1,553 research outputs found

    A web-DB model on multicast and anycast

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    Most of the current web-based database systems suffer from poor performance, complicated heterogeneity, and synchronization issues. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism for web-based database system on multicast and anycast protocols to deal with these issues. In the model, we put a castway, a network interface for database server, between database server and Web server. Castway deals with the multicast and anycast requests and responses. We propose a requirement-based server selection algorithm and an atomic multicast update algorithm for data queries and synchronizations. The model is independent from the Internet environment, it can synchronise the databases efficiently and automatically. Furthermore, the model can reduce the possibility of transaction deadlocks.<br /

    A novel middleware based web database model

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    In this paper, we propose a novel model for web-based database systems based on the multicast and anycast\u27 protocols. In the model, we design a middleware, castway, which locates between the database server and the Web server. Every castway in a distributed system operates as a multicast node and an anycast node independently, respectively. The proposed mechanism can balance the workload among the distributed database servers, and offers the &quot;best&quot; server to serve for a query. Three algorithms are employed for the model: the requirement-based probing algorithm for anycast routing, the atomic multicast update algorithm for database synchronization, and the job deviation algorithm for system workload balance. The simulations and experiments show that the proposed model works very well.<br /

    An architecture of internet based data processing based on multicast and anycast protocols

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    Most of the current web-based application systems suffer from poor performance and costly heterogeneous accessing. Distributed or replicated strategies can alleviate the problem in some degree, but there are still some problems of the distributed or replicated model, such as data synchronization, load balance, and so on.&nbsp; In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for Internet-based data processing system based on multicast and anycast protocols. The proposed architecture breaks the functionalities of existing data processing system, in particular, the database functionality, into several agents. These agents communicate with each other using multicast and anycast mechanisms. We show that the proposed architecture provides better scalability, robustness, automatic load balance, and performance than the current distributed architecture of Internet-based dataprocessing.<br /

    Rethinking State-Machine Replication for Parallelism

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    State-machine replication, a fundamental approach to designing fault-tolerant services, requires commands to be executed in the same order by all replicas. Moreover, command execution must be deterministic: each replica must produce the same output upon executing the same sequence of commands. These requirements usually result in single-threaded replicas, which hinders service performance. This paper introduces Parallel State-Machine Replication (P-SMR), a new approach to parallelism in state-machine replication. P-SMR scales better than previous proposals since no component plays a centralizing role in the execution of independent commands---those that can be executed concurrently, as defined by the service. The paper introduces P-SMR, describes a "commodified architecture" to implement it, and compares its performance to other proposals using a key-value store and a networked file system

    MENU: multicast emulation using netlets and unicast

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    High-end networking applications such as Internet TV and software distribution have generated a demand for multicast protocols as an integral part of the network. This will allow such applications to support data dissemination to large groups of users in a scalable and reliable manner. Existing IP multicast protocols lack these features and also require state storage in the core of the network which is costly to implement. In this paper, we present a new multicast protocol referred to as MENU. It realises a scalable and a reliable multicast protocol model by pushing the tree building complexity to the edges of the network, thereby eliminating processing and state storage in the core of the network. The MENU protocol builds multicast support in the network using mobile agent based active network services, Netlets, and unicast addresses. The multicast delivery tree in MENU is a two level hierarchical structure where users are partitioned into client communities based on geographical proximity. Each client community in the network is treated as a single virtual destination for traffic from the server. Netlet based services referred to as hot spot delegates (HSDs) are deployed by servers at "hot spots" close to each client community. They function as virtual traffic destinations for the traffic from the server and also act as virtual source nodes for all users in the community. The source node feeds data to these distributed HSDs which in turn forward data to all downstream users through a locally constructed traffic delivery tree. It is shown through simulations that the resulting system provides an efficient means to incrementally build a source customisable secured multicast protocol which is both scalable and reliable. Furthermore, results show that MENU employs minimal processing and reduced state information in networks when compared to existing IP multicast protocols

    Performance comparison of clustered and replicated information retrieval systems

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    The amount of information available over the Internet is increasing daily as well as the importance and magnitude of Web search engines. Systems based on a single centralised index present several problems (such as lack of scalability), which lead to the use of distributed information retrieval systems to effectively search for and locate the required information. A distributed retrieval system can be clustered and/or replicated. In this paper, using simulations, we present a detailed performance analysis, both in terms of throughput and response time, of a clustered system compared to a replicated system. In addition, we consider the effect of changes in the query topics over time. We show that the performance obtained for a clustered system does not improve the performance obtained by the best replicated system. Indeed, the main advantage of a clustered system is the reduction of network traffic. However, the use of a switched network eliminates the bottleneck in the network, markedly improving the performance of the replicated systems. Moreover, we illustrate the negative performance effect of the changes over time in the query topics when a distributed clustered system is used. On the contrary, the performance of a distributed replicated system is query independent

    Designing application software in wide area network settings

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    Progress in methodologies for developing robust local area network software has not been matched by similar results for wide area settings. The design of application software spanning multiple local area environments is examined. For important classes of applications, simple design techniques are presented that yield fault tolerant wide area programs. An implementation of these techniques as a set of tools for use within the ISIS system is described

    Object Distribution Networks for World-wide Document Circulation

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    This paper presents an Object Distribution System (ODS), a distributed system inspired by the ultra-large scale distribution models used in everyday life (e.g. food or newspapers distribution chains). Beyond traditional mechanisms of approaching information to readers (e.g. caching and mirroring), this system enables the publication, classification and subscription to volumes of objects (e.g. documents, events). Authors submit their contents to publication agents. Classification authorities provide classification schemes to classify objects. Readers subscribe to topics or authors, and retrieve contents from their local delivery agent (like a kiosk or library, with local copies of objects). Object distribution is an independent process where objects circulate asynchronously among distribution agents. ODS is designed to perform specially well in an increasingly populated, widespread and complex Internet jungle, using weak consistency replication by object distribution, asynchronous replication, and local access to objects by clients. ODS is based on two independent virtual networks, one dedicated to the distribution (replication) of objects and the other to calculate optimised distribution chains to be applied by the first network

    A review of experiences with reliable multicast

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    Research on network anycast

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    Anycast is defined as a service in IPv6, which provides stateless best effort delivery of an anycast datagram to at least one, and preferably only one host. It is a topic of increasing interest. This paper is an attempt to gather and report on the work done on anycast. There are two main categories at present: network-layer anycast and application-layer anycast. Both involve anycast architectures, routing algorithms, metrics, applications, etc. We also present an efficient algorithm for application-layer anycast, and point out possible research directions based on our research. <br /
