90 research outputs found

    Data Recovery and Integrity Checking By Proxy In Cloud

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    Cloud is a collection of data centres which provides effective services to cloud clients. Now a day’s users and organizations are forwarding the data to cloud. But problem is repairing cloud data along with integrity checking is challenging issue. Provable information ownership (PDP) and confirmation of retrievability (POR) to discharge the data owner from online weight for check, considered general society auditability in the PDP model interestingly. In any case, their variation convention uncovered the straight blend of tests and in this way gives no information protection ensure.Existing methods only support private auditing means data owner only audit the cloud data and always to stay online for repairing cloud data. In order to overcome this problem introducing public auditing instead of data owner a proxy can repair the corrupted data by using public verifiable authenticator. For cloud data auditing TPA can use the enhanced privacy auditing protocol. This new protocol is introduced to audit the cloud data by TPA. But he can’t know the original data. For security and Integrity checking AES-256 bit as well as SHA-1 Algorithm is used Finally proposed technique is efficient in terms of communication and computation as well as privacy

    Data Auditing and Security in Cloud Computing: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions

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    Cloud computing is one of the significant development that utilizes progressive computational power and upgrades data distribution and data storing facilities. With cloud information services, it is essential for information to be saved in the cloud and also distributed across numerous customers. Cloud information repository is involved with issues of information integrity, data security and information access by unapproved users. Hence, an autonomous reviewing and auditing facility is necessary to guarantee that the information is effectively accommodated and used in the cloud. In this paper, a comprehensive survey on the state-of-art techniques in data auditing and security are discussed. Challenging problems in information repository auditing and security are presented. Finally, directions for future research in data auditing and security have been discussed

    Data auditing and security in cloud computing: issues, challenges and future directions

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    Cloud computing is one of the significant development that utilizes progressive computational power and upgrades data distribution and data storing facilities. With cloud information services, it is essential for information to be saved in the cloud and also distributed across numerous customers. Cloud information repository is involved with issues of information integrity, data security and information access by unapproved users. Hence, an autonomous reviewing and auditing facility is necessary to guarantee that the information is effectively accommodated and used in the cloud. In this paper, a comprehensive survey on the state-of-art techniques in data auditing and security are discussed. Challenging problems in information repository auditing and security are presented. Finally, directions for future research in data auditing and security have been discusse

    New directions for remote data integrity checking of cloud storage

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    Cloud storage services allow data owners to outsource their data, and thus reduce their workload and cost in data storage and management. However, most data owners today are still reluctant to outsource their data to the cloud storage providers (CSP), simply because they do not trust the CSPs, and have no confidence that the CSPs will secure their valuable data. This dissertation focuses on Remote Data Checking (RDC), a collection of protocols which can allow a client (data owner) to check the integrity of data outsourced at an untrusted server, and thus to audit whether the server fulfills its contractual obligations. Robustness has not been considered for the dynamic RDCs in the literature. The R-DPDP scheme being designed is the first RDC scheme that provides robustness and, at the same time, supports dynamic data updates, while requiring small, constant, client storage. The main challenge that has to be overcome is to reduce the client-server communication during updates under an adversarial setting. A security analysis for R-DPDP is provided. Single-server RDCs are useful to detect server misbehavior, but do not have provisions to recover damaged data. Thus in practice, they should be extended to a distributed setting, in which the data is stored redundantly at multiple servers. The client can use RDC to check each server and, upon having detected a corrupted server, it can repair this server by retrieving data from healthy servers, so that the reliability level can be maintained. Previously, RDC has been investigated for replication-based and erasure coding-based distributed storage systems. However, RDC has not been investigated for network coding-based distributed storage systems that rely on untrusted servers. RDC-NC is the first RDC scheme for network coding-based distributed storage systems to ensure data remain intact when faced with data corruption, replay, and pollution attacks. Experimental evaluation shows that RDC-NC is inexpensive for both the clients and the servers. The setting considered so far outsources the storage of the data, but the data owner is still heavily involved in the data management process (especially during the repair of damaged data). A new paradigm is proposed, in which the data owner fully outsources both the data storage and the management of the data. In traditional distributed RDC schemes, the repair phase imposes a significant burden on the client, who needs to expend a significant amount of computation and communication, thus, it is very difficult to keep the client lightweight. A new self-repairing concept is developed, in which the servers are responsible to repair the corruption, while the client acts as a lightweight coordinator during repair. To realize this new concept, two novel RDC schemes, RDC-SR and ERDC-SR, are designed for replication-based distributed storage systems, which enable Server-side Repair and minimize the load on the client side. Version control systems (VCS) provide the ability to track and control changes made to the data over time. The changes are usually stored in a VCS repository which, due to its massive size, is often hosted at an untrusted CSP. RDC can be used to address concerns about the untrusted nature of the VCS server by allowing a data owner to periodically check that the server continues to store the data. The RDC-AVCS scheme being designed relies on RDC to ensure all the data versions are retrievable from the untrusted server over time. The RDC-AVCS prototype built on top of Apache SVN only incurs a modest decrease in performance compared to a regular (non-secure) SVN system

