20 research outputs found

    The Link Between the Business Process Management Capabilities and the Benefits Created by Robotic Process Automation in an Organisation

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    In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as organisations are increasingly confronted with unclear and complex business environments, digital technologies are being used to acquire and maintain dynamism, innovation, responsiveness to changing societal needs, and agility, which are essential in this time of changes. In the current competitive environment, organising the performance of an organisation solely on the basis of functions and assignments is no longer appropriate. There is a growing interest in the concept of the process-oriented organisation (Szelagowski, & Berniak-Woźny 2020) and a growing focus on the digitalisation of operations and business processes (Kirchmer 2017; Siderska 2020). This article aims to define the link between the essential aspects of the Business Process Management capabilities and the benefit generated by Robotic Process Automation based on theoretical insights

    Developing and implementing a lean performance indicator: overall process effectiveness to measure the effectiveness in an operation process

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    The purpose of this paper is to build up and implement a framework of a lean performance indicator with collaborative participation. A new indicator derived from OEE is presented, overall process effectiveness (OPE), which measures the effectiveness of an operation process. The action research (AR) methodology was used; collaborative work was done between researchers and management team participation. The framework was developed with the researchers’ and practitioners’ experiences, and the data was collected and analyzed; some improvements were applied and finally, a critical reflection of the process was done. This new metric contributes to measuring the unloading process, identifying losses, and generating continuous improvement plans tailored to organizational needs, increasing their market competitiveness and reducing the non-value-add activities. The OEE framework is implemented in a new domain, opening a new line of research applied to logistic process performance. This framework contributes to recording and measuring the data of one unloading area and could be extrapolated to other domains for lean performance. It was possible to generate and validate knowledge applied in the field. This study makes collaborative participation providing an effectiveness indicator that helps the managerial team to make better decisions through AR methodology. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Developing and Implementing a Lean Performance Indicator: Overall Process Effectiveness to Measure the Effectiveness in an Operation Process

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    The purpose of this paper is to build up and implement a framework of a lean performance indicator with collaborative participation. A new indicator derived from OEE is presented, overall process effectiveness (OPE), which measures the effectiveness of an operation process. The action research (AR) methodology was used; collaborative work was done between researchers and management team participation. The framework was developed with the researchers’ and practitioners’ experiences, and the data was collected and analyzed; some improvements were applied and finally, a critical reflection of the process was done. This new metric contributes to measuring the unloading process, identifying losses, and generating continuous improvement plans tailored to organizational needs, increasing their market competitiveness and reducing the non-value-add activities. The OEE framework is implemented in a new domain, opening a new line of research applied to logistic process performance. This framework contributes to recording and measuring the data of one unloading area and could be extrapolated to other domains for lean performance. It was possible to generate and validate knowledge applied in the field. This study makes collaborative participation providing an effectiveness indicator that helps the managerial team to make better decisions through AR methodology.This research received no external fundin

    Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Systematic Literature Review and Overview of Different Approaches

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    Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a key performance indicator used to measure equipment productivity. The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the evolution of OEE, present modifications made over the original model and identify future development areas. This paper presents a systematic literature review; a structured and transparent study is performed by establishing procedures and criteria that must be followed for selecting relevant evidences and addressing research questions effectively. In a general search, 862 articles were obtained; after eliminating duplicates and applying certain inclusion and exclusion criteria, 186 articles were used for this review. This research presents three principal results: (1) The academic interest in this topic has increased over the last five years and the keywords have evolved from being related to maintenance and production, to being related to lean manufacturing and optimization; (2) A list of authors who have developed models based on OEE has been created; and (3) OEE is an emerging topic in areas such as logistics and services. To the best of our knowledge, no comparable review has been published recently. This research serves as a basis for future relevant studies

    Digital transformation and business intelligence for a SME: systems thinking action research using PrOH modelling

