7 research outputs found

    Thinking Big in a Small World — Efficient Query Execution on Small-Scale SMPs

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    Many techniques developed for parallel database systems were focused on large-scale, often prototypical, hardware platforms. Therefore, most results cannot easily be transfered to widely available workstation clusters such as multiprocessor workstations. In this paper we address exploitation of pipelining parallelism in query processing on small multiprocessor environments. We present DTE/R, a strategy for executing pipelining segments of arbitrary length by replicating the segment's operator. Therefore, DTE/R avoids static processor-to-operator assignment of conventional processing techniques. Consequently, DTE/R achieves automatic load-balancing and skew-handling. Furthermore, DTE/R outperforms conventional pipelining execution techniques substantially

    Analytical response time estimation in parallel relational database systems

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    Techniques for performance estimation in parallel database systems are well established for parameters such as throughput, bottlenecks and resource utilisation. However, response time estimation is a complex activity which is difficult to predict and has attracted research for a number of years. Simulation is one option for predicting response time but this is a costly process. Analytical modelling is a less expensive option but requires approximations and assumptions about the queueing networks built up in real parallel database machines which are often questionable and few of the papers on analytical approaches are backed by results from validation against real machines. This paper describes a new analytical approach for response time estimation that is based on a detailed study of different approaches and assumptions. The approach has been validated against two commercial parallel DBMSs running on actual parallel machines and is shown to produce acceptable accuracy

    Process algebra approach to parallel DBMS performance modelling

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    Modelling parallel database management systems for performance prediction

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