    A Model For Improving Ethics In Construction Materials And Products Supply Chain Using Blockchain

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    There are countless materials and products that make up a building, including cladding, glazing, roofing, floors, ceilings, systems, etc., and the hidden and fragmented structure of the supply chain makes it highly vulnerable to several forms of ethical breaches at different tiers. Consumers also are increasingly concerned about where the products they are buying come from, highlighting important areas of concern that include the ethical, environmental, and social issues. Whereas current research identifies digitalization as a key part of providing transparency and increasing fairness in supply chains, and blockchain technology is lauded as having the potential to deliver this. However, while there has been a growing emphasis on ethics in construction in recent years, and an increase in studies around blockchain, there remains a paucity of studies related to how blockchain may help to improve the environmental and social dimensions of ethics in construction supply chains. A gap that this study fills through a holistic triple bottom line (TBL) approach. To achieve this, the study aims to develop and validate a model for improving ethics in construction materials and products supply chains (CMPSC) following the TBL construct using blockchain technology. The study also explores the current state of ethics in the CMPSC and the implementations of blockchain for ethics and applies the learnings to develop a conceptual model to improve environmental, social and business ethics in the CMPSC using blockchain. The model was then refined and validated via a dual-phase validation protocol consisting of expert interviews and focus group discussions. A total of 30 participants participated in this study, this comprised of 16 construction industry supply chain professionals, 10 professionals in the ethics/ sustainability in construction and 4 blockchain technology experts. NVivo 12 was utilised to thematically analyse both the interviews and the focus group data. This approach was utilised to investigate the data from both a data-driven perspective (a perspective based on coding in an inductive way); and from the research question perspective (to check if the data is consistent with the research questions and if it provides sufficient information). The 30 interviews resulted in 4 high-level themes, 15 mid-level themes and 28 low-level themes, with the total number of codes within the themes being 721. The analysis of the focus group data resulted in 3 high-level themes and 10 mid-level themes, bringing the total number of codes within all themes to 74. Results from this study revealed that the effectiveness of current ethical measures in the CMPSC has been limited due to weak implementation and compliance, the inability of the government to play its role, and the outright denial of unethical practises within supply chains. Results also show that even though greater emphasis is placed on the business component of ethics while the environmental or social component may only receive as much attention if it can be monetised or if it is demanded; nonetheless, the current state of ethics in the CMPSC remains weak across the three dimensions examined. Further results show that while blockchain may help improve ethics in the CMPSC, in addition to the transparency and digitization that technology provides, the need for education and the upholding of personal ethical values by supply chain players are key to the success of both current and new ethical supply chain initiatives. Individuals must first be made ethically aware in order to act ethically; only then may the implementation of a technological tool prosper. The main contribution of this study to knowledge is the development of a model for improving ethics in the CMPSC within the TBL construct through blockchain technology. The model developed in this study provides practical clarity on how blockchain may be implemented within fragmented supply chains and a significant understanding of a socio-technical approach to addressing the issue of ethics within construction supply chains. It also has a vital role in helping the intended users and actors improve their knowledge of the technology and how blockchain can help to improve ethics in the CMPSC and also understand their roles and responsibilities on the network, thereby providing a framework and prerequisite guidance for the Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) providers in the development of the computer model (blockchain network). The findings of this thesis demonstrate new insights and contribute to the existing body of knowledge by further advancing the discussion on the role of the blockchain in the construction industry