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    This paper discusses the digital transformation journey of a small and medium enterprise (SME) based in the UK. With the proposed digital transformation archetype, the paper highlights the improvement in various key performance indices (KPIs) for the case SME. The core KPIs and operational KPIs show improvement through the technology adoption as part of the digital manufacturing initiative. While embracing technology, such as Industry 4.0, it is important to highlight the importance of the change and other benefits of technological changes. The paper uses socio-technological system principles to achieve a successful transition. An action research approach and a specific soft system thinking methodology known as Process-Oriented Holonic (PrOH) modeling were used in this paper. A digital twin architecture is presented in the paper that showcases the use of integrated technologies for a digital manufacturing roadmap

    Digital transformation in business and management research: An overview of the current status quo

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    It is no surprise that research on digital transformation (DT) has raised vast interest among academics in recent decades. Countries, cities, industries, companies, and people all face the same challenge of adapting to a digital world. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, map the thematic evolution of the DT research in the areas of business and management, because existing research in these areas to date has been limited to certain domains. To achieve this, articles were identified and reviewed that were published in the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ (ABS) ≥ 2-star journals. Based on these findings, the second objective of this paper will be to propose a synergistic framework that relates existing research on DT to the areas of business and management, which will help form the evolutionary perspective taken in this paper. Considering the emerging development of the topic under investigation, the framework is understood as a sound basis for continued discussion and forthcoming research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistemas de informação na indústria 4.0 : mecanismos de apoio à transferência de dados para conhecimento em ambientes Lean

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    The paradigm that presently emerges in the organizational context, known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0) or Fourth Industrial Revolution, promises to bring principles of connectivity and flexibility to the companies that embrace it. Industry 4.0 enhances the efficiency in adapting in real time to the customers’ requirements, through the establishment of an intelligent shop floor capable of answering in a flexible and customized way to market changes. However, during the last three decades, it is known that the adoption of the Lean philosophy was absorbed by the industrial environment, with results that proved to be exuberant, considering the simplicity of the tools. In this way, the I4.0 implementation must be prepared to preserve the existing manufacturing systems, proceeding, whenever possible, to upgrade them on a Lean excellence basis. It is said that information systems will be decisive in the foundation of the I4.0 paradigm. Of these, MES systems, with greater connection to the shop floor, will tend to be aligned with existing practices, contributing, through their connectivity, to the introduction of knowledge management practices and data visualization mechanisms. In the specification and architecture phase of these systems, understanding the processes will be crucial. Thus, their documentation is an organizational pillar, with BPMN and UML being able to guide it. However, and in addition to its usefulness in the processes’ mapping, BPMN is also likely to be applied in capturing tacit knowledge, which can be a foundation for the constitution of knowledge repositories, impacting organizational excellence. It is in this context that the present work is implanted, aiming at the creation of guidelines and mechanisms that facilitate the implementation of I4.0 strategies in Lean industrial environments. The adopted methodology first went through an exhaustive literature review, in order to find possible bilateral effects between I4.0 technologies and lean tools. Then, the development of some applications aligned with the I4.0 paradigm, as a technological engine, and the Lean philosophy, as a tool for eliminating waste and / or creating value, was contemplated. From the various development experiences in an industrial context and considering the evidence reported in the literature, this study proposes a Lean 4.0 framework oriented to the shop floor.O paradigma que atualmente emerge no contexto organizacional, conhecido como Indústria 4.0 (I4.0) ou Quarta Revolução Industrial, promete trazer princípios de conectividade e flexibilidade às empresas que a adotam. A Indústria 4.0 potencia a eficácia no ajuste em tempo real aos requisitos dos clientes, através da constituição de um chão de fábrica inteligente e capaz de responder de forma flexível e customizada às mudanças do mercado. Contudo, durante as últimas três décadas, sabe-se que a adoção da filosofia Lean foi absorvida pelo meio industrial, com resultados que se demonstraram exuberantes, tendo em conta a simplicidade das ferramentas. Deste modo, a implementação I4.0 deve ser feita no sentido da preservação dos sistemas de manufatura já existentes, procedendo, desde que possível, ao seu upgrade numa base de excelência Lean. Conta-se que os sistemas de informação serão decisivos na fundação do paradigma I4.0. Destes, os sistemas MES, com maior conexão ao chão de fábrica, tenderão a ser alinhados com as práticas já existentes, contribuindo, através da sua conectividade, para a introdução de práticas de gestão do conhecimento e mecanismos de visualização de dados. Na fase de especificação e arquitetura destes sistemas, o entendimento dos processos será crucial. Assim, a documentação dos mesmos é um pilar organizacional, estando o BPMN e a UML capazes de a orientar. Porém, e a somar à sua utilidade na ilustração de processos, o BPMN está igualmente passível de ser aplicado na captação de conhecimento tácito, o que por si pode ser uma base para a constituição de repositórios de conhecimento, contribuindo para a excelência organizacional. É neste contexto que o presente trabalho se insere, tendo como objetivo a criação de linhas orientadoras e mecanismos que facilitem a implementação de estratégias I4.0 em ambientes industriais Lean. A metodologia adotada passou, primeiramente, por uma exaustiva revisão da literatura, por forma a encontrar possíveis efeitos bilaterais entre tecnologias I4.0 e ferramentas lean. De seguida, contemplou-se o desenvolvimento de alguns aplicativos alinhados ao paradigma I4.0, enquanto motor tecnológico, e à filosofia Lean, enquanto ferramenta de eliminação de desperdícios e/ou criação de valor. Das diversas experiências de desenvolvimento em contexto industrial e considerando as evidências reportadas na literatura o presente estudo propõe uma framework Lean 4.0 orientado ao chão de fábrica.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Cornerstones towards a successful implementation of AM technology : A qualitative phenomena-based study of the early-stage AM implementation process

