3,120 research outputs found

    Generating similar images using bag context picture grammars

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    A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, February 2018Formal language theory was born in the middle of the 20th century as a tool for modeling and investigating syntax of natural languages. It was developed in connection with the handling of programming languages. Bag context grammars are a fairly new grammar class where bag context tree grammars have been defined. Bag context is used to regulate rewriting in tree grammars. In this dissertation we use bag context to regulate rewriting in picture grammars and thus to generate similar pictures. This work is exploratory work since bag context picture grammars have not been defined. We use examples to show how bag context picture grammars can be used to generate pictures. In this work bag context picture grammars are defined and used to generate similar pictures. Pictures generated by random context picture grammars and three of their sub-classes are selected and bag context picture grammars are used to generate the same pictures to those selected. A lemma is defined that is used to convert the class of random context picture grammars and three of their sub-classes into equivalent bag context picture grammars. For each grammar selected, an equivalent bag context picture grammar is created and used to generate several pictures that are similar to each other. Similarity is defined by noting small differences that are seen in pictures that belong to the same gallery. In this work we generate similar pictures with bag context picture grammars and thus make the discovery that bag context gives a certain level of control in terms of rules applied in a grammar.XL201

    Spatially Aware Computing for Natural Interaction

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    Spatial information refers to the location of an object in a physical or digital world. Besides, it also includes the relative position of an object related to other objects around it. In this dissertation, three systems are designed and developed. All of them apply spatial information in different fields. The ultimate goal is to increase the user friendliness and efficiency in those applications by utilizing spatial information. The first system is a novel Web page data extraction application, which takes advantage of 2D spatial information to discover structured records from a Web page. The extracted information is useful to re-organize the layout of a Web page to fit mobile browsing. The second application utilizes the 3D spatial information of a mobile device within a large paper-based workspace to implement interactive paper that combines the merits of paper documents and mobile devices. This application can overlay digital information on top of a paper document based on the location of a mobile device within a workspace. The third application further integrates 3D space information with sound detection to realize an automatic camera management system. This application automatically controls multiple cameras in a conference room, and creates an engaging video by intelligently switching camera shots among meeting participants based on their activities. Evaluations have been made on all three applications, and the results are promising. In summary, this dissertation comprehensively explores the usage of spatial information in various applications to improve the usability

    Big data and the SP theory of intelligence

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    This article is about how the "SP theory of intelligence" and its realisation in the "SP machine" may, with advantage, be applied to the management and analysis of big data. The SP system -- introduced in the article and fully described elsewhere -- may help to overcome the problem of variety in big data: it has potential as "a universal framework for the representation and processing of diverse kinds of knowledge" (UFK), helping to reduce the diversity of formalisms and formats for knowledge and the different ways in which they are processed. It has strengths in the unsupervised learning or discovery of structure in data, in pattern recognition, in the parsing and production of natural language, in several kinds of reasoning, and more. It lends itself to the analysis of streaming data, helping to overcome the problem of velocity in big data. Central in the workings of the system is lossless compression of information: making big data smaller and reducing problems of storage and management. There is potential for substantial economies in the transmission of data, for big cuts in the use of energy in computing, for faster processing, and for smaller and lighter computers. The system provides a handle on the problem of veracity in big data, with potential to assist in the management of errors and uncertainties in data. It lends itself to the visualisation of knowledge structures and inferential processes. A high-parallel, open-source version of the SP machine would provide a means for researchers everywhere to explore what can be done with the system and to create new versions of it.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Acces

    The 2nd Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    The current approaches in pattern recognition

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    An overview of artificial intelligence and robotics. Volume 1: Artificial intelligence. Part B: Applications

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that has recently attracted considerable attention. Many applications are now under development. This report, Part B of a three part report on AI, presents overviews of the key application areas: Expert Systems, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Speech Interfaces, and Problem Solving and Planning. The basic approaches to such systems, the state-of-the-art, existing systems and future trends and expectations are covered

