11 research outputs found

    Computing Curriculum-Software Engineering: Its Impacts on Professional Software Engineering Education

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    The computing curriculum-software engineering (CCSE) volume and its impacts on professional software engineering education are discussed. The CCSE is an excellent cucciculum document that defines the body of knowledge for undergraduate software engineering students. It is perfectly legitimate for CCSE to recommend software engineers to adhere to the guideline in the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, that 'software engineers must commit themselves to making software engineering a beneficial and respected profession'. The CCSE Final Report proves to be an excellent and comprehensive curriculum document specifying a body of knowledge for software engineerrs.published_or_final_versionThe 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference Proceedings, Hong Kong, China, 28-30 September 2004, v. 1, p. 176-17

    Demystifying and Decluttering Participation in Software Engineering Education Programmes

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    Academics and employers can partner to deliver professional software engineering education via work-based learning (WBL) programmes. These programmes have the potential to engage and motivate under-represented groups, including those that would not normally engage in higher education. However, challenges still exist in supporting such individuals in participating in WBL programmes. Consequently, we discuss a project on broadening participation in WBL software engineering to support individuals from under-represented groups to participate in software engineering education


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    The paper presents some real experiences, emerging models and lessons learnt based on the case of Sofia University - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), and its partners. Sofia University has always played a very important role for the development of the country. The university experiences a lot of challenges related to the overall transformation of the economic and social system in the country, the changing models of education, the new role of the universities in the knowledge-based society and the great demand for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) specialists. Sofia University is also challenged by the opportunity to be actively involved in the development of the European space of higher education. The outcomes of an internal university project aimed at the establishment of ACM/IEEE based BSc programs in Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems are described and analyzed. Some experience in developing a layer of MSc programs as a live link to the professional ICT society and ICT industry is also described. Some future plans for the development of the Computing Curricula and its coordination with the European ICT education, research and innovation agenda are presented as well

    Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs

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    In the world of information and communications technologies the demand for professionals with software engineering skills grows at an exponential rate. On this ground, we have conducted a study to help both academia and the software industry form a picture of the relationship between the competences of recent graduates of undergraduate and graduate software engineering programmes and the tasks that these professionals are to perform as part of their jobs in industry. Thanks to this study, academia will be able to observe which skills demanded by industry the software engineering curricula do or do not cater for, and industry will be able to ascertain which tasks a recent software engineering programme graduate is well qualified to perform. The study focuses on the software engineering knowledge guidelines provided in SE2004 and GSwE2009, and the job profiles identified by Career Space

    ICT for Good: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward

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    Abstract-ICT seems well understood as a tool and an infrastructure for delivering information and services for the society and for allowing communications through interactions among the service users -mostly, the digital society. Using ICT for ensuring better life requires far more than good infrastructure, ICT know-how and the various techniques and tools in place. If ICT has to address the real problems of the society, it should be at a rescue being environment-friendly, with real and tangible impact, sustainable, seamless, down to the grass-roots and above all with reproducible experiences. In this paper, we introduce a different perspective of looking into and using ICT, which we call ICT for Good (ICT4G). It is about using ICT for addressing problems of societies with low ICT penetration and changing a society's life for the better. More specifically, based on our observation of current promises ICT gives to society, we discuss ICT4G's distinguishing aspects, opportunities it offers, challenges it imposes along with preliminary roadmap for its realization. A high-level correlation of what we pointed out with a relevant case study (i.e., the eGIF4M 1 ) is presented


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    Software engineering in Ukraine is a relatively young industry that is steadily developing. That is why the need in specialists of different competence level has arisen. It is essential to develop a complex systematic approach to the formation of professional competence of specialists in software engineering. Education in this area shall be innovative as far as it is impossible within the period of studying in the university to develop essential skills for the successful operation in the area of software engineering using traditional methods of education.Разработка программного обеспечения является в Украине отностительно молодой индустрией, которая постоянно развивается. Соответственно, возникает потребность в специалистах разного уровня квалификации. Все более актуальной становится задача по разработке комплексного системно-личностного подхода к формированию профессиональной компетентности специалистов по инженерии программного обеспечения. Преподавание инженерии программного обеспечения должно быть инновационным, поскольно при традиционных методах обучения за период подготовки специалиста в вузе невозможно обеспечить максимальный уровень развития специальных способностей по решению проблем в данной сфере.Розробка програмного забезпечення є в Україні відносно новою індустрією, що постійно розвивається. Отже, виникає необхідність у спеціалістах різного рівня кваліфікації. Все більш актуальним стає завдання з розробки комплексного системно-особистісного підходу до формування професійної компетентності фахівців з інженерії програмного забезпечення. Навчання діяльності у сфері програмної інженерії має бути інноваційним, оскільки неможливо при традиційному навчанні забезпечити за період підготовки спеціаліста у вищому навчальному закладі максимальний розвиток спеціальних здібностей у вирішенні проблем у цій сфері діяльності

    2nd SC@RUG 2005 proceedings:Proceedings Student Colloquium 2004-2005

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    2nd SC@RUG 2005 proceedings:Proceedings Student Colloquium 2004-2005

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    Where will professional software engineering education go next?

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    In 1998 Lethbridge surveyed software engineering professionals and found that there were aspects of their degree that they saw as being useless to their jobs. This study was repeated in 2005 with very similar results despite a significant tightening of the research method. Inspired by this input to the curriculum development process we studied 20 years of curriculum at a University chosen for its very close ties to industry. The study showed that there has been a continual and growing move towards integrating specific technical issues into organisational context. The indication is that curriculum valued by industry will involve students being immersed in business problems rather than learning technical skills and then finding a place to apply them

    Where Will Professional Software Engineering Education Go Next?

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