618,525 research outputs found

    Neutron Capture Cross Sections for the Weak s Process

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    In past decades a lot of progress has been made towards understanding the main s-process component that takes place in thermally pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. During this process about half of the heavy elements, mainly between 90<=A<=209 are synthesized. Improvements were made in stellar modeling as well as in measuring relevant nuclear data for a better description of the main s process. The weak s process, which contributes to the production of lighter nuclei in the mass range 56<=A<=90 operates in massive stars (M>=8Msolar) and is much less understood. A better characterization of the weak s component would help disentangle the various contributions to element production in this region. For this purpose, a series of measurements of neutron-capture cross sections have been performed on medium-mass nuclei at the 3.7-MV Van de Graaff accelerator at FZK using the activation method. Also, neutron captures on abundant light elements with A<56 play an important role for s-process nucleosynthesis, since they act as neutron poisons and affect the stellar neutron balance. New results are presented for the (n,g) cross sections of 41K and 45Sc, and revisions are reported for a number of cross sections based on improved spectroscopic information

    Methodology of process models creation when using the software tool enterprise architect

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    A continuous improvement of business processes is a must for any company that wants to stay in the market. Customers requiring better and better products and services force all enterprises to think continuously about improving of their business processes. Such an approach is based on a good understanding and measuring of an existing process and, thus, from the resulting stimuli of its improvement. A software (SW) tool called Enterprise Architect enables, among others, to model individual business processes. The main objective of business processes modelling is to create a correct specification of these processes and to analyse their properties. The purpose of business processes modelling is to create such an abstraction of a process, which would enable to understand all its activities and all relationships existing between these activities on the one hand and roles represented by capabilities of people and facilities involved in a given process. The objective of this paper is to create a uniform methodology of business processes modelling when using the SW tool Enterprise Architect.Process model methodology of modeling activity process modelling area

    Creativity and Culture in Copyright Theory

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    Creativity is universally agreed to be a good that copyright law should seek to promote, yet copyright scholarship and policymaking have proceeded largely on the basis of assumptions about what it actually is. When asked to discuss the source of their inspiration, individual artists describe a process that is intrinsically ineffable. Rights theorists of all varieties have generally subscribed to this understanding, describing creativity in terms of an individual liberty whose form remains largely unspecified. Economic theorists of copyright work from the opposite end of the creative process, seeking to divine the optimal rules for promoting creativity by measuring its marketable byproducts. But these theorists offer no particular reason to think that marketable byproducts are either an appropriate proxy or an effective stimulus for creativity (as opposed to production), and more typically refuse to engage the question. The upshot is that the more we talk about creativity, the more it disappears from view. At the same time, the mainstream of intellectual property scholarship has persistently overlooked a broad array of social science methodologies that provide both descriptive tools for constructing ethnographies of creative processes and theoretical tools for modeling them

    Scientific support for an orbiter middeck experiment on solid surface combustion

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    The objective is to determine the mechanism of gas-phase flame spread over solid fuel surfaces in the absence of any buoyancy or externally imposed gas-phase flow. Such understanding can be used to improve the fire safety aspects of space travel by providing information that will allow judicious selections of spacecraft materials and environments to be made. The planned experiment consists of measuring the flame spread rate over thermally thin and thermally thick fuels in a closed container in the low-gravity environment of the Space Shuttle. Measurements consist of flame spread rate and shape obtained from two views of the process as recorded on movie film and surface and gas-phase temperatures obtained from fine-wire thermocouples. The temperature measurements along with appropriate modeling provide information about the gas-to-solid heat flux. Environmental parameters to be varied are the oxygen concentration and pressure

    Rapid Grain Boundary Mobility at Ambient Temperatures

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    Understanding and measuring the influence of grain boundaries (planar defects in the crystalline structure of materials) and their motion has become a dominant aspect in materials research, with applications in additive manufacturing, fatigue prevention, and material modeling. However, modeling grain boundaries and grain boundary mobility (GBM) is difficult due to the high temperatures or external stresses, imaging solutions compatible with the material system, and long time-scales required to create measurable experimental results. In this paper, we introduce a novel material system that allows for easy and fast visualization of GBM. A drop of liquid metal eutectic gallium indium (eGaIn) placed on indium foil will penetrate along grain boundaries, decreasing the internal stresses at grain boundary interfaces and enabling rapid GBM on the order of minutes. Due to the low melting temperature of indium, the entire process is observable without requiring special temperature-control equipment. Using a scanning electron microscope, the GBM of several grains of indium can be observed at a high resolution simultaneously. The value of the material choice and visualization process is shown by measuring the motion as a function of curvature for several grain boundaries


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    Abstrak: Penelitian studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesulitan translasi matematis siswa dalam materi program linear di kelas XI SMA N 7 Pontianak ditinjau dari measuring process, fitting process, modeling process dan sketching process. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah tes diagnostik dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 8 orang siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data, kesulitan yang dialami siswa pada measuring process, modelling process, dan sketching process berupa kesulitan memahami konsep dan kesulitan mengaitkan fakta dengan jenis kesalahan berupa kesalahan konsep dan kesalahan prinsip. Sedangkan, pada fitting process berupa kesulitan memahami konsep, kesulitan mengaitkan fakta, dan kesulitan melakukan perhitungan aljabar dengan jenis kesalahan berupa kesalahan konsep, kesalahan prinsip dan kesalahan manipulasi . Kata kunci: Translasi Matematis, Kesulitan Translasi Matematis, Jenis Kesalahan Translasi Abstract: This case study research aims to find out the difficulty of mathematical translation of the students in linear program material of grade student’s XI SMA N 7 Pontianak viewed from the measuring process, fitting process, modeling process and sketching process. The research method used is descriptive method. Data collection tools used are diagnostic tests and interviews. The subjects were 8 students. Based on data analysis, the difficulties experienced by students in the process of translation are measuring process, modelling process, dan sketching process in the form of difficulty understanding the concept and difficulty linking existing facts with errors of concept and principle errors. In the fitting process of difficulty understanding the concept, difficulty linking existing facts, and difficulty doing algebraic calculations with errors of concept, principle errors and manipulation errors. Keyword: Mathematical Translations, Difficulty Of Mathematical Translations, Translations Error