3 research outputs found

    The Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) ? Part 1: Model description and evaluation

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    International audienceWe introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostic includes the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM2.5) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosonde and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained

    Grid-centric scheduling strategies for workflow applications

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    Grid computing faces a great challenge because the resources are not localized, but distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic. Thus, it is essential to provide a set of programming tools that execute an application on the Grid resources with as little input from the user as possible. The thesis of this work is that Grid-centric scheduling techniques of workflow applications can provide good usability of the Grid environment by reliably executing the application on a large scale distributed system with good performance. We support our thesis with new and effective approaches in the following five aspects. First, we modeled the performance of the existing scheduling approaches in a multi-cluster Grid environment. We implemented several widely-used scheduling algorithms and identified the best candidate. The study further introduced a new measurement, based on our experiments, which can improve the schedule quality of some scheduling algorithms as much as 20 fold in a multi-cluster Grid environment. Second, we studied the scalability of the existing Grid scheduling algorithms. To deal with Grid systems consisting of hundreds of thousands of resources, we designed and implemented a novel approach that performs explicit resource selection decoupled from scheduling Our experimental evaluation confirmed that our decoupled approach can be scalable in such an environment without sacrificing the quality of the schedule by more than 10%. Third, we proposed solutions to address the dynamic nature of Grid computing with a new cluster-based hybrid scheduling mechanism. Our experimental results collected from real executions on production clusters demonstrated that this approach produces programs running 30% to 100% faster than the other scheduling approaches we implemented on both reserved and shared resources. Fourth, we improved the reliability of Grid computing by incorporating fault- tolerance and recovery mechanisms into the workow application execution. Our experiments on a simulated multi-cluster Grid environment demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach and also characterized the three-way trade-off between reliability, performance and resource usage when executing a workflow application. Finally, we improved the large batch-queue wait time often found in production Grid clusters. We developed a novel approach to partition the workow application and submit them judiciously to achieve less total batch-queue wait time. The experimental results derived from production site batch queue logs show that our approach can reduce total wait time by as much as 70%. Our approaches combined can greatly improve the usability of Grid computing while increasing the performance of workow applications on a multi-cluster Grid environment

    Processing Mesoscale Climatology in a Grid Environment

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