3 research outputs found

    Propagation based X-ray phase microtomography of multi-material objects for simultaneous bone and soft tissue visualisation

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    International audienceWe present a method for phase microtomography based on X-ray propagation based phase contrast imaging for multi-material objects. Previously, homogeneous composition assumptions have been in the Radon domain to overcome low sensitivity in the low frequency range. Here, we introduce a prior in the object domain based on multiple, but known, materials in the sample. This is achieved by first reconstructing a tomographic attenuation scan, introducing the prior by segmentation, and finally forward projecting this initial object estimate to yield a priori phase maps. The method is applied to the imaging of a mouse knee where analysis of both soft and hard tissue is of interest, and is shown to perform better than previously proposed methods

    Characterization of tissue properties on the sub-micron scale in human bone by means of synchrotron radiation CT

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    Gesunder humaner Knochen unterliegt einem permanenten Umbau, um sich den mechanischen Anforderungen anzupassen, Mikrofrakturen zu reparieren und das Mineraliengleichgewicht zu erhalten. Dieser Umbauprozess wird durch Osteoblasten- und OsteoklastenaktivitĂ€t realisiert, den knochenbildenden bzw. knochenresorbierenden Zellen. Gesteuert wird dieser Prozess durch Osteozyten, dessen Netzwerk mechanosensorische FĂ€higkeiten zugesprochen werden. Bisphosphonate (BP), hemmen die OsteoklastenaktivitĂ€t und erhöhen somit die Knochenumsatzzeit. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden morphologische Eigenschaften der Osteozyten-Lakunen (OL) in humanem Knochen mittels Synchrotron-”CT untersucht. Dabei wurden sowohl gesunde als auch mit BP behandelte Spender verglichen. Anschließend haben wir Synchrotron-Nano-CT in Kombination mit Phasenkontrast angewandt, um unsere Untersuchungen auf die Morphologie des lakuno-kanalikulĂ€ren Netzwerkes (LKN) und die Gewebeeigenschaften in der Umgebung des LKN auszuweiten. Wir nahmen an, dass der sekundĂ€re Mineralisierungsprozess mittels eines Diffusionsprozesses durch die GrenzflĂ€che der extrazellulĂ€ren FlĂŒssigkeit im LKN stattfindet, was zu Gradienten der Massendichte in der Umgebung des LKN fĂŒhren sollte. Unsere Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass sowohl in der Umgebung der OL als auch der KanĂ€le Massendichtegradienten existieren. Daraus schließen wir, dass der Mineralienaustausch zwischen der extrazellulĂ€ren FlĂŒssigkeit und der mineralisierten Matrix an der gesamten OberflĂ€che des LKN stattfindet. Wir schĂ€tzten, dass die KapazitĂ€t, unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des gesamten LKN, Mineralien auszutauschen etwa eine GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung höher ist, gegenĂŒber der Annahme, dass der Austausch lediglich an den GrenzflĂ€chen der OL stattfindet. ZukĂŒnftige Studien sollten nicht nur die peri-LKN Gewebeeigenschaften wĂ€hrend der sekundĂ€ren Mineralisierung untersuchen, sondern auch Schwankungen der Mineralienkonzentration bei hohen Kalziumanforderungen des Körpers berĂŒcksichtigen.Under healthy conditions human bone undergoes permanent remodeling to adjust to mechanical demands, to repair micro-cracks and to maintain mineral homeostasis. This process of remodeling is performed by osteoblasts and osteoclasts: bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells. The activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts is triggered by osteocytes, the most frequently occurring type of bone cell, via mechanosensation processes. Bisphosphonates (BP) prescribed during treatment for osteoporosis or bone metastasis inhibit osteoclast activity and thus decrease the bone turnover. In this work, the distribution and morphology of osteocyte lacunae of human cortical jaw bone was investigated in 3D, and a comparison between healthy and BP-treated donors was performed using synchrotron radiation (SR) ”CT. In a second approach, we used SR nano-CT with phase contrast to investigate the morphology of the canalicular network and the bone tissue properties in the vicinity of the lacuna-canalicular network of human jaw bone, originating from both healthy subjects and patients treated with BPs. We hypothesized that secondary mineralization takes place via a diffusion process through the fluid-matrix interface at both the lacunar and the canalicular surfaces. This should result in mass density gradients with respect to the distance to the pore boundary. Such mass density gradients were indeed observed at both lacunar and canalicular interfaces. We concluded that mineral exchange between extracellular fluid and mineralized matrix occurs at all bone surfaces, including the canaliculi. Our data suggested that the capacity of the pore network to exchange mineral with the bone matrix would increase by one order of magnitude if the canalicular surface is taken into account. However, more studies should be performed, targeting not only the changes of tissue properties during secondary mineralization, but also during fluctuations of mineral concentration in periods of high mineral demand


