8,851 research outputs found

    The Cowl - v.26 - n.8 - Nov 20, 1963

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 26, Number 8 - November 20, 1963. 8 pages

    Психолінгвістичні значення грайливості

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    The aim of the article is to describe psycholinguistic meanings of the word-stimulus “playfulness” in the linguistic world-image of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. The main method of the conducted research was the psycholinguistic experiment. The sample according to the criteria “gender” (males and females – included both age groups) and “age” (18-35 and 36-60) included 1,600 respondents with 400 people in each sub-group of respondents. The overall number of reactions to stimulus “playfulness” comprised 1,600 associative reactions with 475 unique associations including word combinations and sentences, where 159 reactions have frequency over 1,316 individual associations, and 0 refusals. The semantic interpretation of the results of the free association test made it possible to single out 19 psycholinguistic meanings, 12 out of them accounted for more than 1%: 1) “cheerful and joyful state”, 2) “intention to attract the attention of the opposite or one’s own sex”, 3) “child-like spontaneity”, 4) “agility, physical activity of an animal”, 5) “daring and provocative behavior”, 6) “agility, physical behavior of a human being”, 7) “ease”, 8) “changeability”, 9) “behavior during a sexual intercourse”, 10) “carelessness”, 11) “mental activity”, 12) “deliberate deceit”. Taking into account the respondents’ verbal behavior, the following components of playfulness were identified: flirting, impishness, humor, fugue (eccentricity), ease, imagination. The formulated psycholinguistic meanings of playfulness can be fully considered as such that give the most adequate and reliable model of the systemic significance of the studied word and which reflects the reality of linguistic consciousness.Статтю присвячено опису психолінгвістичних значень стимулу «грайливість» у мовній картині світу російськомовного населення України. Основним методом проведеного дослідження був психолінгвістичний експеримент. Вибірку за критерієм “вік” (18-35 і 36-60) і “стать” (чоловіки та жінки, враховуючи обидві вікові групи) склали 1600 респондентів: по 400 осіб у кожній підгрупі респондентів. Загальна кількість реакцій на стимул “грайливість” склала відповідно 1600 реакцій-асоціацій: 475 унікальних асоціацій, включаючи словосполучення та речення, з них реакцій із частотою більше 1–159, одиничних – 316, відмов – 0. За результатами психолінгвістичного експерименту описано 19 психолінгвістичних значень, із них 12 більше 1 %: 1) “жваво-радісний стан”; 2) “прагнення привернути увагу представників протилежної або своєї статі”; 3) “безпосередність поведінки дитини”; 4) “рухливість, рухова активність тварини”; 5) “зухвало смілива, запальна поведінка”; 6) “рухливість, рухова активність людини”; 7) “легкість”; 8) “мінливість”; 9) “поведінка під час сексу”; 10) “безтурботність”; 11) “розумова активність”; 12) “умисне введення в оману”. Психолінгвістичні значення дозволили, з огляду на вербальну поведінку респондентів, виявити такі компоненти грайливості: флірт, пустотливість, гумор, ф‘юг (ексцентричність), легкість, уява. Сформульовані психолінгвістичні значення грайливості з упевненістю можна розглядати як такі, що дають найбільш адекватну й достовірну модель системного значення слова «грайливість», що відображають реальність мовної свідомості

    The Cord Weekly (February 5, 1959)

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    Corpus linguistics meets branding : brand personality in corpora of pre-1992 and post-1992 UK university websites

