22,988 research outputs found

    FaceShop: Deep Sketch-based Face Image Editing

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    We present a novel system for sketch-based face image editing, enabling users to edit images intuitively by sketching a few strokes on a region of interest. Our interface features tools to express a desired image manipulation by providing both geometry and color constraints as user-drawn strokes. As an alternative to the direct user input, our proposed system naturally supports a copy-paste mode, which allows users to edit a given image region by using parts of another exemplar image without the need of hand-drawn sketching at all. The proposed interface runs in real-time and facilitates an interactive and iterative workflow to quickly express the intended edits. Our system is based on a novel sketch domain and a convolutional neural network trained end-to-end to automatically learn to render image regions corresponding to the input strokes. To achieve high quality and semantically consistent results we train our neural network on two simultaneous tasks, namely image completion and image translation. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to combine these two tasks in a unified framework for interactive image editing. Our results show that the proposed sketch domain, network architecture, and training procedure generalize well to real user input and enable high quality synthesis results without additional post-processing.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    Edge of Existence

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    The painting, Edge of Existence best describes my surreal world at its current state. The idea started with the crisis of global warming. I want to express the peril of the creatures that are on the frontier of the global warming effect. The idea for the structure of the painting came from a Magritte painting called, The Domain of Arnheim. He has transformed an undeniably grand impression of a moonlit mountain landscape by means of a mental technique related to that of Poe and his imaginary friend Ellison, who described a magnificent, complicated, and weird landscape in which the natural phenomena have been retouched by the spiritual intervention of superior beings. I chose the number three in the glacier mountain to represent the three wise brings that are in deep thought of a solution to the immediate global warming problem as one\u27s beak starts to melt

    Artistic Path Space Editing of Physically Based Light Transport

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    Die Erzeugung realistischer Bilder ist ein wichtiges Ziel der Computergrafik, mit Anwendungen u.a. in der Spielfilmindustrie, Architektur und Medizin. Die physikalisch basierte Bildsynthese, welche in letzter Zeit anwendungsübergreifend weiten Anklang findet, bedient sich der numerischen Simulation des Lichttransports entlang durch die geometrische Optik vorgegebener Ausbreitungspfade; ein Modell, welches für übliche Szenen ausreicht, Photorealismus zu erzielen. Insgesamt gesehen ist heute das computergestützte Verfassen von Bildern und Animationen mit wohlgestalteter und theoretisch fundierter Schattierung stark vereinfacht. Allerdings ist bei der praktischen Umsetzung auch die Rücksichtnahme auf Details wie die Struktur des Ausgabegeräts wichtig und z.B. das Teilproblem der effizienten physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese in partizipierenden Medien ist noch weit davon entfernt, als gelöst zu gelten. Weiterhin ist die Bildsynthese als Teil eines weiteren Kontextes zu sehen: der effektiven Kommunikation von Ideen und Informationen. Seien es nun Form und Funktion eines Gebäudes, die medizinische Visualisierung einer Computertomografie oder aber die Stimmung einer Filmsequenz -- Botschaften in Form digitaler Bilder sind heutzutage omnipräsent. Leider hat die Verbreitung der -- auf Simulation ausgelegten -- Methodik der physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese generell zu einem Verlust intuitiver, feingestalteter und lokaler künstlerischer Kontrolle des finalen Bildinhalts geführt, welche in vorherigen, weniger strikten Paradigmen vorhanden war. Die Beiträge dieser Dissertation decken unterschiedliche Aspekte der Bildsynthese ab. Dies sind zunächst einmal die grundlegende Subpixel-Bildsynthese sowie effiziente Bildsyntheseverfahren für partizipierende Medien. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen jedoch Ansätze zum effektiven visuellen Verständnis der Lichtausbreitung, die eine lokale künstlerische Einflussnahme ermöglichen und gleichzeitig auf globaler Ebene konsistente und glaubwürdige Ergebnisse erzielen. Hierbei ist die Kernidee, Visualisierung und Bearbeitung des Lichts direkt im alle möglichen Lichtpfade einschließenden "Pfadraum" durchzuführen. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu Verfahren nach Stand der Forschung, die entweder im Bildraum arbeiten oder auf bestimmte, isolierte Beleuchtungseffekte wie perfekte Spiegelungen, Schatten oder Kaustiken zugeschnitten sind. Die Erprobung der vorgestellten Verfahren hat gezeigt, dass mit ihnen real existierende Probleme der Bilderzeugung für Filmproduktionen gelöst werden können

