5 research outputs found

    SocialGuard: An Adversarial Example Based Privacy-Preserving Technique for Social Images

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    The popularity of various social platforms has prompted more people to share their routine photos online. However, undesirable privacy leakages occur due to such online photo sharing behaviors. Advanced deep neural network (DNN) based object detectors can easily steal users' personal information exposed in shared photos. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial example based privacy-preserving technique for social images against object detectors based privacy stealing. Specifically, we develop an Object Disappearance Algorithm to craft two kinds of adversarial social images. One can hide all objects in the social images from being detected by an object detector, and the other can make the customized sensitive objects be incorrectly classified by the object detector. The Object Disappearance Algorithm constructs perturbation on a clean social image. After being injected with the perturbation, the social image can easily fool the object detector, while its visual quality will not be degraded. We use two metrics, privacy-preserving success rate and privacy leakage rate, to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experimental results show that, the proposed method can effectively protect the privacy of social images. The privacy-preserving success rates of the proposed method on MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets are high up to 96.1% and 99.3%, respectively, and the privacy leakage rates on these two datasets are as low as 0.57% and 0.07%, respectively. In addition, compared with existing image processing methods (low brightness, noise, blur, mosaic and JPEG compression), the proposed method can achieve much better performance in privacy protection and image visual quality maintenance

    Image Privacy Protection with Secure JPEG Transmorphing

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    Thanks to advancements in smart mobile devices and social media platforms, sharing photos and experiences has significantly bridged our lives, allowing us to stay connected despite distance and other barriers. However, concern on privacy has also been raised, due to not only mistakes or ignorance of impact of careless sharing but also complex infrastructures and cross-use of social media content. In this paper, we present secure JPEG Transmorphing, a flexible framework for protecting image visual privacy in a secure, reversible, fun and personalized manner. With secure JPEG Transmorphing, the protected image is also backwards compatible with JPEG, the most commonly used image format. Experiments have been performed and results show that the proposed method provides a near lossless image reconstruction, a controllable level of storage overhead, and a good degree of privacy protection and subjective pleasantness

    Investigating Obfuscation as a Tool to Enhance Photo Privacy on Social Networks Sites

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    Photos which contain rich visual information can be a source of privacy issues. Some privacy issues associated with photos include identification of people, inference attacks, location disclosure, and sensitive information leakage. However, photo privacy is often hard to achieve because the content in the photos is both what makes them valuable to viewers, and what causes privacy concerns. Photo sharing often occurs via Social Network Sites (SNSs). Photo privacy is difficult to achieve via SNSs due to two main reasons: first, SNSs seldom notify users of the sensitive content in their photos that might cause privacy leakage; second, the recipient control tools available on SNSs are not effective. The only solution that existing SNSs (e.g., Facebook, Flickr) provide is control over who receives a photo. This solution allows users to withhold the entire photo from certain viewers while sharing it with other viewers. The idea is that if viewers cannot see a photo, then privacy risk is minimized. However, withholding or self-censoring photos is not always the solution people want. In some cases, people want to be able to share photos, or parts of photos, even when they have privacy concerns about the photo. To provide better online photo privacy protection options for users, we leverage a behavioral theory of privacy that identifies and focuses on two key elements that influence privacy -- information content and information recipient. This theory provides a vocabulary for discussing key aspects of privacy and helps us organize our research to focus on the two key parameters through a series of studies. In my thesis, I describe five studies I have conducted. First, I focus on the content parameter to identify what portions of an image are considered sensitive and therefore are candidates to be obscured to increase privacy. I provide a taxonomy of content sensitivity that can help designers of photo-privacy mechanisms understand what categories of content users consider sensitive. Then, focusing on the recipient parameter, I describe how elements of the taxonomy are associated with users\u27 sharing preferences for different categories of recipients (e.g., colleagues vs. family members). Second, focusing on controlling photo content disclosure, I invented privacy-enhancing obfuscations and evaluated their effectiveness against human recognition and studied how they affect the viewing experience. Third, after discovering that avatar and inpainting are two promising obfuscation methods, I studied whether they were robust when de-identifying both familiar and unfamiliar people since viewers are likely to know the people in OSN photos. Additionally, I quantified the prevalence of self-reported photo self-censorship and discovered that privacy-preserving obfuscations might be useful for combating photo self-censorship. Gaining sufficient knowledge from the studies above, I proposed a privacy-enhanced photo-sharing interface that helps users identify the potential sensitive content and provides obfuscation options. To evaluate the interface, I compared the proposed obfuscation approach with the other two approaches – a control condition that mimics the current Facebook photo-sharing interface and an interface that provides a privacy warning about potentially sensitive content. The results show that our proposed system performs better over the other two in terms of reducing perceived privacy risks, increasing willingness to share, and enhancing usability. Overall, our research will benefit privacy researchers, online social network designers, policymakers, computer vision researchers, and anyone who has or wants to share photos online

    Privacy-Friendly Photo Sharing and Relevant Applications Beyond

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    Popularization of online photo sharing brings people great convenience, but has also raised concerns for privacy. Researchers proposed various approaches to enable image privacy, most of which focus on encrypting or distorting image visual content. In this thesis, we investigate novel solutions to protect image privacy with a particular emphasis on online photo sharing. To this end, we propose not only algorithms to protect visual privacy in image content but also design of architectures for privacy-preserving photo sharing. Beyond privacy, we also explore additional impacts and potentials of employing daily images in other three relevant applications. First, we propose and study two image encoding algorithms to protect visual content in image, within a Secure JPEG framework. The first method scrambles a JPEG image by randomly changing the signs of its DCT coefficients based on a secret key. The second method, named JPEG Transmorphing, allows one to protect arbitrary image regions with any obfuscation, while secretly preserving the original image regions in application segments of the obfuscated JPEG image. Performance evaluations reveal a good degree of storage overhead and privacy protection capability for both methods, and particularly a good level of pleasantness for JPEG Transmorphing, if proper manipulations are applied. Second, we investigate the design of two architectures for privacy-preserving photo sharing. The first architecture, named ProShare, is built on a public key infrastructure (PKI) integrated with a ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE), to enable the secure and efficient access to user-posted photos protected by Secure JPEG. The second architecture is named ProShare S, in which a photo sharing service provider helps users make photo sharing decisions automatically based on their past decisions using machine learning. The photo sharing service analyzes not only the content of a user's photo, but also context information about the image capture and a prospective requester, and finally makes decision whether or not to share a particular photo to the requester, and if yes, at which granularity. A user study along with extensive evaluations were performed to validate the proposed architecture. In the end, we research into three relevant topics in regard to daily photos captured or shared by people, but beyond their privacy implications. In the first study, inspired by JPEG Transmorphing, we propose an animated JPEG file format, named aJPEG. aJPEG preserves its animation frames as application markers in a JPEG image and provides smaller file size and better image quality than conventional GIF. In the second study, we attempt to understand the impact of popular image manipulations applied in online photo sharing on evoked emotions of observers. The study reveals that image manipulations indeed influence people's emotion, but such impact also depends on the image content. In the last study, we employ a deep convolutional neural network (CNN), the GoogLeNet model, to perform automatic food image detection and categorization. The promising results obtained provide meaningful insights in design of automatic dietary assessment system based on multimedia techniques, e.g. image analysis