4 research outputs found

    Teste de software em aplicações de banco de dados relacional

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    Orientador: Eliane MartinsDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A evolução do uso de sistemas computacionais nas atividades humanas tem exigido cada vez mais um alto nível de qualidade dos softwares. Esta busca para garantir a qualidade do software toma o processo de desenvolvimento de software mais dificil e complexo. Na tentativa de reduzir os custos e aumentar a qualidade da atividade de teste, várias técnicas e critérios vêm sendo propostos, onde a diferença entre essas técnicas está na origem da informação que é utilizada para avaliar ou construir conjuntos de casos de teste, sendo que cada técnica possui uma variedade de critérios para esse: fim. Com o aumento expressivo de aplicações que utilizam Banco de Dados Relaciona!, toma-se necessária a adequação de técnicas e critérios de Teste de Software para os testes destas aplicações. O presente trabalho visa apresentar técnicas de Teste de Software em Aplicações de Banco de Dados Relaciona! através da utilização de técnicas de Teste Estrutural (Caixa Branca) e Teste Funcional (Caixa Preta). A partir do estudo destas técnicas é definida uma estratégia de teste que cobre Teste Estrutural baseado em critérios de cobertura de Fluxo de Controle e Complexidade Cic10mática e Testes Funcionais baseados em Particionamento de Equivalência e Análise de Valor Limite. Para apoiar esta estratégia é desenvolvida também uma ferramenta de auxílio para execução dos testes (STest for Delphi)Abstract: The evolution of the use of computational systems in the human activities beings has demanded each time plus one high leveI of qua1ity of softwares. This search to guarantee the quality of software becomes the process of software development of more difficult and complexo In the attempt to reduce the costs and to increase the quality of the activity of test, severa! techniques and criteria come being proposed, where the difference between these techniques is in the origin of the information that is used to evaluate or to construct sets of test cases, being that each technique possesss a variety of criteria for this end. With the expressive increase of applications that use Relational Database, one becomes necessary the adequacy oftechniques and criteria ofTest ofSoftware for the tests ofthese applications. The present work allns at to present techniques of Test of Software in Applications of Relational Database through the use of techniques of Structural Test (White Box) and Functional Test (Black Box). From the study of these techniques is de:6ned a test strategy that has covered established Structural Test in criteria of covering of Control Flow and Cyclomatic Complexity and Funcional Tests based in Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis. To support this strategy, it is also developed, a tool ofaid for execution ofthe tests (STest for Delphi)MestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Computaçã

    Virtual software in reality

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    Software visualisation is an important weapon in the program comprehension armoury. It is a technique that can, when designed and used effectively, aid in understanding existing program code. It can achieve this by displaying information in new and different forms, which may make obvious something missed in reading the code. It can also be used to present many aspects of the data at once. Software, despite many software engineering advances in requirements, design and implementation techniques, continues to be complex and large and if anything seems to be growing in these respects. This means that techniques that failed to aid comprehension and maintenance are certainly not going to be able to deal with the current software. Therefore this area requires research to be able to suggest solutions to deal with the information overload that is sure to occur. There are several issues that this thesis addresses; all of them related to the creation of software visualisation systems that are capable of being used and useful well into the next generation of software systems. The scale and complexity of software are pressing issues, as is the associated information overload problem that this brings. In an attempt to address this problem the following are considered to be important: abstractions, representations, mappings, metaphors, and visualisations. These areas are interrelated and the first four enable the final one, visualisations. These problems are not the only ones that face software visualisation systems. There are many that are based on the general theory of the applicability of the technique to such tasks as program comprehension, rather than the detail of how a particular code fragment is shown. These problems are also related to the enabling technology of three- dimensional visualisations; virtual reality. In summary the areas of interest are: automation, evolution, scalability, navigation and interaction, correlation, and visual complexity. This thesis provides an exploration of these identified areas in the context of software visualisation. Relationships that describe, and distinguish between, existing and future software visualisations are presented, with examples based on recent software visualisation research. Two real world metaphors (and their associated mappings and representations) are defined for the purpose of visualising software as an aid to program comprehension. These metaphors also provide a vehicle for the exploration of the areas identified above. Finally, an evaluation of the visualisations is presented using a framework developed for the comparative evaluation of three-dimensional, comprehension oriented, software visualisations. This thesis has shown the viability of using three-dimensional software visualisations. The important issues of automation, evolution, scalability, and navigation have been presented and discussed, and their relationship to real world metaphors examined. This has been done in conjunction with an investigation into the use of such real world metaphors for software visualisation. The thesis as a whole has provided an important examination of many of the issues related to these types of visualisation in the context of software and is therefore a valuable basis for future work in this area

    Die Realisierung eines graphischen Workflow-Editors in Java

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    Ausgehend von verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Modellierung von Workflows, wie z.B. Petri-Netzen, wird in dieser Arbeit ein graphischer, syntaxgesteuerter Workflow-Editor realisiert, der die schnelle und komfortable Modellierung von Workflows erlaubt. Grundlage des Editors ist das formal verifizierbare ADEPT-Basismodell mit seinen verschiedenen Konstrukten. Da viele Editoren heutiger Workflow-Management-Systeme den Benutzer meist nicht bei der Modellierung eines korrekten Workflows unterstützen, werden in dieser Arbeit verschiedene Aspekte zur Sicherstellung der Korrektheit eines Workflows erläutert. Neben der syntaktischen Korrektheit des Prozeßgraphen ist die Prüfung der korrekten Datenversorgung daher ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Aus diesem Grund werden verschiedene Datenflußanalyse-Algorithmen aufgezeigt. Beispielsweise kann der Editor mit Hilfe dieser Algorithmen parallele Schreiboperationen erkennen und anzeigen. Desweiteren wird ein Verfahren zur Visualisierung eines Workflow-Graphen mit seinen Grundlagen beschrieben. Aufbauend auf diesen Konzepten wird die Implementierung des Workflow-Editors in dieser Arbeit dokumentiert

    Program graph visualization

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    Although there are many algorithms to draw hierarchical structures such as directed graphs and trees none specifically treat the problem of visualizing program graphs, This paper presents an algorithm and the underlying tool - ViewGraph - designed to visualize program graphs, The algorithm Is divided in two parts: (1) determine node positions, and (2) assign routes to branches, The first part has three steps: level assignment, scope and position calculation, A modified algorithm used to assign levels to nodes in a tree Is used to find Y coordinates; a concept called scope is used to define X coordinates,Scope is a prediction of the space required by a node and its descendants, A search on the available positions left by the placement of nodes is performed to route branches, A set of aesthetic aspects meant to help the development of program graph visualization algorithms is also proposed, The algorithm runs in an acceptable time making it useful even for interactive applications. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.27111245126