    Telecommand and Telemetry Implementation of Aalto-2 CubeSat Project

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    This thesis work concentrates on the development of telecommand and telemetry handler software for a 2 kg Aalto-2 nanosatellite, currently scheduled for launch in October 2016. The satellite is part of the international QB50 termosphere mission and it is developed by Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. The telecommand and telemetry (TC/TM) handler, in charge of communications, is one of the most important systems of satellite software, which is executed by On Board Computer (OBC). In this thesis, the TC/TM handler subsystem is designed, giving it a special attention in maintaining simplicity and reliability. The design process is started with the derivation of requirements and constraints. The software is implemented for FreeRTOS, an open-source real-time operating system, which is selected as operation environment of the satellite OBC software. The designed software uses a Concatenative Language approach and complies with ECSS-PUS standard. It features different libraries that provide capabilities for on-board data handling needs, the most notable of which is the Dyncall library. The library provides functions of dynamic function call in C. The UHF driver handles incoming and outgoing low-level communications protocols, and the Coffee File System implements storage management. The work gives an overview of small satellite communication architectures and relevant standards and interfaces.Esta tésis se centra en el desarrollo de sistemas de telecontrol y software controlador de telemetría para el nanosatélite Aalto-2, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para octubre de 2016. El satélite forma parte de la misión internacional QB50 termosphere y ha sido desarrollado por la Universidad de Aalto en Espoo, Finlandia. El controlador de telecomando y telemetría (TC/TM), a cargo de las comunicaciones, es uno de los sistemas más importantes del software del satélite. Este software es ejecutado por el Ordenador de abordo (OBC). El proceso de diseño se inicia con la derivación de los requisitos y limitaciones. El software está implementado para FreeRTOS, un sistema operativo en tiempo real de código abierto, que es seleccionado como entorno operativo del software del OBC. El software diseñado utiliza un enfoque de programación concatenativa y cumple con la norma de ECSS-PUS. Cuenta con diferentes librerias que proporcionan capacidades de datos de abordo necesidades de manipulación, el más notable de los cuales es la libreria Dyncall. Esta proporciona funciones de llamada dinámica en C. Los drivers de la UHF maneja los protocolos de comunicación de bajo nivel de entrada y salida, y el sistema de archivo es implementado por el Coffe File System o CFS. El trabajo ofrece una visión general de las arquitecturas de comunicaciones de nanosatélites, las normas pertinentes y las interfaces.Aquesta tési es centra en el desenvolupament de sistemes de telecontrol i programari controlador de telemetria per al nanosatèl·lit Aalto-2, el llançament del qual està previst per octubre del 2016. El satèl·lit forma part de la missió internacional QB50 termosphere i ha estat desenvolupat per la Universitat d'Aalto a Espoo, Finlàndia. El controlador de telecomandament i telemetria (TC / TM), se'n fa càrrec de les comunicacions i és un dels sistemes més importants del programari del satèl·lit. Aquest és executat per l'ordinador d'abord (OBC). El procés de disseny s'inicia amb la derivació dels requisits i limitacions. El programari està implementat per FreeRTOS, un sistema operatiu en temps real de codi obert, que és seleccionat com a entorn operatiu del OBC. El programari dissenyat utilitza un enfocament de programació concatenada i compleix amb la norma de ECSS-PUS. Compta amb diferents llibreries que proporcionen capacitats de dades d'abordo necessitats de manipulació, el més notable dels quals és la llibreria Dyncall. Aquesta proporciona funcions de crida dinàmica en C. Els drivers de la UHF controla els protocols de comunicació a baix nivell d'entrada i sortida, i el sistema d'arxiu és implementat pel Coffe File System o CFS. El treball ofereix una visió general de les arquitectures de comunicacions de nanosatèl·lits, les normes pertinents i les interfícies

    The Three Grammars and the Sign

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    This article presents an original three-component model of the linguistic sign. It shares with the established triadic models of Peirce (1955 [1897]) and Ogden & Richards (1923/1949) in identifying THOUGHT, WORD and THING as essential components; but differs in being linear, with THOUGHT and THING at opposite poles. It is argued that this arrangement reflects the way the components of the sign relate to reality and thereby serves well as an explanatory tool for linguistic research. The model is further modified at each of the ontological realms using concepts from cognitive linguistics, renamed COGNITION, LANGUAGE and REALITY. The new model is employed as a research tool in two case studies: one illustrates its use in making sense of the complex field of language grammar; the other does the same for figurative language – metaphor and metonymy. The article’s conclusions include that interrogating established cornerstones of linguistic theory in the light of new theory can lead to the development of improved research tools