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) can be described as potentially a disruptive technology that is studied mostly from the technological point of view eclipsing the people and managerial aspects. The lack of papers describing frameworks and ways to implement AM technology foreshadows the identified complexity of the process, however, makes it an intriguing and rewarding but also challenging research subject. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the void of papers studying AM implementation from the organizational viewpoint and to create an implementation framework picturing the cornerstones of a successful AM implementation to shed light on this complex process, especially for practitioners entering the field of AM. AM or more popularly 3D is a general term for technologies adding material together layer-upon- layer (SFS-EN ISO/ASTM 52900/2021). As a technology AM is not new, but it has continuously developed since the late 1980s and can be defined today as one of the Industry 4.0 technologies enabling e.g., high-added value through on-site and on-demand manufacturing of customized parts. AM can offer multiple benefits for an organization, but the implementation of AM includes also multiple challenges and questions to tackle before successful implementation, e.g., high investment costs and lack of competent workforce. Lack of AM knowledge together with the scarcity of AM implementation frameworks may result in false conclusions about the technology, its benefits, and challenges. The thesis is performed as a qualitative phenomenon-based study in which the data is gathered through seven semistructured interviews of Finnish AM experts and analyzed through a thematic approach. As a result, the AM implementation is divided into the early- and later-stage implementation which the first is covered in this thesis. Consequently, the early-stage implementation is divided into three sub-phases: opportunity recognition, knowledge acquisition, and learn-by-doing. An AM champion, managerial support, and collaboration can be seen as building blocks of the early-stage implementation process of AM. Together, the three identified sub-phases and building blocks generate an accumulation of knowledge. The created framework aims to emphasize the essentiality of knowledge, especially during the early-stage implementation, and picture a complex process in which all parts are in continuous iteration between each other. The data is gathered as a part of the Center for Collaborative Research ́s (CCR) output at the University of Turku regarding the DREAMS (Database for Radically Enhancing Additive Manufacturing and Standardization) project funded by the members of the DREAMS consortium and Business Finland.Lisääntyvää valmistusta (additive manufacturing, AM) voidaan kuvailla potentiaalisesti disruptiivikseksi teknologiaksi, jota on tutkittu pääasiassa teknisestä näkökulmasta sivuuttaen ihmis- ja johtamisnäkökulmat. AM-teknologian käyttöönoton viitekehysten vähäisyys enteilee tutkielmassa tunnistettua kompleksisuuden haastetta tehden aiheesta mielenkiintoisen ja palkitsevan, mutta myös haastavan tutkimuskohteen. Tämän lopputyön tavoitteena on avata monimutkaista prosessia alalle tuleville luoden käyttöönoton viitekehyksen, joka kuvaa tarvittavia kulmakiviä onnistuneeseen AM-teknologian käyttöönottoon. Tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan tunnistettuun tutkimusaukkoon tarkastelemalla AM-teknologian käyttöönottoa organisaatiotasolla. AM tai yleisesti ottaen 3D on yleiskäsite teknologioille, jotka lisäävät materiaalia yhteen kerros kerrokselta (SFS-EN ISO/ASTM 52900/2021). Teknologiana AM ei ole uusi, mutta se on kehittynyt 1980-luvun lopulta lähtien ja voidaan määritellä nykyään yhdeksi Teollisuus 4.0 teknologiosta mahdollistaen, esimerkiksi korkean lisäarvon kustomoitujen osien valmistuksen paikallisesti ja tarpeen mukaan. AM-teknologia voi tarjota organisaatiolle monia etuja, mutta sen käyttöönotto sisältää myös useita haasteita ja kysymyksiä, jotka on ratkaistava ennen onnistunutta käyttöönottoa. