7,939 research outputs found

    Software Effort Estimation using Neuro Fuzzy Inference System: Past and Present

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    Most important reason for project failure is poor effort estimation. Software development effort estimation is needed for assigning appropriate team members for development, allocating resources for software development, binding etc. Inaccurate software estimation may lead to delay in project, over-budget or cancellation of the project. But the effort estimation models are not very efficient. In this paper, we are analyzing the new approach for estimation i.e. Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (NFIS). It is a mixture model that consolidates the components of artificial neural network with fuzzy logic for giving a better estimation

    Framework for the Automation of SDLC Phases using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Software Engineering acts as a foundation stone for any software that is being built. It provides a common road-map for construction of software from any domain. Not following a well-defined Software Development Model have led to the failure of many software projects in the past. Agile is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model that is widely used in practice in the IT industries to develop software on various technologies such as Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning. The focus on Software Engineering side in the recent years has been on trying to automate the various phases of SDLC namely- Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Operations and Maintenance. Incorporating latest trending technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence into various phases of SDLC, could facilitate for better execution of each of these phases. This in turn helps to cut-down costs, save time, improve the efficiency and reduce the manual effort required for each of these phases. The aim of this paper is to present a framework for the application of various Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques in the different phases of SDLC

    A novel framework using deep auto-encoders based linear model for data classification

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    This paper proposes a novel data classification framework, combining sparse auto-encoders (SAEs) and a post-processing system consisting of a linear system model relying on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. All the sensitive and high-level features are extracted by using the first auto-encoder which is wired to the second auto-encoder, followed by a Softmax function layer to classify the extracted features obtained from the second layer. The two auto-encoders and the Softmax classifier are stacked in order to be trained in a supervised approach using the well-known backpropagation algorithm to enhance the performance of the neural network. Afterwards, the linear model transforms the calculated output of the deep stacked sparse auto-encoder to a value close to the anticipated output. This simple transformation increases the overall data classification performance of the stacked sparse auto-encoder architecture. The PSO algorithm allows the estimation of the parameters of the linear model in a metaheuristic policy. The proposed framework is validated by using three public datasets, which present promising results when compared with the current literature. Furthermore, the framework can be applied to any data classification problem by considering minor updates such as altering some parameters including input features, hidden neurons and output classes. Keywords: deep sparse auto-encoders, medical diagnosis, linear model, data classification, PSO algorithmpublishedVersio

    A Multi-task Learning Framework for Drone State Identification and Trajectory Prediction

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    The rise of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations, as well as the vulnerability of the UAVs' sensors, has led to the need for proper monitoring systems for detecting any abnormal behavior of the UAV. This work addresses this problem by proposing an innovative multi-task learning framework (MLF-ST) for UAV state identification and trajectory prediction, that aims to optimize the performance of both tasks simultaneously. A deep neural network with shared layers to extract features from the input data is employed, utilizing drone sensor measurements and historical trajectory information. Moreover, a novel loss function is proposed that combines the two objectives, encouraging the network to jointly learn the features that are most useful for both tasks. The proposed MLF-ST framework is evaluated on a large dataset of UAV flights, illustrating that it is able to outperform various state-of-the-art baseline techniques in terms of both state identification and trajectory prediction. The evaluation of the proposed framework, using real-world data, demonstrates that it can enable applications such as UAV-based surveillance and monitoring, while also improving the safety and efficiency of UAV operations

    Software defect prediction: do different classifiers find the same defects?

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    Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.During the last 10 years, hundreds of different defect prediction models have been published. The performance of the classifiers used in these models is reported to be similar with models rarely performing above the predictive performance ceiling of about 80% recall. We investigate the individual defects that four classifiers predict and analyse the level of prediction uncertainty produced by these classifiers. We perform a sensitivity analysis to compare the performance of Random Forest, NaĂŻve Bayes, RPart and SVM classifiers when predicting defects in NASA, open source and commercial datasets. The defect predictions that each classifier makes is captured in a confusion matrix and the prediction uncertainty of each classifier is compared. Despite similar predictive performance values for these four classifiers, each detects different sets of defects. Some classifiers are more consistent in predicting defects than others. Our results confirm that a unique subset of defects can be detected by specific classifiers. However, while some classifiers are consistent in the predictions they make, other classifiers vary in their predictions. Given our results, we conclude that classifier ensembles with decision-making strategies not based on majority voting are likely to perform best in defect prediction.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Implementation of ANN in Software Effort Estimation: Boundary Value Effort Forecast: A novel Artificial Neural Networks model to improve the accuracy of Effort Estimation in Software Development Projects

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementSoftware Development consistently accommodates a variety of unstable scenarios. Good planning always stands behind well-defined requirements. Hence, the consistency of the effort estimation plays a special role in the traditional Business-Consumer relationship. While the proposed models may provide high accuracy in predicting specific data sets, it’s still difficult for IT specialists/organizations to find the best method for evaluating certain functionalities. The challenge of the project; initiated programming language, project infrastructure, and/or staff experimentation are just a few of the reasons that lead to inequality in these terms. Conceptually, the planned work going to explicate the main correlations. It will contain historical background - as to how was the industrial lifecycle before pre-processing progress/what was the necessity for them to exist, as well as modern usage area of BPM and Project Management – like how managers and owners’ moves are intending to keep the consumer’s satisfaction in higher level while increasing the revenue. Taking the most failure causes of projects into consideration, the research will capture some components of Software Project Management to clarify developed approaches and their advantages and/or disadvantages. The study may also lead somehow to the Business Process Management to see the alignments of required tasks in a rigorous way. The research is generally intending to define the key features of the Project Effort Estimation as usage of the datasets, evaluating the architectures, etc. The investigation also aims to find effective causes of poor effort estimation and analyze how those improvable points may be developed to ensure a highly accurate Artificial Neural Networks model
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