18,809 research outputs found

    Flexible programmable networking: A reflective, component-based approach

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    The need for programmability and adaptability in networking systems is becoming increasingly important. More specifically, the challenge is in the ability to add services rapidly, and be able to deploy, configure and reconfigure them as easily as possible. Such demand is creating a considerable shift in the way networks are expected to operate in the future. This is the main aim of programmable networking research community, and in our project we are investigating a component-based approach to the structuring of programmable networking software. Our intention is to apply the notion of components, component frameworks and reflection ubiquitously, thus accommodating all the different elements that comprise a programmable networking system

    Middleware for managing a large, heterogeneous programmable network

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    The links between BTexact Technologies and the Department of Computing Science at University College London are becomingincreasingly beneficial for the development of the middleware area for the management of programmable networks. This paperdescribes the work that has been done to date, and outlines the plans for future research

    Requirements of a middleware for managing a large, heterogeneous programmable network

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    Programmable networking is an increasingly popular area of research in both industry and academia. Although most programmable network research projects seem to focus on the router architecture rather than on issues relating to the management of programmable networks, there are numerous research groups that have incorporated management middleware into the programmable network router software. However, none seem to be concerned with the effective management of a large heterogeneous programmable network. The requirements of such a middleware are outlined in this paper. There are a number of fundamental middleware principles that are addressed in this paper; these include management paradigms, configuration delivery, scalability and transactions. Security, fault tolerance and usability are also examined—although these are not essential parts of the middleware, they must be addressed if the programmable network management middleware is to be accepted by industry and adopted by other research projects

    XMILE:An XML-based approach for programmable networks

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    In this paper we describe an XML-based platform for dynamic active node policy updates. XML supports the definitionof specific policy languages, their extension to satisfy new needs and the management of deployed policies on differentactive nodes. We show an example of the management of router packet forwarding policies where the XML policiesthat drive the packet routing are updated at run-time on the active nodes depending on the network status. The platformdecouples policy management, which is handled through XML interpretation, from packet forwarding that, forperformance reasons has to be implemented in more efficient languages
