334,116 research outputs found

    Property-based Software Engineering Measurement

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    Little theory exists in the field of software system measurement. Concepts such as complexity, coupling, cohesion or even size are very often subject to interpretation and appear to have inconsistent definitions in the literature. As a consequence, there is little guidance provided to the analyst attempting to define proper measures for specific problems. Many controversies in the literature are simply misunderstandings and stem from the fact that some people talk about different measurement concepts under the same label (complexity is the most common case). There is a need to define unambiguously the most important measurement concepts used in the measurement of software products. One way of doing so is to define precisely what mathematical properties characterize these concepts, regardless of the specific software artifacts to which these concepts are applied. Such a mathematical framework could generate a consensus in the software engineering community and provide a means for better communication among researchers, better guidelines for analysts, and better evaluation methods for commercial static analyzers for practitioners. In this paper, we propose a mathematical framework which is generic, because it is not specific to any particular software artifact, and rigorous, because it is based on precise mathematical concepts. This framework defines several important measurement concepts (size, length, complexity, cohesion, coupling). It does not intend to be complete or fully objective; other frameworks could have been proposed and different choices could have been made. However, we believe that the formalisms and properties we introduce are convenient and intuitive. In addition, we have reviewed the literature on this subject and compared it with our work. This framework contributes constructively to a firmer theoretical ground of software measurement. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-119

    PowTrAn: An R Package for power trace analysis

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    Energy efficiency is an increasingly important non-functional property of software, especially when it runs on mobile or IoT devices. An engineering approach demands a reliable measurement of energy consumption of software while performing computational tasks. In this paper, we describe PowTrAn, an R package supporting the analysis of the power traces of a device executing software tasks. The tool analyzes traces with embedded markers, a non-invasive technique that enables gauging software efficiency based on the energy consumed by the whole device. The package effectively handles large power traces, detects work units, and computes correct energy measures, even in noisy conditions, such as those caused by multiple processes working simultaneously. PowTrAn was validated on applications in realistic conditions and multiple hardware configurations. PowTrAn also provides data visualization that helps the user to assess the measurement consistency, and it also helps to highlight possible energy outliers

    A systematic review of quality attributes and measures for software product lines

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    [EN] It is widely accepted that software measures provide an appropriate mechanism for understanding, monitoring, controlling, and predicting the quality of software development projects. In software product lines (SPL), quality is even more important than in a single software product since, owing to systematic reuse, a fault or an inadequate design decision could be propagated to several products in the family. Over the last few years, a great number of quality attributes and measures for assessing the quality of SPL have been reported in literature. However, no studies summarizing the current knowledge about them exist. This paper presents a systematic literature review with the objective of identifying and interpreting all the available studies from 1996 to 2010 that present quality attributes and/or measures for SPL. These attributes and measures have been classified using a set of criteria that includes the life cycle phase in which the measures are applied; the corresponding quality characteristics; their support for specific SPL characteristics (e. g., variability, compositionality); the procedure used to validate the measures, etc. We found 165 measures related to 97 different quality attributes. The results of the review indicated that 92% of the measures evaluate attributes that are related to maintainability. In addition, 67% of the measures are used during the design phase of Domain Engineering, and 56% are applied to evaluate the product line architecture. However, only 25% of them have been empirically validated. In conclusion, the results provide a global vision of the state of the research within this area in order to help researchers in detecting weaknesses, directing research efforts, and identifying new research lines. In particular, there is a need for new measures with which to evaluate both the quality of the artifacts produced during the entire SPL life cycle and other quality characteristics. There is also a need for more validation (both theoretical and empirical) of existing measures. In addition, our results may be useful as a reference guide for practitioners to assist them in the selection or the adaptation of existing measures for evaluating their software product lines. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the MULTIPLE (Multimodeling Approach For Quality-Aware Software Product Lines) project with ref. TIN2009-13838.Montagud Gregori, S.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM.; Insfrán Pelozo, CE. (2012). A systematic review of quality attributes and measures for software product lines. Software Quality Journal. 20(3-4):425-486. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-011-9146-7S425486203-4Abdelmoez, W., Nassar, D. 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    Evaluation Criteria for Object-oriented Metrics

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    In this paper an evaluation model for object-oriented (OO) metrics is proposed. We have evaluated the existing evaluation criteria for OO metrics, and based on the observations, a model is proposed which tries to cover most of the features for the evaluation of OO metrics. The model is validated by applying it to existing OO metrics. In contrast to the other existing criteria, the proposed model is simple in implementation and includes the practical and important aspects of evaluation; hence it suitable to evaluate and validate any OO complexity metric

    Weighted Class Complexity: A Measure of Complexity for Object Oriented System

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    Software complexity metrics are used to predict critical information about reliability and maintainability of software systems. Object oriented software development requires a different approach to software complexity metrics. In this paper, we propose a metric to compute the structural and cognitive complexity of class by associating a weight to the class, called as Weighted Class Complexity (WCC). On the contrary, of the other metrics used for object oriented systems, proposed metric calculates the complexity of a class due to methods and attributes in terms of cognitive weight. The proposed metric has been demonstrated with OO examples. The theoretical and practical evaluations based on the information theory have shown that the proposed metric is on ratio scale and satisfies most of the parameters required by the measurement theor

    Applicability of Weyuker’s Properties on OO Metrics: Some Misunderstandings

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    Weyuker’s properties have been suggested as a guiding tool in identification of a good and comprehensive complexity measure by several researchers. Weyuker proposed nine properties to evaluate complexity measure for traditional programming. However, they are extensively used for evaluating object-oriented (OO) metrics, although the object-oriented features are entirely different in nature. In this paper, two recently reported OO metrics were evaluated and, based on it; the usefulness and relevance of these properties for evaluation purpose for object-oriented systems is discussed


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    Measurement is one of the problems in the area of software engineering. Since traditional measurement theory has a major problem in defining empirical observations on software entities in terms of their measured quantities, Morasca has tried to solve this problem by proposing Weak Measurement theory. In this paper, we tried to evaluate the applicability of weak measurement theory by applying it on a newly proposed Modified Cognitive Complexity Measure (MCCM). We also investigated the applicability of Weak Extensive Structure for deciding on the type of scale for MCCM. It is observed that the MCCM is on weak ratio scale

    Measuring and Evaluating a Design Complexity Metric for XML Schema Documents

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been gaining extraordinary acceptance from many diverse enterprise software companies for their object repositories, data interchange, and development tools. Further, many different domains, organizations and content providers have been publishing and exchanging information via internet by the usage of XML and standard schemas. Efficient implementation of XML in these domains requires well designed XML schemas. In this point of view, design of XML schemas plays an extremely important role in software development process and needs to be quantified for ease of maintainability. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the quality of XML schema documents (XSD) written in W3C XML Schema language. We propose a metric, which measures the complexity due to the internal architecture of XSD components, and due to recursion. This is the single metric, which cover all major factors responsible for complexity of XSD. The metric has been empirically and theoretically validated, demonstrated with examples and supported by comparison with other well known structure metrics applied on XML schema documents
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