488,697 research outputs found

    Service innovation in manufacturing firms : evidence from Spain.

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    The ways in which manufacturing firms come to offer services to customers – servitisation or servicisation – are attracting considerable attention. This paper examines an innovation survey of Spanish firms in order to investigate one aspect of this phenomenon: the introduction of new or improved services by manufacturers. Specifically, the paper analyses the determinants of service innovations in manufacturers and determines whether they differ from those of product or process innovations in these same firms. The study finds that almost 20 percent of the firms in the sample have introduced such services in the recent past and that important differences exist between service and product (goods) innovations, with service innovations being particularly related to human resource development and closer links to customers. This suggests that service innovation by manufacturers has much in common with the innovation patterns detected in service sector firms. Intriguing differences across manufacturing sectors are also noted, with the lowest- and highest-tech sectors reporting more service innovations than the medium-tech sectorsInnovation; Manufacturing; Service; Servitisation;

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Menabung pada Produk Tabungan Mudharabah di KSPPS BMT NU Cabang Camplong

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    The development of Islamic financial institutions, such as the KSPPS BMT NU Camplong Branch, is growing rapidly. In order to remain competitive, they need a good marketing strategy. One of them is by paying attention to the quality of service and products. If the service and products are of good quality, customers will be interested in saving. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of service quality and product quality on customers' saving decisions for Mudharabah Savings products at the KSPPS BMT NU Camplong Branch. This research uses a quantitative method with statistical analysis. The population of this study consists of all customers of Mudharabah Savings at the KSPPS BMT NU Camplong Branch, totaling 3555 customers. The research sample was taken using the Accidental Sampling method, with a total of 98 customers. The results of the study show that service quality and product quality have a significant influence on customers' saving decisions. Overall, 47.9% of customers' saving decisions can be explained by the variables of service quality and product quality

    Modeling Framework for Integrated, Model-based Development of Product-Service Systems

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    Product-service systems (PSS) are seen as the 21st-century solution for direct delivery of value to customers under the requirements of high availability, quality, and reduced risks. With mutual benefits for customers, manufacturers, service providers and often the environment, PSS represent a promising approach to sustainable development. This paper addresses the integrated development of product-service systems consisting of physical products/systems and services and proposes an integrated modeling framework that utilizes the Systems Modeling Language. A use case from Lenze, a German automation company, demonstrates the applicability of the integrated modeling framework in practice

    Like Talking To a Wall : a Study of Multinational Customers\u27 Online Shopping Experiences

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    Using online reviews of multinational customers, we explored various attributes of their experiences when they engage in online shopping. Our analysis revealed eight key themes: interaction with customer service, paid subscription service experience, experience with e-retailers, delivery service experience, return policy experience, cost experience, product quality experience, and convenience in online shopping. We discuss these themes and how the experiences of customers in different regions compare based on their unique cultural factors and the level of economic development. The study contributes to our knowledge of online service experience and e-retail services

    Implementasi Aplikasi Penjualan Berbasis Customer Relationship Management untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan (Studi Kasus : T.B Gaya Baru)

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    The retail and shopping center showed significant growth and positive contribution to Indonesia's economic recovery. Intense competition makes it difficult for marketers to compete in product innovation. The development of increasingly rapid technological lead new thing will easily be able to be replicated by others, so the role of customer service is important. Customers who are satisfied with the service of the company on an ongoing basis will lead to customer loyalty. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a strategy used to get customers (acquire), strengthen relationships with customers (enhance) and retain customers (retain), and services aimed at improving customer satisfaction, operational, analytical, collaborative constitute components CRM

    Service innovation in manufacturing firms : evidence from Spain

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    The ways in which manufacturing firms come to offer services to customers – servitisation or servicisation – are attracting considerable attention. This paper examines an innovation survey of Spanish firms in order to investigate one aspect of this phenomenon: the introduction of new or improved services by manufacturers. Specifically, the paper analyses the determinants of service innovations in manufacturers and determines whether they differ from those of product or process innovations in these same firms. The study finds that almost 20 percent of the firms in the sample have introduced such services in the recent past and that important differences exist between service and product (goods) innovations, with service innovations being particularly related to human resource development and closer links to customers. This suggests that service innovation by manufacturers has much in common with the innovation patterns detected in service sector firms. Intriguing differences across manufacturing sectors are also noted, with the lowest- and highest-tech sectors reporting more service innovations than the medium-tech sectorsPublicad

