure communication channels and control over an agent’s capabilities. 3. We develop a trapdoor hash-based signature amortization technique for authenticating real-time, delay-sensitive streams. Our technique provides independent verifiability of blocks comprising a stream, minimizes sender-side and receiver-side delays, minimizes communication overhead, and avoids transmission of redundant information. 4. We demonstrate the practical efficacy of our trapdoor hash-based techniques for signature amortization and proxy signature construction by presenting discrete log-based instantiations of the generic techniques that are efficient to compute, and produce short signatures. Our detailed performance analyses demonstrate that the proposed schemes outperform existing schemes in computation cost and signature size. We also present proofs for security of the proposed discrete-log based instantiations against forgery attacks under the discrete-log assumption
