58,344 research outputs found

    Role of School-Based Health Centers Under Universal Coverage for Children and Youth in California: Issues and Options

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    Examines challenges of and provides suggestions for a universal model of health care delivery for all children and youth in California. Addresses the role of schools, school-based health centers, and their partners

    Wholistic Nursing Care: A Church & University Join Forces

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    Wellness Lessons From Transportation Companies, Research Report WP 11-01

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    The purpose of this report is to describe wellness programs and offer two suggestions for improving how they are delivered to commercial drivers and operators. It is not a large sample empirical study from which generalizations can be made. Rather, the Mineta Transportation Institute commissioned brief case studies of transportation companies to show what several organizations have done. Stress, nicotine use, sleep apnea, obesity and lack of information are significant barriers to wellness in commercial drivers/operators. Many wellness programs ask the individual driver/operator to lose weight; exercise more; and monitor blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol and other such indicators of health. However, little is done to change the environment or adopt structural interventions such as forbidding nicotine use, as is possible in 20 states. Other structural interventions include those possible at the levels of the company and community, including access to healthy food rather than the junk food drivers often can find on the road. At the societal level, more public transit that gets people walking and out of their cars, cities designed for people to walk and cycle in rather than drive from work to a sprawling suburb, and encouraging food manufacturers to make healthy food (rather than a toxic mix of sodium, fat and sugar to boost one’s craving for a particular food) are just a few measures that could improve the health and well being of the public. The Union Pacific Corporation (rail transportation), and Con-way Freight (trucking) are included because they were willing to share information and are large publicly traded companies. The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) is included because other transit authorities recommended it to the authors, as it has a long history in wellness as part of local government and it too chose to participate. Two issues are discussed: the first is the importance of using the mitigation of erectile dysfunction in the promotion of wellness programs to commercial drivers/operators and the second issue is to urge employers to consider banning tobacco use, both on and off the job, where legal

    Starting on the Path to a High Performance Health System: Analysis of Health System Reform Provisions of Reform Bills in the House of Representatives and Senate

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    Compares the reform bills' reform provisions, with a focus on closing the coverage gap by creating an insurance exchange of public and private plans, strengthening Medicare, and expanding Medicaid. Examines implications for the budget and coverage rates

    A Healthier Future for Georgia's Children and Youth

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    Contains mission statement, board chair and president's message, 2005 highlights, program information, grants list and summary, financial statements, grant guidelines, lists of board members and staff, and tips for increasing children's physical activity

    Wellness Protocol: An Integrated Framework for Ambient Assisted Living : A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Electronics, Information and Communication Systems At School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Manawatu Campus, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2016 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesSmart and intelligent homes of today and tomorrow are committed to enhancing the security, safety and comfort of the occupants. In the present scenario, most of the smart homes Protocols are limited to controlled activities environments for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) of the elderly and the convalescents. The aim of this research is to develop a Wellness Protocol that forecasts the wellness of any individual living in the AAL environment. This is based on wireless sensors and networks that are applied to data mining and machine learning to monitor the activities of daily living. The heterogeneous sensor and actuator nodes, based on WSNs are deployed into the home environment. These nodes generate the real-time data related to the object usage and other movements inside the home, to forecast the wellness of an individual. The new Protocol has been designed and developed to be suitable especially for the smart home system. The Protocol is reliable, efficient, flexible, and economical for wireless sensor networks based AAL. According to consumer demand, the Wellness Protocol based smart home systems can be easily installed with existing households without any significant changes and with a user-friendly interface. Additionally, the Wellness Protocol has extended to designing a smart building environment for an apartment. In the endeavour of smart home design and implementation, the Wellness Protocol deals with large data handling and interference mitigation. A Wellness based smart home monitoring system is the application of automation with integral systems of accommodation facilities to boost and progress the everyday life of an occupant

    Massachusetts' Proposed Demonstration to Integrate Care for Dual Eligibles

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    Outlines the current service delivery model for those eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare, key design elements of the proposed integrated care organizations, revisions made in response to stakeholder comments, and considerations for evaluation

    Finding Resources for Health Reform and Bending the Health Care Cost Curve

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    Examines policy options for slowing healthcare spending growth, improving outcomes, and financing comprehensive reform, including changes to Medicare Advantage and hospital pay-for-performance. Compares their estimated budget impact over ten years

    RAM$mart Financial Wellness for Health Profession Students

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    College students today are graduating with more debt than ever before. As such, it is critical that our graduates are equipped with the right skills and frame of mind to manage their finances. This includes understanding their income, taxes, and expenses; managing debt; budgeting; saving; and retirement planning. Money management can be intimidating for anyone, regardless of background or education. While online resources are made available to our students, these resources are often overlooked, and do not necessarily set out to engage students or address the issues they may face in a convincing or compelling way. Most of the financial resources easily accessible on the web and on VCU’s sites are intended for undergraduate students. However, graduate students and in particular students in the health sciences professional programs (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy) can accrue a tremendous amount of debt, but are not exposed to as many mandatory or voluntary budgeting and financial resources. The RAMmartFinancialWellnessProgramisasetofonlinemodulesthatwillallowstudentstheopportunitytolearnthebasicprinciplesofmoneyanddebtmanagement.WearefocusingthisphaseonprofessionalstudentsintheSchoolsofMedicine,Pharmacy,andDentistry,withtheintenttoengagethewholeVCUstudentpopulationinthefuture.TheRAMmart Financial Wellness Program is a set of online modules that will allow students the opportunity to learn the basic principles of money and debt management. We are focusing this phase on professional students in the Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry, with the intent to engage the whole VCU student population in the future. The RAMmart Financial Wellness Program will include modules on a variety of money management topics designed to get the attention of students and to provide them with practical steps they can take at the beginning of, and throughout, their graduate professional education to minimize debt accumulation. There will also be modules designed to inform students of various loan payback options upon their degree completion, and of available community and online financial resources. Through attention-grabbing and entertaining modules, including such things as humorous video snippets and interactive questions, students’ awareness of budgeting and financial responsibility will increase significantly

    Roofing of the wellness-swimming pool made of wooden-based materials

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    Cieľom bakalárskej práce bolo spracovať zastrešenie wellness bazéna z dreva a z materiálov na báze dreva, na základe zvolenej varianty z dvoch rôznych návrhov. Pre konštrukciu bola ďalej spracovaná jej statická stránka ako návrh a posudok vybraných nosných prvkov a spojov, vrátane stuženia a kotvenia. Posudok bol vykonaný podľa noriem ČSN EN. Navrhnutý bol aj spôsob montáže nosného systému zastrešenia. Súčasťou práce je tiež stručný prehľad vhodných nosných systémov zastrešenia wellness bazénov z materiálov na báze dreva.The aim of this thesis was to elaborate roofing of the wellness-swimming pool of wood and wooden-based materials, based on the chosen option of two different designs. For construction was further processed static page as a proposal and review of selected supporting elements and joints, including stiffening and anchorage. The review was executed according to the current valid standards ČSN EN. It has been also proposed the method of mounting support system roofing. The part of thesis is also a brief overview of suitable carrier systems roofing of the wellness-swimming pools made of wooden-based materials.221 - Katedra konstrukcívýborn