5 research outputs found

    Modeliranje 3D struktur interakcij med proteini in RNA

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    Protein-RNA interactions have an essential role in many cellular processes. Experimental analysis of 3D molecular structure is slow and difficult process. Consequently, computational methods, which successfully predict interaction sites and molecular conformations are needed. In this thesis we have defined a number of attributes to describe local properties of protein-RNA interactions using data on 3D structure of protein-RNA molecules. We have implemented a method that uses machine learning and optimization algorithm for prediction of protein-RNA interaction sites. Machine learning predictions are used to generate initial positions for optimization. Optimization algorithm uses scoring functions based on the distribution of 3D structural attributes to identify most likely positions of the RNA molecule interacting with a given protein. The accuracy of the proposed prediction model is comparable to results obtained with best existing methods

    Exploring the interaction between asymmetric phosphonates and acetylcholinesterase. Probing the gorge and P-site via customized covalent modification

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    Organophosphates (OPs) react with acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) to form a covalent bond at a specific serine residue in the active gorge, thereby providing a highly precise modification of this enzyme and an opportunity to explore protein structure, function and mechanism. The goal of this study is: 1) to show how covalent modification of AChEs by chromophore-linked OPs can be used to probe the active and peripheral sites of the protein and its local environment; 2) to differentiate AChE stereoselectivity with asymmetric phosphonothiolates. Click chemistry was used as a key transformation method to prepare an array of chromophores linked to a reactive fluorophosphonate (FP) head group. Chromophore-linked FPs varying in length and chromophore were synthesized and computer-modeled to visualize and calculate positioning of the chromophore-FP-AChE relative to the protein active gorge. The inhibition rates of chromophore-FPs against recombinant mouse AChE (rMAChE) and electric eel AChE (EEAChE) were determined via colorimetric assay and the dansyl containing FPs were demonstrated to be the most potent. In addition, the binding effects of the chromophore and FP moiety to protein were evaluated and results demonstrated that the size and structure of chromophore and the length of the ligands mutually affect the inhibition potency. Dansyl, dabsyl and pyrene were the best chromophores with least interaction with AChEs. To examine the interactions of asymmetric analogs of the OP compounds within the steric confines of AChEs, the synthesis of phosphonothiolate enantiomers as anti-AChEs was conducted using a chiral auxiliary for separation. X-ray analysis and 31P NMR were used to show an exclusively separation of the two diastereomers. The kinetic parameters ki and KD for the inhibition of recombinant human AChE (rHuAChE) were determined. A 4-fold difference in anti-AChE potency was observed between Sp (ki = 1.7 x 103 M-1min-1) and Rp (ki = 9.0 x 103 M-1min-1). These enantiomers link to the chromophores via click reaction to form chromophore-linked asymmetric phosphonothiolates (CLAPs), which can be used to study AChE stereospecificity

    In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and the farnesoid x receptor (FXR)

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    In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès En aquesta tesis es pretén aplicar metodologies computacionals (generació de farmacòfors i docking proteïna lligand) en l'àmbit de la nutigenòmica (ciència que pretén entendre, a nivell molecular, com els nutrients afecten la salut). S'aplicaran metodologies in silico per entendre a nivell molecular com productes naturals com els compostos fenòlics presents en la nostra dieta, poden modular la funció d'una diana comportant un efect en la salut. Aquest efecte es creu que podria ser degut a la seva interacció directa amb proteïnes de vies de senyalització molecular o bé a la modificació indirecta de l'expressió gènica. Donat que el coneixement de l'estructura del complex lligand-receptor és bàsic per entendre el mecanisme d'acció d'aquests lligands s'aplica la metodologia docking per predir l'estructura tridimensional del complex. En aquest sentit, un dels programes de docking és AutoGrid/AutoDock (un dels més citats). No obstant, l'automatització d'AutoGrid/AutoDock no és trivial tan per (a) la cerca virtual en una llibreria de lligands contra un grup de possibles receptors, (b) l'ús de flexibilitat, i (c) realitzar un docking a cegues utilitzant tota la superfície del receptor. Per aquest motiu, es dissenya una interfície gràfica de fàcil ús per utilitzar AutoGrid/AutoDock. Blind Docking Tester (BDT) és una aplicació gràfica que s'executa sobre quatre programes escrits en Fortran i que controla les condicions de les execucions d'AutoGrid i AutoDock. BDT pot ser utilitzat per equips d'investigadors en el camp de la química i de ciències de la vida interessats en dur a terme aquest tipus d'experiments però que no tenen suficient habilitats en programació. En la modulació del metabolisme de la glucosa, treballs in vivio i in vitro en el nostre grup de recerca s'han atribuït els efectes beneficiosos de l'extracte de pinyol de raïm en induir captació de glucosa (punt crític pel manteniment de l'homeostasis de la glucosa). No obstant alguns compostos fenòlics no tenen efecte en la captació de la glucosa, d'altres l'inhibeixen reversiblement. En alguns casos aquesta inhibició és el resultat de la competició dels compostos fenòlics amb ATP pel lloc d'unió de l'ATP de la subunitat catalítica de la fosfatidil inositol 3-kinasa (PI3K). Estudis recents amb inhibidors específics d'isoforma han identificat la p110α (la subunitat catalítica de PI3Kα) com la isoforma crucial per la captació de glucosa estimulada per insulina en algunes línies cel·lulars. Els programes computacionals han estat aplicats per tal de correlacionar l'activitat biològica dels compostos fenòlics amb informació estructural per obtenir una relació quantitativa estructura-activitat (3D-QSAR) i obtenir informació dels requeriments estructura-lligand per augmentar l'afinitat i/o selectivitat amb la diana (proteïna). Tot hi haver-se demostrat que l'adició d'extractes de compostos fenòlics en l'aliment pot tenir en general un benefici per la salut, s'ha de tenir en compte que l'estudi 3D-QSAR (construït a partir d'inhibidors sintètics de p110α) prediu que algunes d'aquestes molècules poden agreujar la resistència a la insulina en individus susceptibles dificultant la capatació de glucosa en múscul i teixit adipós i, per tant, produir un efecte secundari indesitjat. Resultats en el nostre grup de recerca han demostrat que compostos fenòlics presents en extractes de llavor de raïm incrementen l'activitat del receptor "farnesoid x receptor" (FXR) de manera dosi depenent quan el lligand natural de FXR (CDCA) és present. Les metodologies in silico, docking i 3D-QSAR, han estat aplicades juntament amb dades biològiques d'agonistes no esteroidals de FXR que s'uneixen a un lloc d'unió proper però diferent al lligand esteroidal 6CDCA. Els resultats han mostrat que els compostos fenòlics no són capaços d'activar FXR per ells mateixos però poden afegir noves interaccions que estabilitzarien la conformació activa de FXR en presència del lligand natural CDCA. Els compostos fenòlics podrien induir canvis conformacionals específics que augmentarien l'activitat de FXR. In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès This thesis was written with the aim of applying computational methods that have already been developed for molecular design and simulation (i.e. pharmacophore generation and protein-ligand docking) to nutrigenomics. So, in silico tools that are routinely used by the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs have been used to understand, at the molecular level, how natural products such as phenolic compounds (i.e. molecules that are commonly found in fruits and vegetables) can improve health and prevent diseases. Therefore, we first focused on predicting the structure of protein-ligand complexes. The docking algorithms can use the individual structures from receptor and ligand to predict (1) whether they can form a complex and (2) if so, the structure of the resulting complex. This prediction can be made, for instance, with AutoGrid/AutoDock, the most cited docking software in the literature. The automation of AutoGrid/AutoDock is not trivial for tasks such as (1) the virtual screening of a library of ligands against a set of possible receptors; (2) the use of receptor flexibility and (3) making a blind-docking experiment with the whole receptor surface. Therefore, in order to circumvent these limitations, we have designed BDT (i.e. blind-docking tester; http://www.quimica.urv.cat/~pujadas/BDT), an easy-to-use graphic interface for using AutoGrid/AutoDock. BDT is a Tcl/Tk graphic front-end application that runs on top of four Fortran programs and which controls the conditions of the AutoGrid and AutoDock runs. As far as the modulation of the glucose metabolism is concerned, several in vivo and in vitro results obtained by our group have shown that grape seed procyanidin extracts (GSPE) stimulate glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and thus help to maintain their glucose homeostasis. In contrast, it is also well known that although some phenolic compounds do not affect glucose uptake, others reversibly inhibit it in several cell lines. Moreover, for at least some of these phenolic compounds, this inhibition is the result of their competition with ATP for the ATP-binding site in p110α (i.e. the α isoform of the catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase or PI3Kα). Furthermore, recent studies with isoform-specific inhibitors have identified p110α as the crucial isoform for insulin-stimulated glucose-uptake in some cell lines. Therefore, although it has been proved that the addition of phenolic compound extracts to food can have an overall benefit on health, it should be taken into account that some of these molecules may exacerbate insulin resistance in susceptible individuals via impaired glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissues and, therefore, produce an undesirable side effect. In this context, we have applied computational approaches (i.e. protein-ligand docking and 3D-QSAR) to predict the IC50 (i.e. the concentration that reduces the p110α activity to 50%). Our results agree with previous experimental results and predict that some compounds are potential inhibitors of this enzyme. Recent results in our research group have demonstrated that the phenolic compounds in GSPE increase the activity of the farnesoid X receptor (i.e. FXR) in a dose-dependent way when the natural ligand of FXR (i.e. CDCA) is also present. The phenolic compounds might induce specific conformational changes that increase FXR activity and then contribute to cardioprotection through mechanisms that are independent of their intrinsic antioxidant capacities but that involve direct interaction with FXR to modulate gene expression. Taking into account this hypothesis a 3D-QSAR analysis was made in an attempt to understand how phenolic compounds activate FXR. So, our results explain why phenolic compounds cannot activate FXR by themselves and how they can add new interactions to stabilize the active conformation of FXR when its natural ligand (i.e. CDCA) is present. Therefore, we proposed a mechanism of FXR activation by dietary phenolic compounds in which they may enhance bile acid-bound FXR activity