14 research outputs found

    Projective divisible binary codes

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    For which positive integers n,k,rn,k,r does there exist a linear [n,k][n,k] code CC over Fq\mathbb{F}_q with all codeword weights divisible by qrq^r and such that the columns of a generating matrix of CC are projectively distinct? The motivation for studying this problem comes from the theory of partial spreads, or subspace codes with the highest possible minimum distance, since the set of holes of a partial spread of rr-flats in PG(v1,Fq)\operatorname{PG}(v-1,\mathbb{F}_q) corresponds to a qrq^r-divisible code with kvk\leq v. In this paper we provide an introduction to this problem and report on new results for q=2q=2.Comment: 10 pages, 3 table

    On the non-existence of a projective (75, 4,12, 5) set in PG(3, 7)

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    We show by a combination of theoretical argument and computer search that if a projective (75, 4, 12, 5) set in PG(3, 7) exists then its automorphism group must be trivial. This corresponds to the smallest open case of a coding problem posed by H. Ward in 1998, concerning the possible existence of an infinite family of projective two-weight codes meeting the Griesmer bound

    Partial spreads and vector space partitions

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    Constant-dimension codes with the maximum possible minimum distance have been studied under the name of partial spreads in Finite Geometry for several decades. Not surprisingly, for this subclass typically the sharpest bounds on the maximal code size are known. The seminal works of Beutelspacher and Drake \& Freeman on partial spreads date back to 1975, and 1979, respectively. From then until recently, there was almost no progress besides some computer-based constructions and classifications. It turns out that vector space partitions provide the appropriate theoretical framework and can be used to improve the long-standing bounds in quite a few cases. Here, we provide a historic account on partial spreads and an interpretation of the classical results from a modern perspective. To this end, we introduce all required methods from the theory of vector space partitions and Finite Geometry in a tutorial style. We guide the reader to the current frontiers of research in that field, including a detailed description of the recent improvements.Comment: 30 pages, 1 tabl