    Management for Bachelors

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    The textbook contains educational module, which embraces the content of main regulatory disciplines on specialists training by the direction 6.030601 “Management” in the knowledge branch 03.06 “Management and administration” of the educational and qualification level “Bachelor”. According to the content the disciplines completely conform to curricula approved by scientific and methodological commission on management and agreed with logical and structural scheme of educational process. The textbook embraces almost all aspects of bachelor training. The chapters contain questions for self-control and list of recommended literature. While creating the chapters the results of fundamental and applied scientific researches of the evaluation branch, the forecasting and management of economic potential of complicated industrial system were used

    Cohesion and coherence in undergraduate student's academic writing

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2015.Abstract : The aim of this study was to investigate undergraduate students' perceptions of cohesion and coherence as well as their ability to write cohesive and coherent texts according to the frameworks of Halliday and Hasan (1976) and Charolles (1978). Students at intermediate level from the Letters Course majoring in English answered a questionnaire designed to investigate their knowledge about the subject. Forty-five essays written when the participants attended the 4th, 5th and 6th semesters were analyzed - comparison-contrast, cause-effect, and argumentative essays. All students were able to define cohesion and coherence according to the specialized literature and used cohesion devices properly. However, many of them revealed some difficulty in writing coherent texts. Charolles (1978) assumes that a cohesive and coherent text should meet four meta-rules - repetition, development, non-contradiction, and relationship. By using his framework to evaluate coherence, it was evident that almost half of the students violated at least one of those requirements, especially non-contradiction, an aspect that could be explored in writing pedagogy through activities that foster student?s reflections. Considering that previous studies pointed to many problems in the written production of Brazilian students in their native language, related to all meta-rules of coherence proposed by Charolles (1978), the results of this research are significantly better: the performance of the students who participated in the present study, writing in ESL, is considerably higher. Even though the results of this research indicate that the teaching of writing has become more efficient to help students in overcoming their difficulties, coherence continues to be a fuzzy concept for ESL students (Lee, 2002).O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a percepção de coesão e coerência de universitários, assim como suas habilidades em redigir textos coesos e coerentes de acordo com os padrões definidos por Halliday e Hasan (1976) e Charolles (1978). Estudantes de nível intermediário do Curso de Letras Inglês responderam a um questionário que visa a investigar seus conhecimentos sobre o tema. Além disso, foram analisadas 45 redações de três tipos - textos comparativos, causaefeito e argumentativos - por eles escritas durante a 4ª, 5ª e 6ª fase da graduação. De forma geral, os estudantes definiram coesão e coerência em consonância com a literatura especializada e utilizaram as ferramentas de coesão apropriadamente; entretanto, muitos revelaram alguma dificuldade em redigir textos coerentes. Considerando o conceito de Charolles (1978), o qual afirma que textos coesos e coerentes devem respeitar quatro regras - repetição, desenvolvimento, não-contradição e congruência  , verificou-se que quase metade dos estudantes violou ao menos um desses requisitos, especialmente a não-contradição, aspecto que poderia ser mais explorado no ensino da escrita por meio de atividades que incentivem a reflexão. Em comparação com estudos anteriores, que apontaram vários problemas relacionados aos quatro requisitos de coerência propostos por Charolles (1978) na escrita de estudantes brasileiros em sua língua nativa, esta pesquisa obteve resultados significativamente melhores: o nível de dificuldade entre os participantes deste estudo, que escreveram em língua estrangeira, inglês, foi consideravelmente menor. Porém, apesar de, atualmente, o ensino da escrita auxiliar de forma mais satisfatória os estudantes, concluiu-se que a coerência ainda é um conceito difícil em ESL (Lee, 2002)