67,053 research outputs found

    Treatment and valorization plants in materials recovery supply chain

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    Aim of industrial symbiosis is to create synergies between industries in order to exchange resources (by-products, water and energy) through geographic proximity and collaboration [1]. By optimizing resource flows in a “whole-system approach”, a minimization of dangerous emissions and of supply needs can be achieved. Resources exchanges are established to facilitate recycling and re-use of industrial waste using a commercial vehicle. Several paths can be identified in order to establish an industrial symbiosis network (Figure 1, left), in relation (i) to the life cycle phase (raw material, component, product) and (ii) to the nature (material, water, energy) of the resource flows to be exchanged. Sometimes by-products and/or waste of an industrial process have to be treated and valorized in order to become the raw materials for others. In particular, two main treatment processes can be identified: refurbishment/upgrade for re-use (Figure 1, center) and recycling for material recovery (Figure 1, right). A brief overview of technological and economic aspects is given, together with their relevance to industrial symbiosis

    Rethinking International Subsidy Rules. Bertelsmann Working Paper 28/02/2020

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    Geo-economic tensions and global collective action problems call for international cooperation to revise and de-velop rules to guide both the use of domestic subsidies and responses by governments to cross-border competition spillover effects. Current WTO rules that divide all subsidies into either prohibited or actionable cate-gories are no longer fit for purpose. Piecemeal efforts in preferential trade agreements and bi- or trilateral configurations offer a basis on which to build, but are too narrow in scope and focus. Addressing the spillover ef-fects of subsidies could start with launching a work program at the 12th Ministerial Conference of the WTO to mobilize an epistemic community concerned with subsidy policies, tasked with building a more solid evidence base on the magnitude, purpose and effects of subsidy policies

    Wearable Computing for Health and Fitness: Exploring the Relationship between Data and Human Behaviour

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    Health and fitness wearable technology has recently advanced, making it easier for an individual to monitor their behaviours. Previously self generated data interacts with the user to motivate positive behaviour change, but issues arise when relating this to long term mention of wearable devices. Previous studies within this area are discussed. We also consider a new approach where data is used to support instead of motivate, through monitoring and logging to encourage reflection. Based on issues highlighted, we then make recommendations on the direction in which future work could be most beneficial

    The government's role in Japanese and Korean credit markets : a new institutional economics perspective

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    The authors discuss the effectiveness of credit policies in the early stages of economic development in Japan and Korea. They examine the importance of institutional arrangements for managing credit policies in the two countries. They emphasize participatory government intervention, wherein credit policies could be viewed as part of an internal allocation mechanism: government, banks, and large industrial firms may be said to have formed what the authors call a"government led internal organization"(GLIO). They examine the theoretical foundations for this view and discuss the implications for the efficiency of credit allocations. They argue that in early economic development such a participatory approach may have helped overcome pervasive market imperfections. But there were also significant dangers: problems of entrenched interests and institutional inertia. In both countries, the relative importance of GLIO gradually diminished as competitive capital markets and large conglomerates ("privately led internal government organizations") expanded with economic growth.Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Intermediation

    GLOBAL GIAN: Online and Off line Incubation of Grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge: Towards Tianjin Declaration

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    The forces of globalisation are known to squeeze space for local initiatives, ventures and sometimes even innovations. The markets are dominated by large players whose scale of economy makes it difficult for new entrants, even with better products and services to survive. At the same time, there are certain sectoral and regional niches and need segments in society which remain unfilled even by the forces of globalisation. The growth thus does not become inclusive. India, China and Brazil among three major countries in the world are facing this challenge to varying degree. There are certain needs of small farmers, artisans, urban vendors, mechanics and other self-employed people or small and tiny firms which are not met by the local R&D and design institutions in public or private sector. When these needs remain unfulfilled for long time, they may give rise to either apathy, adjustment or even dissatisfaction. Sometimes, this dissatisfaction may evolve into social disaffection leading to tensions, feeling of deprivation and exclusion. An international conference was organised at Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (TUFE), Tianjin, China to bring together the partners from China and Brazil besides representatives of 15 other countries. Tianjin declaration was issued at the end of the conference to invite stakeholders from all around the world to join this movement (see annexure 1). It is hoped that academics, industry associations, entrepreneurs, designers and technologists will join hands to strengthen the resolve of grassroots innovators to reach global markets. We have to ensure that disadvantaged people around the world are not deprived of opportunities of learning from creative people in different countries. The barriers of language, literacy and localism will have to be overcome.

    A User's Guide: Do's and don'ts in data sharing

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    Water in the Green Economy: Capacity Development Aspects

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    This book discusses needs related to capacity development for water resources management, including water supply and sanitation, in the context of the green economy. It showcases theoretical and practical approaches with proven success. Most contributions come from members and partners within the interagency mechanism, UN-Water. The 11 case studies in this book range from innovative design and delivery of capacity development programs related to water in the green economy, market mechanisms, and quality control procedures supporting capacity development success towards the practical implementation of programs to enhance individual and institutional capacity

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management
