774 research outputs found

    Protein interaction sentence detection using multiple semantic kernels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Detection of sentences that describe protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in biomedical publications is a challenging and unresolved pattern recognition problem. Many state-of-the-art approaches for this task employ kernel classification methods, in particular support vector machines (SVMs). In this work we propose a novel data integration approach that utilises semantic kernels and a kernel classification method that is a probabilistic analogue to SVMs. Semantic kernels are created from statistical information gathered from large amounts of unlabelled text using lexical semantic models. Several semantic kernels are then fused into an overall composite classification space. In this initial study, we use simple features in order to examine whether the use of combinations of kernels constructed using word-based semantic models can improve PPI sentence detection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that combinations of semantic kernels lead to statistically significant improvements in recognition rates and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) scores over the plain Gaussian kernel, when applied to a well-known labelled collection of abstracts. The proposed kernel composition method also allows us to automatically infer the most discriminative kernels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results from this paper indicate that using semantic information from unlabelled text, and combinations of such information, can be valuable for classification of short texts such as PPI sentences. This study, however, is only a first step in evaluation of semantic kernels and probabilistic multiple kernel learning in the context of PPI detection. The method described herein is modular, and can be applied with a variety of feature types, kernels, and semantic models, in order to facilitate full extraction of interacting proteins.</p

    Semi-supervised prediction of protein interaction sentences exploiting semantically encoded metrics

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    Protein-protein interaction (PPI) identification is an integral component of many biomedical research and database curation tools. Automation of this task through classification is one of the key goals of text mining (TM). However, labelled PPI corpora required to train classifiers are generally small. In order to overcome this sparsity in the training data, we propose a novel method of integrating corpora that do not contain relevance judgements. Our approach uses a semantic language model to gather word similarity from a large unlabelled corpus. This additional information is integrated into the sentence classification process using kernel transformations and has a re-weighting effect on the training features that leads to an 8% improvement in F-score over the baseline results. Furthermore, we discover that some words which are generally considered indicative of interactions are actually neutralised by this process

    Semantic models as metrics for kernel-based interaction identification

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    Automatic detection of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in biomedical publications is vital for efficient biological research. It also presents a host of new challenges for pattern recognition methodologies, some of which will be addressed by the research in this thesis. Proteins are the principal method of communication within a cell; hence, this area of research is strongly motivated by the needs of biologists investigating sub-cellular functions of organisms, diseases, and treatments. These researchers rely on the collaborative efforts of the entire field and communicate through experimental results published in reviewed biomedical journals. The substantial number of interactions detected by automated large-scale PPI experiments, combined with the ease of access to the digitised publications, has increased the number of results made available each day. The ultimate aim of this research is to provide tools and mechanisms to aid biologists and database curators in locating relevant information. As part of this objective this thesis proposes, studies, and develops new methodologies that go some way to meeting this grand challenge. Pattern recognition methodologies are one approach that can be used to locate PPI sentences; however, most accurate pattern recognition methods require a set of labelled examples to train on. For this particular task, the collection and labelling of training data is highly expensive. On the other hand, the digital publications provide a plentiful source of unlabelled data. The unlabelled data is used, along with word cooccurrence models, to improve classification using Gaussian processes, a probabilistic alternative to the state-of-the-art support vector machines. This thesis presents and systematically assesses the novel methods of using the knowledge implicitly encoded in biomedical texts and shows an improvement on the current approaches to PPI sentence detection

    A realistic assessment of methods for extracting gene/protein interactions from free text

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    Background: The automated extraction of gene and/or protein interactions from the literature is one of the most important targets of biomedical text mining research. In this paper we present a realistic evaluation of gene/protein interaction mining relevant to potential non-specialist users. Hence we have specifically avoided methods that are complex to install or require reimplementation, and we coupled our chosen extraction methods with a state-of-the-art biomedical named entity tagger. Results: Our results show: that performance across different evaluation corpora is extremely variable; that the use of tagged (as opposed to gold standard) gene and protein names has a significant impact on performance, with a drop in F-score of over 20 percentage points being commonplace; and that a simple keyword-based benchmark algorithm when coupled with a named entity tagger outperforms two of the tools most widely used to extract gene/protein interactions. Conclusion: In terms of availability, ease of use and performance, the potential non-specialist user community interested in automatically extracting gene and/or protein interactions from free text is poorly served by current tools and systems. The public release of extraction tools that are easy to install and use, and that achieve state-of-art levels of performance should be treated as a high priority by the biomedical text mining community

    Using Neural Networks for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature

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    Using different sources of information to support automated extracting of relations between biomedical concepts contributes to the development of our understanding of biological systems. The primary comprehensive source of these relations is biomedical literature. Several relation extraction approaches have been proposed to identify relations between concepts in biomedical literature, namely, using neural networks algorithms. The use of multichannel architectures composed of multiple data representations, as in deep neural networks, is leading to state-of-the-art results. The right combination of data representations can eventually lead us to even higher evaluation scores in relation extraction tasks. Thus, biomedical ontologies play a fundamental role by providing semantic and ancestry information about an entity. The incorporation of biomedical ontologies has already been proved to enhance previous state-of-the-art results.Comment: Artificial Neural Networks book (Springer) - Chapter 1