213 research outputs found

    Advanced medical micro-robotics for early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions

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    Recent technological advances in micro-robotics have demonstrated their immense potential for biomedical applications. Emerging micro-robots have versatile sensing systems, flexible locomotion and dexterous manipulation capabilities that can significantly contribute to the healthcare system. Despite the appreciated and tangible benefits of medical micro-robotics, many challenges still remain. Here, we review the major challenges, current trends and significant achievements for developing versatile and intelligent micro-robotics with a focus on applications in early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. We also consider some recent emerging micro-robotic technologies that employ synthetic biology to support a new generation of living micro-robots. We expect to inspire future development of micro-robots toward clinical translation by identifying the roadblocks that need to be overcome

    From passive tool holders to microsurgeons: safer, smaller, smarter surgical robots

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    Development of A Kinetic Model For Loop-Free Colonoscopy Technology

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    The colonoscope is an important tool in diagnosis and management of diseases of the colon. One of the ongoing challenges with this device is that the colonoscope may form a loop together with the colon during the procedure. The result of the loop is that further insertion of the scope in the colon may not be possible. The loop may also cause risks of perforation of the colon and pain in the patient. There are currently several existing devices to overcome loop formation in colonoscopy, some of which have been introduced in clinical work. However, empirical assessment shows that these devices do not work very well. This is the motivation for the research presented in this thesis. In this thesis, a new paradigm of thinking, “doctor-assisted colonoscopy,” is proposed to overcome loop formation. In this new approach, the physician’s role is enhanced with new information that is acquired by sensors outside the human body and inferred from the mathematical model. It is referred to as a kinetic model due to the fact that this model describes the kinetic behaviour of the scope. This thesis is devoted to development of this kinetic model. In this study, the model of the colonoscope and the model of the colon are developed based on the Timoshenko beam theory, and parameters in both models are determined by the experiments. The following conclusions then are made: (1) self-locking of the colonoscope is the most basic cause for a loop to occur, while structural instability of the colonsocope is dependent on the self-locking; (2) both the scope and the colon can be well represented with the Timoshenko beam elements and the Linear Complementary Problem (LCP) formulation derived from Signorini’s law, and Coulom’s law for representation of interactions between the colon and scope is adequate; (3) there are effects from the location, looping, and tip deflection of the scope on flexural rigidity of the scope. Approximately, the flexural rigidity of the CF-Q160L colonoscope ranges from 300 to 650 N•cm2, and its accuracy is proven by a good agreement between the model predicted result and experimental result; (4) Rayleigh damping for the CF-Q160L colonoscope depends more on the mass matrix [M] of the colonoscope than the stiffness matrix [K], which is evident by the large coefficient value of “alpha” (0.3864) and the small coefficient value of “beta” (0.0164). The contributions of this thesis are: (1) the finding that the main cause of the loop is not structural instability of the colonoscope but rather self-locking of the colonoscope, which could lead to design of a “new-generation” colonoscope to avoid the loop; (2) a systematic evaluation of the existing colonoscopy technologies based on the well-proven Axiomatic Design Theory (ADT), which will serve as a guideline for the development of future new colonoscopes in future; (3) an approach to developing a kinetic model of the colonoscope useful to modeling similar objects such as a catheter guide-wire; (4) a novel ex-vivo colonoscopy test-bed with the kinetic and kinematic measurements useful for validation of new designs in colonoscopy technology and also useful for training physicians who perform the colonoscopy procedure; and (5) a new paradigm of thinking for colonoscopy called “doctor-assisted colonoscopy,” which has potential applications to other medical procedures such as catheter-based procedures

    Advanced medical micro-robotics for early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions

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    Recent technological advances in micro-robotics have demonstrated their immense potential for biomedical applications. Emerging micro-robots have versatile sensing systems, flexible locomotion and dexterous manipulation capabilities that can significantly contribute to the healthcare system. Despite the appreciated and tangible benefits of medical micro-robotics, many challenges still remain. Here, we review the major challenges, current trends and significant achievements for developing versatile and intelligent micro-robotics with a focus on applications in early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. We also consider some recent emerging micro-robotic technologies that employ synthetic biology to support a new generation of living micro-robots. We expect to inspire future development of micro-robots toward clinical translation by identifying the roadblocks that need to be overcome

    A novel approach to user controlled ambulation of lower extremity exoskeletons using admittance control paradigm

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    The robotic lower extremity exoskeletons address the ambulatory problems confronting individuals with paraplegia. Paraplegia due to spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause motor deficit to the lower extremities leading to inability to walk. Though wheelchairs provide mobility to the user, they do not provide support to all activities of everyday living to individuals with paraplegia. Current research is addressing the issue of ambulation through the use of wearable exoskeletons that are pre-programmed. There are currently four exoskeletons in the U.S. market: Ekso, Rewalk, REX and Indego. All of the currently available exoskeletons have 2 active Degrees of Freedom (DOF) except for REX which has 5 active DOF. All of them have pre-programmed gait giving the user the ability to initiate a gait but not the ability to control the stride amplitude (height), stride frequency or stride length, and hence restricting users’ ability to navigate across different surfaces and obstacles that are commonly encountered in the community. Most current exoskeletons do not have motors for abduction or adduction to provide users with the option for movement in coronal plane, hence restricting user’s ability to effectively use the exoskeletons. These limitations of currently available pre-programmed exoskeleton models are sought to be overcome by an intuitive, real time user-controlled control mechanism employing admittance control by using hand-trajectory as a surrogate for foot trajectory. Preliminary study included subjects controlling the trajectory of the foot in a virtual environment using their contralateral hand. The study proved that hands could produce trajectories similar to human foot trajectories when provided with haptic and visual feedback. A 10 DOF 1/2 scale biped robot was built to test the control paradigm. The robot has 5 DOF on each leg with 2 DOF at the hip to provide flexion/extension and abduction/adduction, 1 DOF at the knee to provide flexion and 2 DOF at the ankle to provide flexion/extension and inversion/eversion. The control mechanism translates the trajectory of each hand into the trajectory of the ipsilateral foot in real time, thus providing the user with the ability to control each leg in both sagittal and coronal planes using the admittance control paradigm. The efficiency of the control mechanism was evaluated in a study using healthy subjects controlling the robot on a treadmill. A trekking pole was attached to each foot of the biped. The subjects controlled the trajectory of the foot of the biped by applying small forces in the direction of the required movement to the trekking pole through a force sensor. The algorithm converted the forces to Cartesian position of the foot in real time using admittance control; the Cartesian position was converted to joint angles of the hip and knee using inverse kinematics. The kinematics, synchrony and smoothness of the trajectory produced by the biped robot was evaluated at different speeds, with and without obstacles, and compared with typical walking by human subjects on the treadmill. Further, the cognitive load required to control the biped on the treadmill was evaluated and the effect of speed and obstacles with cognitive load on the kinematics, synchrony and smoothness was analyzed

    Medicine + Health, Spring 2014

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    ICS Materials. Towards a re-Interpretation of material qualities through interactive, connected, and smart materials.

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    The domain of materials for design is changing under the influence of an increased technological advancement, miniaturization and democratization. Materials are becoming connected, augmented, computational, interactive, active, responsive, and dynamic. These are ICS Materials, an acronym that stands for Interactive, Connected and Smart. While labs around the world are experimenting with these new materials, there is the need to reflect on their potentials and impact on design. This paper is a first step in this direction: to interpret and describe the qualities of ICS materials, considering their experiential pattern, their expressive sensorial dimension, and their aesthetic of interaction. Through case studies, we analyse and classify these emerging ICS Materials and identified common characteristics, and challenges, e.g. the ability to change over time or their programmability by the designers and users. On that basis, we argue there is the need to reframe and redesign existing models to describe ICS materials, making their qualities emerge

