4,714 research outputs found

    Multicast resource management for next generation mobile communication systems

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Network virtualization in next-generation cellular networks: a spectrum pooling approach

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    The hardship of expanding the cellular network market results from the tremendous high cost of mobile infrastructure, i.e. the capital expenditures (CAPEX) and the operational expenditures (OPEX). Spectrum Sharing is one of the proposed solution for the high-cost of scalability of cellular networks. However, most of the proposed spectrum pooling frameworks in the literature are mostly approached from a technical view besides there are no good cost models based on real datasets for quantifying the circumstances under which sharing the spectrum and network resources would be beneficial to mobile operators. In this thesis, by studying different sharing scenarios in a fiber-based backhaul mobile network, we assess the incentives for service providers (SPs) to share spectrum/infrastructure in different cellular market areas/economic areas (CMA/BEAs) with different population density, allocated bandwidth (BW), spectrum bid values and considering different network topologies. Moreover, we look at the technical problem of sharing the spectrum between two SPs sharing the same basestation (BS), yet they have different traffic demand as well as different QoS constraints. We design a resource allocation scheme to provision real-time (RT), non-real-time (NRT) as well as Ultra-reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) traffic in a single shared BS scenario such that SPs achieve isolation, fairness and enforce their QoS constraints. Finally, we exploit spectrum pooling to develop an approach for dynamically re-configuring the base stations that survive a disaster and are powered by a microgrid to form a multi-hop mesh network in order to provide local cellular service

    Robust and cheating-resilient power auctioning on Resource Constrained Smart Micro-Grids

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    The principle of Continuous Double Auctioning (CDA) is known to provide an efficient way of matching supply and demand among distributed selfish participants with limited information. However, the literature indicates that the classic CDA algorithms developed for grid-like applications are centralised and insensitive to the processing resources capacity, which poses a hindrance for their application on resource constrained, smart micro-grids (RCSMG). A RCSMG loosely describes a micro-grid with distributed generators and demand controlled by selfish participants with limited information, power storage capacity and low literacy, communicate over an unreliable infrastructure burdened by limited bandwidth and low computational power of devices. In this thesis, we design and evaluate a CDA algorithm for power allocation in a RCSMG. Specifically, we offer the following contributions towards power auctioning on RCSMGs. First, we extend the original CDA scheme to enable decentralised auctioning. We do this by integrating a token-based, mutual-exclusion (MUTEX) distributive primitive, that ensures the CDA operates at a reasonably efficient time and message complexity of O(N) and O(logN) respectively, per critical section invocation (auction market execution). Our CDA algorithm scales better and avoids the single point of failure problem associated with centralised CDAs (which could be used to adversarially provoke a break-down of the grid marketing mechanism). In addition, the decentralised approach in our algorithm can help eliminate privacy and security concerns associated with centralised CDAs. Second, to handle CDA performance issues due to malfunctioning devices on an unreliable network (such as a lossy network), we extend our proposed CDA scheme to ensure robustness to failure. Using node redundancy, we modify the MUTEX protocol supporting our CDA algorithm to handle fail-stop and some Byzantine type faults of sites. This yields a time complexity of O(N), where N is number of cluster-head nodes; and message complexity of O((logN)+W) time, where W is the number of check-pointing messages. These results indicate that it is possible to add fault tolerance to a decentralised CDA, which guarantees continued participation in the auction while retaining reasonable performance overheads. In addition, we propose a decentralised consumption scheduling scheme that complements the auctioning scheme in guaranteeing successful power allocation within the RCSMG. Third, since grid participants are self-interested we must consider the issue of power theft that is provoked when participants cheat. We propose threat models centred on cheating attacks aimed at foiling the extended CDA scheme. More specifically, we focus on the Victim Strategy Downgrade; Collusion by Dynamic Strategy Change, Profiling with Market Prediction; and Strategy Manipulation cheating attacks, which are carried out by internal adversaries (auction participants). Internal adversaries are participants who want to get more benefits but have no interest in provoking a breakdown of the grid. However, their behaviour is dangerous because it could result in a breakdown of the grid. Fourth, to mitigate these cheating attacks, we propose an exception handling (EH) scheme, where sentinel agents use allocative efficiency and message overheads to detect and mitigate cheating forms. Sentinel agents are tasked to monitor trading agents to detect cheating and reprimand the misbehaving participant. Overall, message complexity expected in light demand is O(nLogN). The detection and resolution algorithm is expected to run in linear time complexity O(M). Overall, the main aim of our study is achieved by designing a resilient and cheating-free CDA algorithm that is scalable and performs well on resource constrained micro-grids. With the growing popularity of the CDA and its resource allocation applications, specifically to low resourced micro-grids, this thesis highlights further avenues for future research. First, we intend to extend the decentralised CDA algorithm to allow for participants’ mobile phones to connect (reconnect) at different shared smart meters. Such mobility should guarantee the desired CDA properties, the reliability and adequate security. Secondly, we seek to develop a simulation of the decentralised CDA based on the formal proofs presented in this thesis. Such a simulation platform can be used for future studies that involve decentralised CDAs. Third, we seek to find an optimal and efficient way in which the decentralised CDA and the scheduling algorithm can be integrated and deployed in a low resourced, smart micro-grid. Such an integration is important for system developers interested in exploiting the benefits of the two schemes while maintaining system efficiency. Forth, we aim to improve on the cheating detection and mitigation mechanism by developing an intrusion tolerance protocol. Such a scheme will allow continued auctioning in the presence of cheating attacks while incurring low performance overheads for applicability in a RCSMG