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi korkeat investointikustannukset ja puute osaavasta työvoimasta. Puutteellinen tietämys AM-teknologiasta yhdessä käyttöönoton viitekehysten vähäisuuden kanssa voi johtaa virheellisiin johtopäätöksiin teknologiasta sekä sen hyödyistä ja haasteista. Tutkielma on suoritettu laadullisena ilmiöpohjaisena tutkimuksena, jossa aineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla seitsemältä suomalaiselta AM-teknologian asiantuntijalta. Aineisto on analysoitu käyttäen temaattista analyysimenetelmää, jonka tuloksena AM- teknologian käyttöönotto on jaettu varhaiseen ja myöhempään vaiheeseen, joista ensimmäiseen keskitytään tässä tutkielmassa. V arhaisen käyttöönoton vaihe voidaan jakaa kolmeen osavaiheeseen: mahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen, tiedon hankinta ja tekemällä oppiminen. AM- champion, johdon tuki ja yhteistyö voidaan nähdä AM-teknologian varhaisen vaiheen käyttöönoton rakennuspalikoina. Yhdessä nämä kolme tunnistettua osavaihetta sekä rakennuspalikat saavat aikaan tiedon kumuloitumisen. Tässä tutkielmassa luotu viitekehys pyrkii korostamaan tiedon tärkeyttä erityisesti varhaisen vaiheen käyttöönoton aikana ja kuvaamaan monimutkaista prosessia, jossa kaikki osat ovat jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa toistensa kanssa. Aineisto on kerätty osana Turun yliopiston Center for Collaborative Research (CCR) - tutkimusyksikön tuotosta liittyen DREAMS-projektiin (Database for Radically Enhancing Additive Manufacturing and Standardization), jonka rahoittajina toimivat DREAMS-konsortion jäsenet ja Business Finland

    An assessment of risk associated with digitalisation in the South African construction industry

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    Abstract: In recent years, globalisation, international trade and industry competition have become a part of the construction industry’s operative. In this regard, time and space are progressively diminishing as obstacles to deliver customised and best services to clients at constrained budgets and time frames. All these deliverables call for an innovative approach in conducting business with effective communication being a key to its success. It is for this reason that digital methods and processes are slowly becoming a requirement for any construction company in South Africa to keep abreast with competitors in the same market. Digitalisation is the term used to describe the optimisation of information that has been digitised to improve business operations. Companies around the globe are considering this digital transition in order improve bottom line figures. However, the introduction of digital methods that threaten processes that have been working for years is perceived as a risk. Previous research studies outline a wide range of benefits related to the implementation of digital technology in the construction industry; however, studies do not highlight the inherent critical risk factors. This reveals an information deficit, which this study sought to fill. This study therefore assessed risks that are related to digitalisation uptake in the South African construction industry. In pursuit of this, a quantitative approach was adopted with questionnaires used as the instrument for data collection from construction professionals in the Gauteng Province...M.Tech. (Quantity Surveying