5 research outputs found

    Stable dominating circuits in snarks

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    AbstractSnarks are cyclically 4-edge-connected cubic graphs with girth at least 5 and with no 3-edge-coloring. We construct snarks with a (dominating) circuit C so that no other circuit C′ satisfies V(C)⊆V(C′). These graphs are of interest because two known conjectures about graphs can be reduced on them. The first one is Sabidusi's Compatibility Conjecture which suggests that given an eulerian trail T in an eulerian graph G without 2-valent vertices, there exists a decomposition of G into circuits such that consecutive edges in T belong to different circuits. The second conjecture is the Fixed-Circuit Cycle Double-Cover Conjecture suggesting that every bridgeless graph has a cycle double cover which includes a fixed circuit

    Circuits, Perfect Matchings and Paths in Graphs

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    We primarily consider the problem of finding a family of circuits to cover a bidgeless graph (mainly on cubic graph) with respect to a given weight function defined on the edge set. The first chapter of this thesis is going to cover all basic concepts and notations will be used and a survey of this topic.;In Chapter two, we shall pay our attention to the Strong Circuit Double Cover Conjecture (SCDC Conjecture). This conjecture was verified for some graphs with special structure. As the complement of two factor in cubic graph, the Berge-Fulkersen Conjecture was introduced right after SCDC Conjecture. In Chapter three, we shall present a series of conjectures related to perfect matching covering and point out their relationship.;In last chapter, we shall introduce the saturation number, in contrast to extremal number (or known as Turan Number), and describe the edge spectrum of saturation number for small paths, where the spectrum was consisted of all possible integers between saturation number and Turan number

    Perfect Matching and Circuit Cover of Graphs

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    The research of my dissertation is motivated by the Circuit Double Cover Conjecture due to Szekeres and independently Seymour, that every bridgeless graph G has a family of circuits which covers every edge of G twice. By Fleischner\u27s Splitting Lemma, it suffices to verify the circuit double cover conjecture for bridgeless cubic graphs.;It is well known that every edge-3-colorable cubic graph has a circuit double cover. The structures of edge-3-colorable cubic graphs have strong connections with the circuit double cover conjecture. In chapter two, we consider the structure properties of a special class of edge-3-colorable cubic graphs, which has an edge contained by a unique perfect matching. In chapter three, we prove that if a cubic graph G containing a subdivision of a special class of edge-3-colorable cubic graphs, semi-Kotzig graphs, then G has a circuit double cover.;Circuit extension is an approach posted by Seymour to attack the circuit double cover conjecture. But Fleischer and Kochol found counterexamples to this approach. In chapter four, we post a modified approach, called circuit extension sequence. If a cubic graph G has a circuit extension sequence, then G has a circuit double cover. We verify that all Fleischner\u27s examples and Kochol\u27s examples have a circuit extension sequence, and hence not counterexamples to our approach. Further, we prove that a circuit C of a bridgeless cubic G is extendable if the attachments of all odd Tutte-bridges appear on C consequently.;In the last chapter, we consider the properties of minimum counterexamples to the strong circuit double cover. Applying these properties, we show that if a cubic graph G has a long circuit with at least | V(G)| - 7 vertices, then G has a circuit double cover

    Proof of the strong 2-Cover Conjecture for planar graphs

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