    User data dissemination concepts for earth resources

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    Domestic data dissemination networks for earth-resources data in the 1985-1995 time frame were evaluated. The following topics were addressed: (1) earth-resources data sources and expected data volumes, (2) future user demand in terms of data volume and timeliness, (3) space-to-space and earth point-to-point transmission link requirements and implementation, (4) preprocessing requirements and implementation, (5) network costs, and (6) technological development to support this implementation. This study was parametric in that the data input (supply) was varied by a factor of about fifteen while the user request (demand) was varied by a factor of about nineteen. Correspondingly, the time from observation to delivery to the user was varied. This parametric evaluation was performed by a computer simulation that was based on network alternatives and resulted in preliminary transmission and preprocessing requirements. The earth-resource data sources considered were: shuttle sorties, synchronous satellites (e.g., SEOS), aircraft, and satellites in polar orbits


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    Modern broadband internet access cable systems follow the Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS) for data transfer between the individual cable modem (CM) and the Internet. The newest version of DOCSIS, version 3.0, provides an abstraction referred to as bonding groups to help manage bandwidth and to increase bandwidth to each user beyond that available within a single 6MHz. television channel. Channel bonding allows more than one channel to be used by a CM to provide a virtual channel of much greater bandwidth. This combining of channels into bonding groups, especially when channels overlap between more than one bonding group, complicates the resource allocation problem within these networks. The goal of resource allocation in this research is twofold, to provide for fairness among users while at the same time making maximum possible utilization of the available system bandwidth. The problem of resource allocation in computer networks has been widely studied by the academic community. Past work has studied resource allocation in many network types, however application in a DOCSIS channel bonded network has not been explored. This research begins by first developing a definition of fairness in a channel bonded system. After providing a theoretical definition of fairness we implement simulations of different scheduling disciplines and evaluate their performance against this theoretical ideal. The complexity caused by overlapped channels requires even the simplest scheduling algorithms to be modified to work correctly. We then develop an algorithm to maximize the use of the available system bandwidth. The approach involves using competitive analysis techniques and an online algorithm to dynamically reassign flows among the available channels. Bandwidth usage and demand requests are monitored for bandwidth that is underutilized, and demand that is unsatisfied, and real time changes are made to the flow-to-channel mappings to improve the utilization of the total available bandwidth. The contribution of this research is to provide a working definition of fairness in a channel bonded environment, the implementation of several scheduling disciplines and evaluation of their adherence to that definition, and development of an algorithm to improve overall bandwidth utilization of the system

    In Pursuit of Desirable Equilibria in Large Scale Networked Systems

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    This thesis addresses an interdisciplinary problem in the context of engineering, computer science and economics: In a large scale networked system, how can we achieve a desirable equilibrium that benefits the system as a whole? We approach this question from two perspectives. On the one hand, given a system architecture that imposes certain constraints, a system designer must propose efficient algorithms to optimally allocate resources to the agents that desire them. On the other hand, given algorithms that are used in practice, a performance analyst must come up with tools that can characterize these algorithms and determine when they can be optimally applied. Ideally, the two viewpoints must be integrated to obtain a simple system design with efficient algorithms that apply to it. We study the design of incentives and algorithms in such large scale networked systems under three application settings, referred to herein via the subheadings: Incentivizing Sharing in Realtime D2D Networks: A Mean Field Games Perspective, Energy Coupon: A Mean Field Game Perspective on Demand Response in Smart Grids, Dynamic Adaptability Properties of Caching Algorithms, and Accuracy vs. Learning Rate of Multi-level Caching Algorithms. Our application scenarios all entail an asymptotic system scaling, and an equilibrium is defined in terms of a probability distribution over system states. The question in each case is to determine how to attain a probability distribution that possesses certain desirable properties. For the first two applications, we consider the design of specific mechanisms to steer the system toward a desirable equilibrium under self interested decision making. The environments in these problems are such that there is a set of shared resources, and a mechanism is used during each time step to allocate resources to agents that are selfish and interact via a repeated game. These models are motivated by resource sharing systems in the context of data communication, transportation, and power transmission networks. The objective is to ensure that the achieved equilibria are socially desirable. Formally, we show that a Mean Field Game can be used to accurately approximate these repeated game frameworks, and we describe mechanisms under which socially desirable Mean Field Equilibria exist. For the third application, we focus on performance analysis via new metrics to determine the value of the attained equilibrium distribution of cache contents when using different replacement algorithms in cache networks. The work is motivated by the fact that typical performance analysis of caching algorithms consists of determining hit probability under a fixed arrival process of requests, which does not account for dynamic variability of request arrivals. Our main contribution is to define a function which accounts for both the error due to time lag of learning the items' popularity, as well as error due to the inaccuracy of learning, and to characterize the tradeoff between the two that conventional algorithms achieve. We then use the insights gained in this exercise to design new algorithms that are demonstrably superior