2 research outputs found

    Hybrid Sine-Cosine Black Widow Spider Optimization based Route Selection Protocol for Multihop Communication in IoT Assisted WSN

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    In the modern era, Internet of Things (IoT) has been a popular research topic and it focuses on interconnecting numerous sensor-based devices primarily for tracking applications and collecting data. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) becomes a significant element in IoT platforms since its inception and turns out to be the most ideal platform for deploying various smart city application zones namely disaster management, home automation, intelligent transportation, smart buildings, and other IoT-enabled applications. Clustering techniques were commonly used energy-efficient methods with the main purpose that is to balance the energy between Sensor Nodes (SN). Routing and clustering are Non-Polynomial (NP) hard issues where bio-inspired approaches were used for a known time to solve these issues. This study introduces a Hybrid Sine-Cosine Black Widow Spider Optimization based Route Selection Protocol (HSBWSO-RSP) for Mulithop Communication in IoT assisted WSN. The presented HSBWSO-RSP technique aims to properly determine the routes to destination for multihop communication. Moreover, the HSBWSO-RSP approach enables the integration of variance perturbation mechanism into the traditional BWSO algorithm. Furthermore, the selection of routes takes place by a fitness function comprising Residual Energy (RE) and distance (DIST). The experimental result analysis of the HSBWSO-RSP technique is tested using a series of experimentations and the results are studied under different measures. The proposed methodology achieves 100% packet delivery ratio, no packet loss and 2.33 secs end to end delay. The comparison study revealed the betterment of the HSBWSO-RSP technique over existing routing techniques

    Automatic control system of highway lights

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    This research provides new effective and cheap designed system for save electrical energy dissipation in all urban area roads and highways. The aim of this system is to minimizing the waste electrical power on highways and urban area roads. The designed system depends on two Arduino circuit types, master and slave. The master Arduino has an ability to detect the day light by light dependent resistor (LDR) sensor and cars movements by pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor, according to these conditions, the master will send a signal by XBee module works as transmitter to the following five slaves Arduinos which are waiting for a signal and receive it by XBee module works as receiver to turn ON the lights for 5 minutes then OFF it if there is no car movement on the street. The system can mount directly to the highway lights. The system has been tested and applied on the street lights, the system works perfectly and slaves respond fastly and effectively to the master Arduino signal