15 research outputs found

    On the pseudolinear crossing number

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    A drawing of a graph is {\em pseudolinear} if there is a pseudoline arrangement such that each pseudoline contains exactly one edge of the drawing. The {\em pseudolinear crossing number} of a graph GG is the minimum number of pairwise crossings of edges in a pseudolinear drawing of GG. We establish several facts on the pseudolinear crossing number, including its computational complexity and its relationship to the usual crossing number and to the rectilinear crossing number. This investigation was motivated by open questions and issues raised by Marcus Schaefer in his comprehensive survey of the many variants of the crossing number of a graph.Comment: 12 page

    The Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres problem for non-crossing convex sets

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    We show an equivalence between a conjecture of Bisztriczky and Fejes T{\'o}th about arrangements of planar convex bodies and a conjecture of Goodman and Pollack about point sets in topological affine planes. As a corollary of this equivalence we improve the upper bound of Pach and T\'{o}th on the Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem for disjoint convex bodies, as well as the recent upper bound obtained by Fox, Pach, Sudakov and Suk, on the Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem for non-crossing convex bodies. Our methods also imply improvements on the positive fraction Erd\H{os}-Szekeres theorem for disjoint (and non-crossing) convex bodies, as well as a generalization of the partitioned Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem of P\'{o}r and Valtr to arrangements of non-crossing convex bodies

    Subquadratic Encodings for Point Configurations

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    For many algorithms dealing with sets of points in the plane, the only relevant information carried by the input is the combinatorial configuration of the points: the orientation of each triple of points in the set (clockwise, counterclockwise, or collinear). This information is called the order type of the point set. In the dual, realizable order types and abstract order types are combinatorial analogues of line arrangements and pseudoline arrangements. Too often in the literature we analyze algorithms in the real-RAM model for simplicity, putting aside the fact that computers as we know them cannot handle arbitrary real numbers without some sort of encoding. Encoding an order type by the integer coordinates of a realizing point set is known to yield doubly exponential coordinates in some cases. Other known encodings can achieve quadratic space or fast orientation queries, but not both. In this contribution, we give a compact encoding for abstract order types that allows efficient query of the orientation of any triple: the encoding uses O(n^2) bits and an orientation query takes O(log n) time in the word-RAM model with word size w >= log n. This encoding is space-optimal for abstract order types. We show how to shorten the encoding to O(n^2 {(log log n)}^2 / log n) bits for realizable order types, giving the first subquadratic encoding for those order types with fast orientation queries. We further refine our encoding to attain O(log n/log log n) query time at the expense of a negligibly larger space requirement. In the realizable case, we show that all those encodings can be computed efficiently. Finally, we generalize our results to the encoding of point configurations in higher dimension

    An Extension Theorem for Signotopes

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    Realization spaces of arrangements of convex bodies

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    We introduce combinatorial types of arrangements of convex bodies, extending order types of point sets to arrangements of convex bodies, and study their realization spaces. Our main results witness a trade-off between the combinatorial complexity of the bodies and the topological complexity of their realization space. First, we show that every combinatorial type is realizable and its realization space is contractible under mild assumptions. Second, we prove a universality theorem that says the restriction of the realization space to arrangements polygons with a bounded number of vertices can have the homotopy type of any primary semialgebraic set

    An Improved Lower Bound on the Minimum Number of Triangulations

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    Upper and lower bounds for the number of geometric graphs of specific types on a given set of points in the plane have been intensively studied in recent years. For most classes of geometric graphs it is now known that point sets in convex position minimize their number. However, it is still unclear which point sets minimize the number of geometric triangulations; the so-called double circles are conjectured to be the minimizing sets. In this paper we prove that any set of n points in general position in the plane has at least Omega(2.631^n) geometric triangulations. Our result improves the previously best general lower bound of Omega(2.43^n) and also covers the previously best lower bound of Omega(2.63^n) for a fixed number of extreme points. We achieve our bound by showing and combining several new results, which are of independent interest: (1) Adding a point on the second convex layer of a given point set (of 7 or more points) at least doubles the number of triangulations. (2) Generalized configurations of points that minimize the number of triangulations have at most n/2 points on their convex hull. (3) We provide tight lower bounds for the number of triangulations of point sets with up to 15 points. These bounds further support the double circle conjecture

    Upper and Lower Bounds on Long Dual-Paths in Line Arrangements

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    Given a line arrangement A\cal A with nn lines, we show that there exists a path of length n2/3O(n)n^2/3 - O(n) in the dual graph of A\cal A formed by its faces. This bound is tight up to lower order terms. For the bicolored version, we describe an example of a line arrangement with 3k3k blue and 2k2k red lines with no alternating path longer than 14k14k. Further, we show that any line arrangement with nn lines has a coloring such that it has an alternating path of length Ω(n2/logn)\Omega (n^2/ \log n). Our results also hold for pseudoline arrangements.Comment: 19 page

    Regular systems of paths and families of convex sets in convex position

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    In this paper we show that every sufficiently large family of convex bodies in the plane has a large subfamily in convex position provided that the number of common tangents of each pair of bodies is bounded and every subfamily of size five is in convex position. (If each pair of bodies have at most two common tangents it is enough to assume that every triple is in convex position, and likewise, if each pair of bodies have at most four common tangents it is enough to assume that every quadruple is in convex position.) This confirms a conjecture of Pach and Toth, and generalizes a theorem of Bisztriczky and Fejes Toth. Our results on families of convex bodies are consequences of more general Ramsey-type results about the crossing patterns of systems of graphs of continuous functions f:[0,1]Rf:[0,1] \to \mathbb{R}. On our way towards proving the Pach-Toth conjecture we obtain a combinatorial characterization of such systems of graphs in which all subsystems of equal size induce equivalent crossing patterns. These highly organized structures are what we call regular systems of paths and they are natural generalizations of the notions of cups and caps from the famous theorem of Erdos and Szekeres. The characterization of regular systems is combinatorial and introduces some auxiliary structures which may be of independent interest

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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