    Defining Video Space Art within Video Installations in the Context of Spaces and Spectators

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    This thesis is to introduce and examine Video Space Art as a form of Video Art. Being primarily practice-based research, it offers a theoretical and conceptual framework to find a better understanding for my artistic practices. The thesis studies the classification of Video Art. It contains an extended discussion of the place of Video Space Art in the context of Video Installation. Furthermore, the distinctions are made from Video Sculpture by theorizing space and spectator. The thesis develops the language of Video Installation. It proposes that the two main elements of Video Space Art are space and spectator. It provides a conceptual discussion of real and virtual space and the role of the spectator in Video Art are established. It then explores the languages in developed media of pictorial art, sculpture, architecture and landscape architecture. Because Video Installation is a hybrid medium, the languages found in these media are applied to deepen its meanings. Video Space Art is defined as a space-time experience that includes people as participants. The thesis applies these theories to artworks to distinguish Video Space Art from Video Sculpture. Nam Jun Paik's Magnet TV (1965), Eagle Eye (1996) and TV Clock (1963-81), Shigeko Kubota's Three Mountains (1976-79), and Bill Viola's Heaven and Earth (1992), The Crossing (1996) and Passage(1987), Dan Graham's Present Continuous Past(s)(1974), Bruce Nauman's Live-Taped Video Corridor(1969-70), David Hall's Progressive Recession (1975), and Peter Campus' Negative Crossing (1974) are among the artworks explored. The extended discussion of the concepts and concerns behind these artworks are followed by the classification of these artworks into Video Space Art and Video Sculpture. In addition to these artworks, the analyses of the elements of Video Space Art are applied to my own practical works: Two (1999), It Takes me 15 Minutes to go to School (2000), and Love Potion in my Heart (2004). (The appendix to this thesis contains the documentation of my works in DVD ROM format). The theoretical analysis presented in this thesis sheds light on the classification of Video Installation. A survey conducted identifies the works of Video Space Art. By defining Video Space Art, as distinct from Video Sculpture I have refined aspects of the theoretical base and extended the understanding of my own practical work


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    In this study, the researcher used an action research methodology to investigate the self-initiated creative processes and artifacts of his fourth and fifth grade students over the course of one school year in an attempt to shed light on the pedagogical effects of an elementary classroom that allows its students significant creative agency. The majority of the literature on the self-initiated creativity of children examines the work of primary grade students in an art room setting, revealing a gap in the literature and the need for a study regarding self-initiated creative processes and products made by children in an intermediate general classroom setting. The research site was a democratically based, child-centered classroom in a private day school where students were encouraged to share in the development of the conceptual, curricular, and physical aspects of the learning environment. The self-initiated creative activities of the children provided a unique lens through which the researcher was able to view and understand his students’ learning styles, gain insight into their metacognitive processes, and observe the ways they navigated their classroom space. Empowering students to become critical agents through choice and autonomy led to arts-based approaches of inquiry and spontaneous creative learning experiences. An analysis of the data contributed to an understanding of six essential principles for facilitating self-initiated creativity within the everyday constraints of a traditional schooling environment, as well as cautionary revelations about how I could have been more effective at co-constructing an enduring culture that supported self-initiated creative learning in collaboration with my colleagues at the research site

    Medical image synthesis using generative adversarial networks: towards photo-realistic image synthesis

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    This proposed work addresses the photo-realism for synthetic images. We introduced a modified generative adversarial network: StencilGAN. It is a perceptually-aware generative adversarial network that synthesizes images based on overlaid labelled masks. This technique can be a prominent solution for the scarcity of the resources in the healthcare sector

    Appropriation en abyme: the postmodern art of Imants Tillers

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN055171 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Brian Ferneyhough : the logic of the figure

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo