16,544 research outputs found

    Service-oriented coordination platform for technology-enhanced learning

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    It is currently difficult to coordinate learning processes, not only because multiple stakeholders are involved (such as students, teachers, administrative staff, technical staff), but also because these processes are driven by sophisticated rules (such as rules on how to provide learning material, rules on how to assess students’ progress, rules on how to share educational responsibilities). This is one of the reasons for the slow progress in technology-enhanced learning. Consequently, there is a clear demand for technological facilitation of the coordination of learning processes. In this work, we suggest some solution directions that are based on SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). In particular, we propose a coordination service pattern consistent with SOA and based on requirements that follow from an analysis of both learning processes and potentially useful support technologies. We present the service pattern considering both functional and non-functional issues, and we address policy enforcement as well. Finally, we complement our proposed architecture-level solution directions with an example. The example illustrates our ideas and is also used to identify: (i) a short list of educational IT services; (ii) related non-functional concerns; they will be considered in future work

    Constructing Ontology-Based Cancer Treatment Decision Support System with Case-Based Reasoning

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    Decision support is a probabilistic and quantitative method designed for modeling problems in situations with ambiguity. Computer technology can be employed to provide clinical decision support and treatment recommendations. The problem of natural language applications is that they lack formality and the interpretation is not consistent. Conversely, ontologies can capture the intended meaning and specify modeling primitives. Disease Ontology (DO) that pertains to cancer's clinical stages and their corresponding information components is utilized to improve the reasoning ability of a decision support system (DSS). The proposed DSS uses Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) to consider disease manifestations and provides physicians with treatment solutions from similar previous cases for reference. The proposed DSS supports natural language processing (NLP) queries. The DSS obtained 84.63% accuracy in disease classification with the help of the ontology

    Version Control in Online Software Repositories

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    Software version control repositories provide a uniform and stable interface to manage documents and their version histories. Unfortunately, Open Source systems, for example, CVS, Subversion, and GNU Arch are not well suited to highly collaborative environments and fail to track semantic changes in repositories. We introduce document provenance as our Description Logic framework to track the semantic changes in software repositories and draw interesting results about their historic behaviour using a rule-based inference engine. To support the use of this framework, we have developed our own online collaborative tool, leveraging the fluency of the modern WikiWikiWeb

    Towards a Semantic-Aware Collaborative Working Environment

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    Collaborative Working Environments (CWEs) enable an efficient collaboration between professionals, specially those settled in different locations of a company or stakeholders from different companies. This can be of great help for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as an effective way to share information. However, it can be difficult for SMEs to have access to a fully integrated CWE providing different tools (e.g., videoconferencing, instant messaging, etc.). Currently, they may define a CWE as a combination of heterogeneous and non-integrated tools which are not able to share information between them. An integrated CWE would provide SMEs with the necessary means to collaborate, making information exchange easier.&nbsp

    An ontology framework for developing platform-independent knowledge-based engineering systems in the aerospace industry

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    This paper presents the development of a novel knowledge-based engineering (KBE) framework for implementing platform-independent knowledge-enabled product design systems within the aerospace industry. The aim of the KBE framework is to strengthen the structure, reuse and portability of knowledge consumed within KBE systems in view of supporting the cost-effective and long-term preservation of knowledge within such systems. The proposed KBE framework uses an ontology-based approach for semantic knowledge management and adopts a model-driven architecture style from the software engineering discipline. Its phases are mainly (1) Capture knowledge required for KBE system; (2) Ontology model construct of KBE system; (3) Platform-independent model (PIM) technology selection and implementation and (4) Integration of PIM KBE knowledge with computer-aided design system. A rigorous methodology is employed which is comprised of five qualitative phases namely, requirement analysis for the KBE framework, identifying software and ontological engineering elements, integration of both elements, proof of concept prototype demonstrator and finally experts validation. A case study investigating four primitive three-dimensional geometry shapes is used to quantify the applicability of the KBE framework in the aerospace industry. Additionally, experts within the aerospace and software engineering sector validated the strengths/benefits and limitations of the KBE framework. The major benefits of the developed approach are in the reduction of man-hours required for developing KBE systems within the aerospace industry and the maintainability and abstraction of the knowledge required for developing KBE systems. This approach strengthens knowledge reuse and eliminates platform-specific approaches to developing KBE systems ensuring the preservation of KBE knowledge for the long term

    KEMNAD: A Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Negotiating Agent Development

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    Automated negotiation is widely applied in various domains. However, the development of such systems is a complex knowledge and software engineering task. So, a methodology there will be helpful. Unfortunately, none of existing methodologies can offer sufficient, detailed support for such system development. To remove this limitation, this paper develops a new methodology made up of: (1) a generic framework (architectural pattern) for the main task, and (2) a library of modular and reusable design pattern (templates) of subtasks. Thus, it is much easier to build a negotiating agent by assembling these standardised components rather than reinventing the wheel each time. Moreover, since these patterns are identified from a wide variety of existing negotiating agents(especially high impact ones), they can also improve the quality of the final systems developed. In addition, our methodology reveals what types of domain knowledge need to be input into the negotiating agents. This in turn provides a basis for developing techniques to acquire the domain knowledge from human users. This is important because negotiation agents act faithfully on the behalf of their human users and thus the relevant domain knowledge must be acquired from the human users. Finally, our methodology is validated with one high impact system

    An adaptive ontology-mediated approach to organize agent-based supply chain negotiation

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    Conference Theme: Soft Computing Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing and Service SystemsSession - MP-Fc Supply Chain Management & Logistics 3: cie181hk-1Effective supply chain management (SCM) comprises activities involving the demand and supply of resources and services. One important aspect of SCM is that companies in the supply chain may have to make decisions which are conflicting with the other partners. Negotiation is an essential approach to solve transaction and scheduling problems among supply chain members. Multi-agent systems (MAS) are being increasingly used in SCM applications. The advances in agent technology have provided the potential of automating supply chain negotiations to alleviate human interactions. This paper proposes an ontology-mediated approach to organize the agent-based supply chain negotiation and equip the agents with sophisticated negotiation knowledge. Firstly, a generic agent negotiation scheme is developed involving the agent intelligence modules, the knowledge representation method and the interaction behaviors. Then, the negotiation knowledge is structured through the usage of ontology, which performs as a hierarchical architecture as well as a descriptive language. The relationships between negotiation ontology concepts are defined through SWRL inference rules. Through this method, agents' negotiation behaviors will be more adaptive to various negotiation environments in accordance with different negotiation knowledge.published_or_final_versionThe 40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE40), Awaji City, Japan, 25-28 July 2010. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2010, p. 1-
