7,488 research outputs found

    Theory for transitions between log and stationary phases: universal laws for lag time

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    Quantitative characterization of bacterial growth has gathered substantial attention since Monod's pioneering study. Theoretical and experimental work has uncovered several laws for describing the log growth phase, in which the number of cells grows exponentially. However, microorganism growth also exhibits lag, stationary, and death phases under starvation conditions, in which cell growth is highly suppressed, while quantitative laws or theories for such phases are underdeveloped. In fact, models commonly adopted for the log phase that consist of autocatalytic chemical components, including ribosomes, can only show exponential growth or decay in a population, and phases that halt growth are not realized. Here, we propose a simple, coarse-grained cell model that includes inhibitor molecule species in addition to the autocatalytic active protein. The inhibitor forms a complex with active proteins to suppress the catalytic process. Depending on the nutrient condition, the model exhibits the typical transition among the lag, log, stationary, and death phases. Furthermore, the lag time needed for growth recovery after starvation follows the square root of the starvation time and is inverse to the maximal growth rate, in agreement with experimental observations. Moreover, the distribution of lag time among cells shows an exponential tail, also consistent with experiments. Our theory further predicts strong dependence of lag time upon the speed of substrate depletion, which should be examined experimentally. The present model and theoretical analysis provide universal growth laws beyond the log phase, offering insight into how cells halt growth without entering the death phase.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Phenotypic Variation and Bistable Switching in Bacteria

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    Microbial research generally focuses on clonal populations. However, bacterial cells with identical genotypes frequently display different phenotypes under identical conditions. This microbial cell individuality is receiving increasing attention in the literature because of its impact on cellular differentiation, survival under selective conditions, and the interaction of pathogens with their hosts. It is becoming clear that stochasticity in gene expression in conjunction with the architecture of the gene network that underlies the cellular processes can generate phenotypic variation. An important regulatory mechanism is the so-called positive feedback, in which a system reinforces its own response, for instance by stimulating the production of an activator. Bistability is an interesting and relevant phenomenon, in which two distinct subpopulations of cells showing discrete levels of gene expression coexist in a single culture. In this chapter, we address techniques and approaches used to establish phenotypic variation, and relate three well-characterized examples of bistability to the molecular mechanisms that govern these processes, with a focus on positive feedback.

    Measuring and modeling energy and power consumption in living microbial cells with a synthetic ATP reporter

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    Background: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy carrier in living organisms, critical for metabolism and essential physiological processes. In humans, abnormal regulation of energy levels (ATP concentration) and power consumption (ATP consumption flux) in cells is associated with numerous diseases from cancer, to viral infection and immune dysfunction, while in microbes it influences their responses to drugs and other stresses. The measurement and modeling of ATP dynamics in cells is therefore a critical component in understanding fundamental physiology and its role in pathology. Despite the importance of ATP, our current understanding of energy dynamics and homeostasis in living cells has been limited by the lack of easy-to-use ATP sensors and the lack of models that enable accurate estimates of energy and power consumption related to these ATP dynamics. Here we describe a dynamic model and an ATP reporter that tracks ATP in E. coli over different growth phases. Results: The reporter is made by fusing an ATP-sensing rrnB P1 promoter with a fast-folding and fast-degrading GFP. Good correlations between reporter GFP and cellular ATP were obtained in E. coli growing in both minimal and rich media and in various strains. The ATP reporter can reliably monitor bacterial ATP dynamics in response to nutrient availability. Fitting the dynamics of experimental data corresponding to cell growth, glucose, acetate, dissolved oxygen, and ATP yielded a mathematical and circuit model. This model can accurately predict cellular energy and power consumption under various conditions. We found that cellular power consumption varies significantly from approximately 0.8 and 0.2 million ATP/s for a tested strain during lag and stationary phases to 6.4 million ATP/s during exponential phase, indicating ~ 8–30-fold changes of metabolic rates among different growth phases. Bacteria turn over their cellular ATP pool a few times per second during the exponential phase and slow this rate by ~ 2–5-fold in lag and stationary phases. Conclusion: Our rrnB P1-GFP reporter and kinetic circuit model provide a fast and simple way to monitor and predict energy and power consumption dynamics in bacterial cells, which can impact fundamental scientific studies and applied medical treatments in the future

    Adaptive Evolution of the Lactose Utilization Network in Experimentally Evolved Populations of Escherichia coli

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    Adaptation to novel environments is often associated with changes in gene regulation. Nevertheless, few studies have been able both to identify the genetic basis of changes in regulation and to demonstrate why these changes are beneficial. To this end, we have focused on understanding both how and why the lactose utilization network has evolved in replicate populations of Escherichia coli. We found that lac operon regulation became strikingly variable, including changes in the mode of environmental response (bimodal, graded, and constitutive), sensitivity to inducer concentration, and maximum expression level. In addition, some classes of regulatory change were enriched in specific selective environments. Sequencing of evolved clones, combined with reconstruction of individual mutations in the ancestral background, identified mutations within the lac operon that recapitulate many of the evolved regulatory changes. These mutations conferred fitness benefits in environments containing lactose, indicating that the regulatory changes are adaptive. The same mutations conferred different fitness effects when present in an evolved clone, indicating that interactions between the lac operon and other evolved mutations also contribute to fitness. Similarly, changes in lac regulation not explained by lac operon mutations also point to important interactions with other evolved mutations. Together these results underline how dynamic regulatory interactions can be, in this case evolving through mutations both within and external to the canonical lactose utilization network

    Regulatory activity revealed by dynamic correlations in gene expression noise

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    Gene regulatory interactions are context dependent, active in some cellular states but not in others. Stochastic fluctuations, or 'noise', in gene expression propagate through active, but not inactive, regulatory links^(1,2). Thus, correlations in gene expression noise could provide a noninvasive means to probe the activity states of regulatory links. However, global, 'extrinsic', noise sources generate correlations even without direct regulatory links. Here we show that single-cell time-lapse microscopy, by revealing time lags due to regulation, can discriminate between active regulatory connections and extrinsic noise. We demonstrate this principle mathematically, using stochastic modeling, and experimentally, using simple synthetic gene circuits. We then use this approach to analyze dynamic noise correlations in the galactose metabolism genes of Escherichia coli. We find that the CRP-GalS-GalE feed-forward loop is inactive in standard conditions but can become active in a GalR mutant. These results show how noise can help analyze the context dependence of regulatory interactions in endogenous gene circuits

    A unified design space of synthetic stripe-forming networks

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    Synthetic biology is a promising tool to study the function and properties of gene regulatory networks. Gene circuits with predefined behaviours have been successfully built and modelled, but largely on a case-by-case basis. Here we go beyond individual networks and explore both computationally and synthetically the design space of possible dynamical mechanisms for 3-node stripe-forming networks. First, we computationally test every possible 3-node network for stripe formation in a morphogen gradient. We discover four different dynamical mechanisms to form a stripe and identify the minimal network of each group. Next, with the help of newly established engineering criteria we build these four networks synthetically and show that they indeed operate with four fundamentally distinct mechanisms. Finally, this close match between theory and experiment allows us to infer and subsequently build a 2-node network that represents the archetype of the explored design space