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    Cartilage tissue engineering has been emerging as a promising therapeutic approach, where engineered constructs or scaffolds are used as temporary supports to promote regeneration of functional cartilage tissue. Hybrid constructs fabricated from cells, hydrogels, and solid polymeric materials show the most potential for their enhanced biological and mechanical properties. However, fabrication of customized hybrid constructs with impregnated cells is still in its infancy and many issues related to their structural integrity and the cell functions need to be addressed by research. Meanwhile, it is noticed that nowadays monitoring the success of tissue engineered constructs must rely on animal models, which have to be sacrificed for subsequent examination based on histological techniques. This becomes a critical issue as tissue engineering advances from animal to human studies, thus raising a great need for non-invasive assessments of engineered constructs in situ. To address the aforementioned issues, this research is aimed to (1) develop novel fabrication processes to fabricate hybrid constructs incorporating living cells (hereafter referred as “construct biofabrication”) for cartilage tissue regeneration and (2) develop non-invasive monitoring methods based on synchrotron X-ray imaging techniques for examining cartilage tissue constructs in situ. Based on three-dimensional (3D) printing techniques, novel biofabrication processes were developed to create constructs from synthetic polycaprolactone (PCL) polymer framework and cell-impregnated alginate hydrogel, so as to provide both structural and biological properties as desired in cartilage tissue engineering. To ensure the structural integrity of the constructs, the influence of both PCL polymer and alginate was examined, thus forming a basis to prepare materials for subsequent construct biofabrication. To ensure the biological properties, three types of cells, i.e., two primary cell populations from embryonic chick sternum and an established chondrocyte cell line of ATDC5 were chosen to be incorporated in the construct biofabrication. The biological performance of the cells in the construct were examined along with the influence of the polymer melting temperature on them. The promising results of cell viability and proliferation as well as cartilage matrix production demonstrate that the developed processes are appropriate for fabricating hybrid constructs for cartilage tissue engineering. To develop non-invasive in situ assessment methods for cartilage and other soft tissue engineering applications, synchrotron phase-based X-ray imaging techniques of diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI), analyzer based imaging (ABI), and inline phase contrast imaging (PCI) were investigated, respectively, with samples prepared from pig knees implanted with low density scaffolds. The results from the computed-tomography (CT)-DEI, CT-ABI, and extended-distance CT-PCI showed the scaffold implanted in pig knee cartilage in situ with structural properties more clearly than conventional PCI and clinical MRI, thus providing information and means for tracking the success of scaffolds in tissue repair and remodeling. To optimize the methods for live animal and eventually for human patients, strategies with the aim to reduce the radiation dose during the imaging process were developed by reducing the number of CT projections, region of imaging, and imaging resolution. The results of the developed strategies illustrate that effective dose for CT-DEI, CT-ABI, and extended-distance CT-PCI could be reduced to 0.3-10 mSv, comparable to the dose for clinical X-ray scans, without compromising the image quality. Taken together, synchrotron X-ray imaging techniques were illustrated promising for developing non-invasive monitoring methods for examining cartilage tissue constructs in live animals and eventually in human patients