    Sustainable Design Process and Factors Considered for Product Service System

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    "Sustainability" is apparently reflected in corporate management and product development. Technology development and industrial revolution not only provide human beings luxury living quality but also causes global environmental problems and natural resources crisis on earth. Therefore, quite a few environmental protection policies in the world have been made. "Reduce, reuse and recycle" definitely becomes a new life trend. Under this circumstance, Product Service System (PSS) is a new way to satisfy the customers' needs by means of a complete process in products and services. It can make resource usage become a closed loop, thus reducing total product quantity and enhancing resource usage sufficiency. PSS has a characteristic of lower environmental impacts. Therefore, the author incorporates the concept of PSS into sustainable design strategy. This study first utilizes Analytic Network Process (ANP) to analyze both service categories from PSS and ranking priority of life cycle structure to be the foundation of sustainable design. Secondly, this study adopts Modified Delphi?MD?method to inspect the sustainable design factors considered for the application of PSS on case study. Furthermore, the author develops evaluation guidance and check list to make sure the target achievement of product sustainable design. Finally, this research accomplishes an applied process of PSS's sustainable design. By employing PSS on sustainable design, the study improves the impact of product life cycle on environmental quality. As a result, this study provides the PSS's design factors considered of sustainable products for corporations, and supplies a continuous service to create an operation mechanism with higher profit and lower risk as well

    Green Services and Emergence and Recovery from the Global Economic Slowdown in Developing Asian Economies

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    The global economic slowdown has again highlighted the vulnerability of export-led development models and economies to downturns in export markets. Economic deepening or rebalancing with an emphasis on service-sector development should beand is becomingone long-term response to the crisis by Asias emerging economies. In the long run, sustainable economic development will depend in part on achieving a green trajectory of service sector development, in which services help green the product economy. In the short run, however, can services help address short- and medium-term challenges of emergence and recovery from the crisisparticularly those of at least resuming historic rates of poverty alleviation and inclusive growth? Meeting these challenges will require that export sectors deal successfully with challenging market conditions. There is a class of closely related business-to-business services which act to green the product economy, and which would improve the competitiveness of export sectors and husband scarce public resources by optimizing the efficiency of infrastructure utilization. These are functional procurement/efficiency services, which transform procurement of environmentally problematic goods and servicessuch as waste disposal, energy, chemicals, and transportinto performance-based services in which service providers profit by increasing the customers eco-efficiency. Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) are the best-known of these service models. These services appear to have strong potential among the larger, more sophisticated institutions and commercial and industrial enterprises in developing Asian states, particularly in Asias more advanced developing economies.global economic slowdown, export-led development models, sustainable economic development, Energy Service Companies, Asia

    On the use of platforms for product–service solutions

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    The purpose of this thesis is to identify and describe factors influencing the use of platforms for product–service solutions. Briefly put, product–service solutions are combinations of products and services integrated and customised to address customers’ overall needs. However, because customisation can be costly and time-consuming, following a platform approach can enable companies to meet customers’ individual needs while taking advantage of economies of scale effects at the same time. Compiling five papers, this thesis proposes factors that are influencing the development and applicability of such a platform approach. Drawing from research on product–service solutions and on platform and modular approaches, the thesis seeks to answer three research questions addressing: (1) arguments in favour of using platforms for product–service solutions, (2) how a platform approach influence key aspects of the solutions development, and (3) how a platform approach influence key aspects of the organisational structure. To answer those questions, the research for the thesis adopted a case-study approach. Following a pre-study on Alpha and Beta—an access solutions provider and a healthcare ICT solutions provider, respectively—the lion’s share of data concerns the firm Gamma, operating in the transportation industry. Within the scope of that company, two solutions development projects—the ECOS and COBO projects—were also studied in-depth.As revealed in the case studies, the use of platforms for product–service solutions is influenced by the objectives of the solution business, the solution itself and the organisational architecture, as well as variation in customers’ needs. Further, the thesis outlines three development-focused efforts undertaken in providing product–service solutions based on a platform approach: (1) developing and utilising standardised assets (i.e. a platform), (2) the customising efforts concerned with the configuration of solutions, and (3) personalising activities referring to adaption of the delivery of solutions. Leveraging usage and technology knowledge as shared assets, the thesis identifies two approaches to developing a platform: establishing the platform first or taking a point of departure within an individual solution. Despite arguments in favour of using a platform approach for product–service solutions, implementing such an approach typically presents obstacles. Challenges are likely to arise in an organisation due to the misalignment of the solution architecture with the organisational architecture. After all, the solution architecture encompasses products and services that are inseparable from the development phase forward. However, if products and services are separated organisationally, then the organisational architecture can direct product and service development into different structures, which can cause major challenges in managing the integration needed to provide a seamless solution

    Service Co-Production, Customer Efficiency and Market Competition

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    Customers’ participation in service co-production processes has been increasing with the rapid development of self-service technologies and business models that rely on self-service as the main service delivery channel. However, little is known about how the level of participation of customers in service delivery processes influences the competition among service providers. In this paper, a game-theoretic model is developed to study the competition among service providers when selfservice is an option. The analysis of the equilibria from this model shows that, given a certain level of customer efficiency, the proportion of the service task outsourced to the customer is a decisive factor in the resulting competitive equilibria. In the long run, two extreme formats of service delivery are expected to prevail rather than any mixture of both: either complete employee service or complete self-service. In the two-firm queuing game, we find that both firms are better off when they both deliver their service through self-service. It is also shown that full-service providers dominate the market if firms providing service products featuring self-service fail to have enough market demand at a profitable price. Meanwhile, the limited ranges of customer efficiency and the price for the self-service-only product are shown to be essential conditions for the coexistence of the different types of service providers.