    Entangled Matters: Analogue Futures & Political Pasts

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    Theorised as an "ontology of the output" my research project conceptually repurposes media machines in order to activate new or alternate entanglements between historical media artefacts and events. Although the particular circumstances that produced these materials may have changed, the project asks why these analogue media artefacts might still be a matter of concern. What is their relevance for problematizing debates within media philosophy today and by extension the politics that underscore the operations of the digital? Does the analogue as I intuit have the capacity to release history and propose alternate pathways through mediatic time? Case Studies: ARCHIVAL FUTURES considers the missing or 'silent' erasure of 18-'12 minutes in Watergate Tape No. 342 (1972). TELE-TRANSMISSIONS explores the 14-minute audio transmission produced by the Muirhead K220 Picture Transmitter to relay the image of napalm victim Kim Phuc from Saigon to Tokyo (June 8 1972). RADIOLOGICAL EVENTS examines thirty-three seconds of irradiated film shot at Chernobyl Reactor Unit 4 by the late Soviet filmmaker Vladimir Shevchenko (April 26 1986). This research turns upon a reconsideration of the ontological temporalities of media matter; a concern both in and with time which acknowledges that each of the now historic machinic artefacts and related case studies have always-already been entangled with the present and coming events of the future. The thesis project as such performs itself as a kind of "tape cutup" that reorganises and consequently troubles the historical record by bringing ostensibly unrelated events into creative juxtaposition with one another. Recording asserts temporality; it is the formal means by which time is engineered, how it is both retroactively repotentialised and prospectively activated. Recording in effect produces a saturated ontology of time in which the reverberations of past, present, and future elide to become enfolded within the temporal vectors of the artefact

    The emergence of active perception - seeking conceptual foundations

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    The aim of this thesis is to explain the emergence of active perception. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, by providing the necessary conceptual foundations for active perception research - the key notions that bridge the conceptual gaps remaining in understanding emergent behaviours of active perception in the context of robotic implementations. On the one hand, the autonomous agent approach to mobile robotics claims that perception is active. On the other hand, while explanations of emergence have been extensively pursued in Artificial Life, these explanations have not yet successfully accounted for active perception.The main question dealt with in this thesis is how active perception systems, as behaviour -based autonomous systems, are capable of providing relatively optimal perceptual guidance in response to environmental challenges, which are somewhat unpredictable. The answer is: task -level emergence on grounds of complicatedly combined computational strategies, but this notion needs further explanation.To study the computational strategies undertaken in active perception re- search, the thesis surveys twelve implementations. On the basis of the surveyed implementations, discussions in this thesis show that the perceptual task executed in support of bodily actions does not arise from the intentionality of a homuncu- lus, but is identified automatically on the basis of the dynamic small mod- ules of particular robotic architectures. The identified tasks are accomplished by quasi -functional modules and quasi- action modules, which maintain transformations of perceptual inputs, compute critical variables, and provide guidance of sensory -motor movements to the most relevant positions for fetching further needed information. Given the nature of these modules, active perception emerges in a different fashion from the global behaviour seen in other autonomous agent research.The quasi- functional modules and quasi- action modules cooperate by estimating the internal cohesion of various sources of information in support of the envisaged task. Specifically, such modules basically reflect various computational facilities for a species to single out the most important characteristics of its ecological niche. These facilities help to achieve internal cohesion, by maintaining a stepwise evaluation over the previously computed information, the required task, and the most relevant features presented in the environment.Apart from the above exposition of active perception, the process of task - level emergence is understood with certain principles extracted from four models of life origin. First, the fundamental structure of active perception is identified as the stepwise computation. Second, stepwise computation is promoted from baseline to elaborate patterns, i.e. from a simple system to a combinatory system. Third, a core requirement for all stepwise computational processes is the comparison between collected and needed information in order to insure the contribution to the required task. Interestingly, this point indicates that active perception has an inherent pragmatist dimension.The understanding of emergence in the present thesis goes beyond the distinc- tion between external processes and internal representations, which some current philosophers argue is required to explain emergence. The additional factors are links of various knowledge sources, in which the role of conceptual foundations is two -fold. On the one hand, those conceptual foundations elucidate how various knowledge sources can be linked. On the other, they make possible an interdisci- plinary view of emergence. Given this two -fold role, this thesis shows the unity of task -level emergence. Thus, the thesis demonstrates a cooperation between sci- ence and philosophy for the purpose of understanding the integrity of emergent cognitive phenomena
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