5 research outputs found

    Dynamic Behaviors of Holling Type II Predator-Prey System with Mutual Interference and Impulses

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    A class of Holling type II predator-prey systems with mutual interference and impulses is presented. Sufficient conditions for the permanence, extinction, and global attractivity of system are obtained. The existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solution are also established. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results. Meanwhile, they indicate that dynamics of species are very sensitive with the period matching between species’ intrinsic disciplinarians and the perturbations from the variable environment. If the periods between individual growth and impulse perturbations match well, then the dynamics of species periodically change. If they mismatch each other, the dynamics differ from period to period until there is chaos

    Existence and Exponential Stability of Positive Almost Periodic Solutions for a Model of Hematopoiesis

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    By employing the contraction mapping principle and applying Gronwall-Bellman's inequality, sufficient conditions are established to prove the existence and exponential stability of positive almost periodic solution for nonlinear impulsive delay model of hematopoiesis.The research of Juan J. Nieto has been partially supported by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia and FEDER, project MTM2007-61724S

    About Robust Stability of Dynamic Systems with Time Delays through Fixed Point Theory

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    This paper investigates the global asymptotic stability independent of the sizes of the delays of linear time-varying systems with internal point delays which possess a limiting equation via fixed point theory. The error equation between the solutions of the limiting equation and that of the current one is considered as a perturbation equation in the fixed- point and stability analyses. The existence of a unique fixed point which is later proved to be an asymptotically stable equilibrium point is investigated. The stability conditions are basically concerned with the matrix measure of the delay-free matrix of dynamics to be negative and to have a modulus larger than the contribution of the error dynamics with respect to the limiting one. Alternative conditions are obtained concerned with the matrix dynamics for zero delay to be negative and to have a modulus larger than an appropriate contributions of the error dynamics of the current dynamics with respect to the limiting one. Since global stability is guaranteed under some deviation of the current solution related to the limiting one, which is considered as nominal, the stability is robust against such errors for certain tolerance margins.</p