339 research outputs found

    Models and Algorithms of Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging under Tight-Frame Image Representation

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    压缩感知(CS)技术在加速磁共振成像(MRI)上已经展示非常大的潜力,该技术简称为CS-MRI。它首先通过减少k空间采样数据来加速成像,然后再求解约束图像稀疏性的最优化问题从欠采样的k空间数据中恢复出完整的磁共振图像。如何从有限的数据中快速地重建出高质量的磁共振图像是CS-MRI面临的主要挑战之一。在典型的CS-MRI重建中,正交变换通常用于图像稀疏表示,变换的正交性也使得求解最优化模型具有快速重建算法。近年来,冗余的变换(或字典)因其在磁共振图像稀疏表示的优越性而越来越多地应用于CS-MRI。但针对冗余表示的磁共振稀疏重建模型和算法的研究尚不明确,这制约图像重建质量的提高和快速算法的提出。 ...Compressed Sensing (CS) has shown great potential in accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This technique is termed as CS-MRI. It first reduces the k-space samples of MRI images to speed up the imaging process and then reconstruct the whole image by solving an optimization problem which forces image sparsity in the objective. Due to the benefit in fast algorithm designing and theoretical ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_物理电子学学号:3312013115283