54 research outputs found

    Promotion and evacuation on standard Young tableaux of rectangle and staircase shape

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    (Dual-)promotion and (dual-)evacuation are bijections on SYT(\lambda) for any partition \lambda. Let c^r denote the rectangular partition (c,...,c) of height r, and let sc_k (k > 2) denote the staircase partition (k,k-1,...,1). B. Rhoades showed representation-theoretically that promotion on SYT(c^r) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon (CSP). In this paper, we demonstrate a promotion- and evacuation-preserving embedding of SYT(sc_k) into SYT(k^{k+1}). This arose from an attempt to demonstrate the CSP of promotion action on SYT(sc_k).Comment: 14 pages, typos correcte

    Promotion on oscillating and alternating tableaux and rotation of matchings and permutations

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    Using Henriques' and Kamnitzer's cactus groups, Sch\"utzenberger's promotion and evacuation operators on standard Young tableaux can be generalised in a very natural way to operators acting on highest weight words in tensor products of crystals. For the crystals corresponding to the vector representations of the symplectic groups, we show that Sundaram's map to perfect matchings intertwines promotion and rotation of the associated chord diagrams, and evacuation and reversal. We also exhibit a map with similar features for the crystals corresponding to the adjoint representations of the general linear groups. We prove these results by applying van Leeuwen's generalisation of Fomin's local rules for jeu de taquin, connected to the action of the cactus groups by Lenart, and variants of Fomin's growth diagrams for the Robinson-Schensted correspondence

    Monodromy and K-theory of Schubert curves via generalized jeu de taquin

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    We establish a combinatorial connection between the real geometry and the KK-theory of complex Schubert curves S(λ∙)S(\lambda_\bullet), which are one-dimensional Schubert problems defined with respect to flags osculating the rational normal curve. In a previous paper, the second author showed that the real geometry of these curves is described by the orbits of a map ω\omega on skew tableaux, defined as the commutator of jeu de taquin rectification and promotion. In particular, the real locus of the Schubert curve is naturally a covering space of RP1\mathbb{RP}^1, with ω\omega as the monodromy operator. We provide a local algorithm for computing ω\omega without rectifying the skew tableau, and show that certain steps in our algorithm are in bijective correspondence with Pechenik and Yong's genomic tableaux, which enumerate the KK-theoretic Littlewood-Richardson coefficient associated to the Schubert curve. We then give purely combinatorial proofs of several numerical results involving the KK-theory and real geometry of S(λ∙)S(\lambda_\bullet).Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures including 2 color figures; to appear in the Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Cyclic sieving, promotion, and representation theory

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    We prove a collection of conjectures of D. White \cite{WComm}, as well as some related conjectures of Abuzzahab-Korson-Li-Meyer \cite{AKLM} and of Reiner and White \cite{ReinerComm}, \cite{WComm}, regarding the cyclic sieving phenomenon of Reiner, Stanton, and White \cite{RSWCSP} as it applies to jeu-de-taquin promotion on rectangular tableaux. To do this, we use Kazhdan-Lusztig theory and a characterization of the dual canonical basis of C[x11,...,xnn]\mathbb{C}[x_{11}, ..., x_{nn}] due to Skandera \cite{SkanNNDCB}. Afterwards, we extend our results to analyzing the fixed points of a dihedral action on rectangular tableaux generated by promotion and evacuation, suggesting a possible sieving phenomenon for dihedral groups. Finally, we give applications of this theory to cyclic sieving phenomena involving reduced words for the long elements of hyperoctohedral groups and noncrossing partitions

    Some remarks on sign-balanced and maj-balanced posets

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    Let P be a poset with elements 1,2,...,n. We say that P is sign-balanced if exactly half the linear extensions of P (regarded as permutations of 1,2,...,n) are even permutations, i.e., have an even number of inversions. This concept first arose in the work of Frank Ruskey, who was interested in the efficient generation of all linear extensions of P. We survey a number of techniques for showing that posets are sign-balanced, and more generally, computing their "imbalance." There are close connections with domino tilings and, for certain posets, a "domino generalization" of Schur functions due to Carre and Leclerc. We also say that P is maj-balanced if exactly half the linear extensions of P have even major index. We discuss some similarities and some differences between sign-balanced and maj-balanced posets.Comment: 30 pages. Some inaccuracies in Section 3 have been corrected, and Conjecture 3.6 has been adde
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