3 research outputs found

    Product sizing with 3D anthropometry and k-medoids clustering

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd Aside from anthropometric data tables, 3D shape models of the human body are becoming increasingly common and call for new product sizing methods based on 3D anthropometry. Though some shape model-based methods exist, most of them focus on mathematical clustering and do not discuss the usability of the clustering results for product design. In this paper, a new shape-model based clustering method for product sizing is presented that takes into account both shape information and usability for designers. The new method, called constrained k-medoids clustering, is applied on a shape model of 100 human heads. It is compared to a partitioning around medoid (PAM) clustering of anthropometric measurements of the same 100 heads (i.e., feature-based), as well as to PAM clustering of the shape model (i.e., shape based). Results show that both shape-based and constrained clustering perform better than feature-based clustering, with an average size-weighted variance (SWV) of 62×103±16×103and 66×103±26×103as compared to 72×103±12×103, respectively. The average point-to-point distances in shape-based and constrained k-medoids were found to be similar to those of feature-based k-medoids, indicating that using 3D-anthropometry for product sizing will not have a negative impact on designer workload and/or a higher cost to implement more sizes. The results suggest that for head-based products, which require accurate shape and size fit, sizing systems should be created using either shape-based or constrained k-medoids, with the latter being slightly less accurate but more intuitive for further design and verification.status: publishe


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    Bank merupakan aspek penting dalam menopang perekonomian daerah maupun negara, bahkan pada era industri 4.0 saat ini. Oleh karena itu untuk menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat bank harus memperhatikan tingkat kesehatannya agar tidak menimbulkan krisis. Penilaian tingkat kesehatan kini berdasarkan pendekatan risk based bank rating melalui peraturan PBI Nomor 13/1/PBI/2011 pasal 2 tanggal 5 Januari 2011 sehingga resiko kegagalan dapat diidentifikasi lebih awal. Data yang digunakan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesehatan bank adalah data rasio keuangan yang menggunakan capital adequacy ratio, non performing loan, net interest margin, return on asset, return in equity, dan loan to deposit ratio sebagai parameternya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma K-Medoids yang bagus dalam melakukan klasterisasi data numerik, kompleks dan tidak besar serta tidak berpengaruh terhadap outliers, hal itu sangat cocok dengan kasus ini. Memilih jumlah cluster menggunakan metode davies-bouldin index validity k terpilih adalah 3 dengan nilai DBI=0,95 dan pengelompokkan yang dilakukan K-Medoids dari data tahun 1995, 1997, dan 2012-2019 dengan total 991 data, hasil menunjukkan bahwa Bank Riau Kepri berada dalam kelompok bank yang baik. Analisa dilakukan per tahun dan menggabungkan seluruh data dengan data bank yang telah dilikuidasi, Bank Riau Kepri tetap berada dalam kelompok yang sama dengan beberapa bank yang baik tersebut