3 research outputs found

    Spatial planning opportunities by forest logging

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    Levinum metsamajandamise viis maailmas on lageraie, mille eesmärgiks on saada majanduslikku tulu ja mille teostamisel ei peeta kuigi oluliseks metsa ökoloogiliste väärtuste säilimist. Lisaks on kõikjal maailmas kaitselasid, mille eesmärgiks on erinevate liikide kaitse. Sageli saaks siiski metsi majandada nii, et säiliks metsade elurikkus kui ka majandamise tulukus, samuti muud metsade eesmärgid. Üheks võimalikuks tööriistaks selle juures on metsaraiete ruumiline planeerimine ehk metsade majandamine maastiku mastaabis. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida teaduskirjanduses avaldatud uuringuid metsaraiete ruumilise planeerimise kohta ning tuua välja põhilised kasutatud meetodid ja võimalused nende rakendamiseks Eesti metsamaastikus. Teostatud analüüsist selgus, et selle-teemalisi analüüse on läbi viidud valdavalt kas majanduslikust või ökoloogilisest aspektist vaadeldes, kuid vähe on selliseid uurimusi, kus oleksid kaasatud mõlemad. Sellistes uurimustes on analüüsitud pigem ühte liiki või liigirühma ning metsa kogu elustikku arvesse võetud ei ole. Nendeks liikideks on enamasti kaitse all olevad või inimestele majandusliku kahju põhjustavad liigid. Metsamaastiku ruumilisel planeerimisel lasub põhirõhk erinevat tüüpi (majandus-; kaitse-; puhke-) metsade ruumilisel paiknemisel ning samuti metsaraiete ruumilise planeerimisel viisil, mis tagaks erinevat tüüpi elustiku liikumis-, toitumis- ja elupaigatingimused. Eesti kontekstis on ruumiline planeerimine võimalik eeskätt riigimetsas või suuremate eraomanike aladel või siis eraomanike ja RMK koostöös. Metsamaastiku ruumilise planeerimise reaalseks teostuseks on vaja viia läbi veel mitmeid uuringuid ning koostada analüüs, mis kaasaks endas olulisemaid metsa funktsioone maastiku mastaabis, kuid lõpuks aitaks teha otsuseid iga planeeritava metsaeraldise kohta eraldi.Clear cutting is the most common used methods in world forest management, which most important goal is economic income. But which doesn’t involve forests ecological value. Plus there were protected areas around the world with the aim of different types of protection. However, forest could be managed to preserve forest biodiversity and economic returns and also other forest values. Spatial forest management involve all tree of this criterions. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to analyse the scientific studies about spatial forest logging opportunities and bring out basic methods how to apply them in Estonian forest management. The study showed that there were many studies about spatial forest management what deal only economic or ecological perspective but very few which would involve both. Such kind of studies was analysed only one species or group of species and doesn’t involve all forest ecosystem parts. Usually these analysed species were predicted or caused economic damage for people. The main focus on spatial forest management is to maintain different types of forest (economic, conservation, recreation) on landscape spatial planning and also involves various types of feeding, movement and habitat conditions for biota. In Estonian the best way to use spatial forest management is privet owners, businessman and State Forest Management Centre co-operation because this management way is productive only in the long-term. But for realization there must be carrying out a number of studies and prepare an analysis, which would involve total forest ecosystem components and would be able to use on every logging plot separately

    Multi-objective network optimization: models, methods, and applications

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    There can be an array of planning objectives to consider when identifying alternatives for using, modifying, or restoring natural or built environments. In this respect, multi-objective network optimization models can provide decision support to both managers and users of the system. While there can be an infinite number of feasible solutions to any multi-objective optimization problem in large networks (e.g., urban transportation systems), the efficient ones are usually more desirable in the decision-making process. However, identification of efficient solutions can be challenging in practical applications. To address this issue, this dissertation details mathematical formulations and solution algorithms for a range of real-world planning problems in the context of intelligent transportation systems, vehicle routing problem, natural conservation and landscape connectivity. While the combination of objectives being optimized is unique for each application, the underlying phenomena involves modeling movement between origins and destinations of a networked system. To demonstrate the type of insights that can be achieved using these modeling approaches, the location and number of times solutions appear in different realizations of system and given different solution approaches (e.g., exact and approximate methods) are visualized on network using a commercial geographic information system