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    PhD ThesisThe increasing prominence of digitally-led marketing communications has resulted in an increased demand to produce data-informed analysis to assist in decision-making within Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). As a method, corpus linguistics (CL) has advantages in its development of quantitative and qualitative approaches for conducting detailed and in-depth analysis of large corpora. Due to the advancement of the approaches, this study employs methods in CL to examine textual information of university websites. UK HEIs operate within the ‘knowledge economy’ (Brown and Carasso, 2013), where branding is a fundamental aspect of university management (Olssen and Peters, 2007). It is increasingly recognised that prospective students are using university websites and the information they provide to make decisions about where they will pursue their HE (Burdett, 2013). Since students are faced with a large number of potential places to study, universities are encouraged to increase their differentiation and recognition. In seeking this ‘brand uniqueness’, universities can employ ‘brand personality’ - a concept that characterises brands akin to a person. The brand personality model comprises five dimensions: COMPETENCE, EXCITEMENT, RUGGEDNESS, SINCERITY and SOPHISTICATION (Aaker, 1997). Subsequently, Opoku et al. (2006) expanded lexicons of Aaker’s (1997) model, and developed a dictionary of 833 words associated with brand personality. Opoku et al.’s (2006) dictionary of brand personality was used as the basis for analysing the textual content. The corpus statistics and methods in corpus linguistics were used to investigate the website texts that reflect the brand personality model and its dimensions and traits. In terms of the findings and contribution, Log Ratio was found to be a useful statistical measure for identifying key differences and themes in contexts. The greatest differences are in the EXCITEMENT dimension, which is more prominent in post-1992 universities, and SINCERITY, which is more salient in pre-1992 universities. There are some other differences at the level of text types. The pre-1992 corpus puts greater emphasis on research, while the post-1992 corpus places more emphases on academic and extra-curricular activities and enterprises. Both pre-1992 and post-1992 universities present their identity relating to 19 themes, such as collaboration, contribution to society, cosmopolitan experience, innovation, employability, and support for education and enterprise. Universities can use the findings from this study to develop their brands by focusing on the themes related to the brand personality dimensions that universities intend to emphasise as part of their identityUniversity of the Thai Chamber of Commerc

    Mexico 1968 and South Africa 2010: development, leadership and legacies

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    In this essay we compare the rationales for hosting the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City with the FIFA World Cup 2010 to be held in South Africa. We draw on in-depth interviews, archival materials and a range of press coverage. We argue that three broad overlapping themes are apparent in both case studies. These are the developmental rhetoric both hosts employ in the justification of holding the events in their respective countries. Mexico and South Africa convey a leadership role that stretches across the South American and African continent respectively. Finally, both countries argue that the legacy the respective tournament leaves is important

    Rebuilding the Prevent Defense: Why Unethical Agents Continue to Score and What Can Be Done to Change the Game

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    Despite decades of regulation, college athletics continues to face problems stemming from agents\u27 unethical and illegal tactics in recruiting student-athletes. The NCAA, Congress, state legislatures, and professional players unions have all sought to regulate the interaction between athletes and agents in various ways, often leading to conflicts and gaps within existing laws, which some agents readily exploit. Agents frequently slip through the law\u27s porous prevent defense while the brunt of enforcement and public opprobrium falls on unsophisticated student-athletes and their schools--who are frequently outsiders to the saga. This Note explores the causes resulting in an atmosphere of noncompliance, including the varying goals of regulators and the attitudes of student-athletes. This Note recommends changes within the current system to encourage agent compliance, ensure greater transparency in the interactions between agents and student-athletes, and lessen draconian NCAA restrictions on student-athlete behavior. A unified, streamlined, less restrictive system will be more protective of student-athletes interests and encourage ethical agent behavior

    Spartan Daily, October 17, 1986

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    Volume 87, Issue 36https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7493/thumbnail.jp

    The Macro-Social Benefits of Education, Training and Skills in Comparative Perspective [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 9]

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    This report, the second from the Centre's strand of comparative research, complements an earlier WBL research report (Education, Equity and Social Cohesion: A Distributional Model) in exploring further themes of societal comparison and the distributional effects of education systems. Despite generally high levels of educational attainment there is huge diversity amongst Western Societies in terms of crime, tolerance, trust and social cohesion. In this report, we take a comparative approach to investigating relationships between education and these outcomes at a societal level. Through an interdisciplinary review of literatures from sociology, history, economics and psychology we examine the role of education systems from a number of countries in influencing trends in, and levels of, these variables. Whilst the importance of country and historical context is stressed throughout we arrive at some general conclusions concerning the role of education systems in the development of various forms of social cohesion. This report will be of interest to policy makers, researchers and practitioners who are interested in the social impact of education systems. In particular, we examine implications for current UK policy targeted at increasing national educational attainment