2,162 research outputs found

    Process evaluation of a web-based intervention aimed at empowerment of disability benefit claimants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this process evaluation study was to gain insight into the reach, compliance, appreciation, usage barriers, and users' perceived effectiveness of a web-based intervention <url>http://www.wiagesprek.nl</url>. This intervention was aimed at empowerment of disability claimants, prior to the assessment of disability by an insurance physician.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Reach was determined by registering claimants exposed to the study's invitation brochures, and by comparing trial participant characteristics with non-participants and nationwide claimant data. Compliance was registered by analyzing weblogs, which were automatically collected during the period of the trial. This made it possible to analyze individual use of the intervention. Appreciation, usage barriers, and users' perceived effectiveness were assessed using an online questionnaire that was sent to participants from the intervention group, 6 weeks after enrolment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only 9% of the target population enrolled in the internet program. Because of selective enrolment, more females, higher educated claimants, and less ethnical minorities were reached. Compliance was ambiguous: out of the 123 participants randomized into the intervention group, a significant proportion (33%) did not use the intervention at all, while, at the same time, many participants (32%) used the intervention for more than two hours (i.e. in approximately two weeks). Overall satisfaction with the intervention was good. Claimants perceived the intervention most effective in increasing knowledge, while also a fair amount of users perceived the intervention effective in gaining right expectations or being able to communicate better with their physician.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The uptake of the intervention <url>http://www.wiagesprek.nl</url> was disappointing. Specifically, the poor reach and compliance of the intervention resulted in a small proportion of the target population using the intervention as intended. Improvements in the implementation process are desirable to increase the reach and compliance and, thereby possibly, the impact of the intervention.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=1414">NTR-1414</a></p

    Effectiveness of a web-based intervention for injured claimants: A randomized controlled trial

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    .01). The subgroup analysis of intervention users versus non-users did not reveal significant results. The evaluation of the intervention website was good. Conclusions Although the web-based intervention was not used enough to improve the health of injured claimants in compensation processes, it increased the perceived fairness of the received compensation amount

    Development and evaluation of a strength-based method to promote employment of work-disability benefit recipients with multiple problems

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    In many Western welfare states active labour market policies have been introduced, aimed at integrating the unemployed in general, and people with disabilities in particular, into the labour market. The effectiveness of these activation programs is limited and labour market participation among people with disabilities remains low. The aim of this dissertation was to study the added value of the Comprehensive Approach to Reintegrate persons with multiple problems (CARm), an holistic and Strengths based method to support clients with multiple problems by labour experts of the UWV. The method focuses mainly on the strengths of the clients, rather than their limitations. In addition, the network is actively involved and the clients wishes are the starting point for reintegration. The study reveals that 87% of the client population experience multiple problems, indicating that problems in other areas than health (including finance, education and informal care for family) can hinder finding work or returning to work. The developed method was perceived as valuable by the labour experts, but proved challenging to implement in practice, resulting in a lack of a positive effect. Nevertheless, the method fits well in current reintegration policy where the client is heard and clients are actively involved in decisions about their lives. Further research into the conditions for successful implementation in practice is therefore recommended

    WP3 Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis

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    This report presents the mapping, review and analysis of the most relevant LLL policies for young adults in Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire. The report first reviews the national Scottish LLL policies which influence the implementation of LLL for young adults in the two regions under study. This report provides findings and analysis to comply with the H2020 YOUNG_ADULLLT Research Project, Work Package 3 (WP3). We have used the requirements and guidance in the WP3 proposal to select two appropriate Functional Regions (FRs): The Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire. These FRs provide a focus for the WP3 mapping but also frame the other data gathering for the YOUNG_ADULLLT project. The mapping has provided material to facilitate an understanding of the policy landscape, including the different policy sectors of the two FRs set in the national context. The mapping required the selection of three detailed examples of LLL/Skills policies with their associated material actions in each of the two FRs. Currently, we have mapped four in each FR. Our mapping reflects the distinctiveness of Scottish public policy in that national policies provide the main framework for regional and locally devolved enactment and associated actions

    Welfare Reform, Precarity and the Re-Commodification of Labour

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    While welfare reform matters for workers and workplaces, it is peripheral in English-language sociology of work and industrial relations research. This article’s core proposition is that active labour market policies (ALMPs) are altering the institutional constitution of the labour market by intensifying market discipline within the workforce. This re-commodification effect is specified drawing on Marxism, comparative institutionalism, German-language sociology, and English-language social policy analysis. Because of administrative failures and employer discrimination, however, ALMPs may worsen precarity without achieving the stated goal of increasing labour-market participation

    Improving the life chances of disabled people: final report

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    Employability Assessment in Total and Permanent Disability Insurance Claims

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    Employability assessment (EA), developed to help claims professionals decide total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance claims, has not been empirically evaluated. This research sought formative knowledge about EA in the multi-billion-dollar Australian life insurance market. Five exploratory studies examined specific research questions in a multiphase mixed methods design. Study 1 was a scoping review of literature. Study 2 comprised interviews of 12 claimants on their TPD claim experience. Study 3 explored views of 10 rehabilitation experts in a focus group on EA issues. Study 4 used a novel Delphi process to generate items for Study 5, which surveyed 104 claims professionals’ views on EA. The review found that EA has similar methodology to forensic vocational assessment excluding psychosocial features. Its practice is informed by legal interpretation. TPD claimants reported lack of information, poor communication, stress, and frustration with the TPD process at a crucial time of disability. Many still wanted to work. Lump sum payouts brought unexpected consequences. All suggested process improvements. Rehabilitation experts identified training/accreditation of EA providers, realistic labour market data, and absence of psychosocial elements as key issues. The adapted Delphi was completed in four weeks with 100% response rate and 75% consensus on 21 survey items. Survey respondents found EA cost effective, very useful in deciding claims, with transferable skills analysis, job option rationale, labour market analysis/employer contact as central components. Provider training, face-to-face claimant interview, and realistic reports were recommended. EA must be legally sound, and providers require forensic credentials. Tension between no psychosocial inquiry and demand for real life evaluation needs resolution. TPD claimants want a person-centred informative and supportive claim experience

    Mental health, resilience and the recession in Bradford

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    Which coping strategies helped unemployed people in Bradford during times of recession? This research explores the mental health impacts of unemployment. Researchers spoke to 16 focus groups in Bradford that included 73 unemployed people to find out how job losses affected everyday well-being and which personal coping strategies and financial support opportunities were helpful. Participants revealed how financial losses could affect mental health and how aspects such as the loss of a previously valued social role and a lack of structure during the day also played a part. The study: - examines the impact of involuntary unemployment across different groups; - identifies the dangers to mental health associated with unemployment; and - presents the different coping strategies used by men and women and by different age groups. It identifies five main issues that require further policy attention to ensure that people who are unemployed do not also suffer from mental ill-health
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