2,472 research outputs found


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    LipLearner: Customizable Silent Speech Interactions on Mobile Devices

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    Silent speech interface is a promising technology that enables private communications in natural language. However, previous approaches only support a small and inflexible vocabulary, which leads to limited expressiveness. We leverage contrastive learning to learn efficient lipreading representations, enabling few-shot command customization with minimal user effort. Our model exhibits high robustness to different lighting, posture, and gesture conditions on an in-the-wild dataset. For 25-command classification, an F1-score of 0.8947 is achievable only using one shot, and its performance can be further boosted by adaptively learning from more data. This generalizability allowed us to develop a mobile silent speech interface empowered with on-device fine-tuning and visual keyword spotting. A user study demonstrated that with LipLearner, users could define their own commands with high reliability guaranteed by an online incremental learning scheme. Subjective feedback indicated that our system provides essential functionalities for customizable silent speech interactions with high usability and learnability.Comment: Conditionally accepted to the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2023 (CHI '23

    Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence

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    This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. This book presents the Proceedings of the 9th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction Conference. Significant progress in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its wider use in many interactive products are quickly transforming further areas of our life, which results in the emergence of various new social phenomena. Many countries have been making efforts to understand these phenomena and find answers on how to put the development of artificial intelligence on the right track to support the common good of people and societies. These attempts require interdisciplinary actions, covering not only science disciplines involved in the development of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction but also close cooperation between researchers and practitioners. For this reason, the main goal of the MIDI conference held on 9-10.12.2021 as a virtual event is to integrate two, until recently, independent fields of research in computer science: broadly understood artificial intelligence and human-technology interaction

    Rehabilitation Engineering

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    Population ageing has major consequences and implications in all areas of our daily life as well as other important aspects, such as economic growth, savings, investment and consumption, labour markets, pensions, property and care from one generation to another. Additionally, health and related care, family composition and life-style, housing and migration are also affected. Given the rapid increase in the aging of the population and the further increase that is expected in the coming years, an important problem that has to be faced is the corresponding increase in chronic illness, disabilities, and loss of functional independence endemic to the elderly (WHO 2008). For this reason, novel methods of rehabilitation and care management are urgently needed. This book covers many rehabilitation support systems and robots developed for upper limbs, lower limbs as well as visually impaired condition. Other than upper limbs, the lower limb research works are also discussed like motorized foot rest for electric powered wheelchair and standing assistance device

    Integrating passive ubiquitous surfaces into human-computer interaction

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    Mobile technologies enable people to interact with computers ubiquitously. This dissertation investigates how ordinary, ubiquitous surfaces can be integrated into human-computer interaction to extend the interaction space beyond the edge of the display. It turns out that acoustic and tactile features generated during an interaction can be combined to identify input events, the user, and the surface. In addition, it is shown that a heterogeneous distribution of different surfaces is particularly suitable for realizing versatile interaction modalities. However, privacy concerns must be considered when selecting sensors, and context can be crucial in determining whether and what interaction to perform.Mobile Technologien ermöglichen den Menschen eine allgegenwĂ€rtige Interaktion mit Computern. Diese Dissertation untersucht, wie gewöhnliche, allgegenwĂ€rtige OberflĂ€chen in die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion integriert werden können, um den Interaktionsraum ĂŒber den Rand des Displays hinaus zu erweitern. Es stellt sich heraus, dass akustische und taktile Merkmale, die wĂ€hrend einer Interaktion erzeugt werden, kombiniert werden können, um Eingabeereignisse, den Benutzer und die OberflĂ€che zu identifizieren. DarĂŒber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass eine heterogene Verteilung verschiedener OberflĂ€chen besonders geeignet ist, um vielfĂ€ltige InteraktionsmodalitĂ€ten zu realisieren. Bei der Auswahl der Sensoren mĂŒssen jedoch Datenschutzaspekte berĂŒcksichtigt werden, und der Kontext kann entscheidend dafĂŒr sein, ob und welche Interaktion durchgefĂŒhrt werden soll

    State of the Art in Face Recognition

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    Notwithstanding the tremendous effort to solve the face recognition problem, it is not possible yet to design a face recognition system with a potential close to human performance. New computer vision and pattern recognition approaches need to be investigated. Even new knowledge and perspectives from different fields like, psychology and neuroscience must be incorporated into the current field of face recognition to design a robust face recognition system. Indeed, many more efforts are required to end up with a human like face recognition system. This book tries to make an effort to reduce the gap between the previous face recognition research state and the future state

    Machine-human Cooperative Control of Welding Process

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    An innovative auxiliary control system is developed to cooperate with an unskilled welder in a manual GTAW in order to obtain a consistent welding performance. In the proposed system, a novel mobile sensing system is developed to non-intrusively monitor a manual GTAW by measuring three-dimensional (3D) weld pool surface. Specifically, a miniature structured-light laser amounted on torch projects a dot matrix pattern on weld pool surface during the process; Reflected by the weld pool surface, the laser pattern is intercepted by and imaged on the helmet glass, and recorded by a compact camera on it. Deformed reflection pattern contains the geometry information of weld pool, thus is utilized to reconstruct its 33D surface. An innovative image processing algorithm and a reconstruction scheme have been developed for (3D) reconstruction. The real-time spatial relations of the torch and the helmet is formulated during welding. Two miniature wireless inertial measurement units (WIMU) are mounted on the torch and the helmet, respectively, to detect their rotation rates and accelerations. A quaternion based unscented Kalman filter (UKF) has been designed to estimate the helmet/torch orientations based on the data from the WIMUs. The distance between the torch and the helmet is measured using an extra structure-light low power laser pattern. Furthermore, human welder\u27s behavior in welding performance has been studied, e.g., a welder`s adjustments on welding current were modeled as response to characteristic parameters of the three-dimensional weld pool surface. This response model as a controller is implemented both automatic and manual gas tungsten arc welding process to maintain a consistent full penetration

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning
