2 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art assessment on the implementations of international core data models for public administrations

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    Public administrations are often still organised in vertical, closed silos. The lack of common data standards (common data models and reference data) for exchanging information between administrations in a cross-domain and/or cross-border setting stands in the way of digital public services and automated flow of information between public administrations. Core data models address this issue, but are often created within the closed environment of a country or region and within one policy domain. A lack of insight exists in understanding and managing the life-cycle of these initiatives on public administration information systems for data modelling and data exchange. In this paper, we outline state-of-the-art implementations and vocabularies linked to the core data models. In particular we inventoried and selected existing core data models and identified tendencies in current practices based on the criteria creation, use, maintenance and coordination. Based on the analysis, this survey suggest research directions for policy and information management studies pointing to best practices regarding core data model implementations and their role in linking isolated data silos within a cross-country context. Finally we highlight the differences in their coordination and maintenance, depending on the state of creation and use

    Fatores que afetam o sucesso de iniciativas e-Government : estudo de caso

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    Mestrado em Economia e Políticas PúblicasNos últimos anos tem-se verificado um crescente interesse pelo e-Government, tendo mesmo passado a constituir um instrumento chave das estratégias de modernização administrativa da generalidade dos países. Os potenciais benefícios das soluções que resultam do desenvolvimento tecnológico são amplamente conhecidos. Entre eles, destacam-se a melhoria dos serviços disponibilizados e o aumento da eficácia e eficiência das entidades públicas. A literatura sugere contudo que uma elevada percentagem das iniciativas e-Government não atinge os objetivos propostos. Este facto enfatiza a necessidade de serem efetuados estudos que identifiquem os fatores que afetam o seu sucesso. No presente trabalho de investigação são apresentados o conceito, âmbito e dimensões do e-Government. Através de uma revisão da literatura, são também apresentadas as barreiras e desafios, os fatores de falha e de sucesso das iniciativas e-Government. Recorrendo a um estudo de caso que incluí seis iniciativas, é efetuada a contextualização do e-Government nacional e são identificados os fatores que afetam o seu sucesso. Por fim, são apresentados alguns dos desafios que se colocam às futuras iniciativas e-Government e como se pode contribuir para o sucesso das mesmas.In recent years, e-Government has grown increasingly playing an instrumental role in the administrative modernisation strategies of most countries. The potential benefits arising from the development of technology are widely known. Among them, a special emphasis must be placed on the improvement of available services and the increased efficacy and efficiency of public entities. However, the literature suggests that a high percentage of e-Government initiatives fail to achieve the intended goals. This fact highlights the need for research aimed at spotting the factors that affect its success. In the present investigation, the definition, scope and the dimensions of e-Government are presented. Moreover, through a literature review, the e-Government's barriers and challenges, failure factors and success factors are also presented. By resorting to a case study which includes six different initiatives, the national e-Government's context is described and the factors that influence its success are identified. Finally, some of the challenges faced by future e-Government initiatives and possible strategies to improve their success are also presented