112 research outputs found

    Mechanistic Behavior of Single-Pass Instruction Sequences

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    Earlier work on program and thread algebra detailed the functional, observable behavior of programs under execution. In this article we add the modeling of unobservable, mechanistic processing, in particular processing due to jump instructions. We model mechanistic processing preceding some further behavior as a delay of that behavior; we borrow a unary delay operator from discrete time process algebra. We define a mechanistic improvement ordering on threads and observe that some threads do not have an optimal implementation.Comment: 12 page

    Transmission protocols for instruction streams

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    Threads as considered in thread algebra model behaviours to be controlled by some execution environment: upon each action performed by a thread, a reply from its execution environment -- which takes the action as an instruction to be processed -- determines how the thread proceeds. In this paper, we are concerned with the case where the execution environment is remote: we describe and analyse some transmission protocols for passing instructions from a thread to a remote execution environment.Comment: 13 page

    Interface groups and financial transfer architectures

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    Analytic execution architectures have been proposed by the same authors as a means to conceptualize the cooperation between heterogeneous collectives of components such as programs, threads, states and services. Interface groups have been proposed as a means to formalize interface information concerning analytic execution architectures. These concepts are adapted to organization architectures with a focus on financial transfers. Interface groups (and monoids) now provide a technique to combine interface elements into interfaces with the flexibility to distinguish between directions of flow dependent on entity naming. The main principle exploiting interface groups is that when composing a closed system of a collection of interacting components, the sum of their interfaces must vanish in the interface group modulo reflection. This certainly matters for financial transfer interfaces. As an example of this, we specify an interface group and within it some specific interfaces concerning the financial transfer architecture for a part of our local academic organization. Financial transfer interface groups arise as a special case of more general service architecture interfaces.Comment: 22 page

    Robustness of Equations Under Operational Extensions

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    Sound behavioral equations on open terms may become unsound after conservative extensions of the underlying operational semantics. Providing criteria under which such equations are preserved is extremely useful; in particular, it can avoid the need to repeat proofs when extending the specified language. This paper investigates preservation of sound equations for several notions of bisimilarity on open terms: closed-instance (ci-)bisimilarity and formal-hypothesis (fh-)bisimilarity, both due to Robert de Simone, and hypothesis-preserving (hp-)bisimilarity, due to Arend Rensink. For both fh-bisimilarity and hp-bisimilarity, we prove that arbitrary sound equations on open terms are preserved by all disjoint extensions which do not add labels. We also define slight variations of fh- and hp-bisimilarity such that all sound equations are preserved by arbitrary disjoint extensions. Finally, we give two sets of syntactic criteria (on equations, resp. operational extensions) and prove each of them to be sufficient for preserving ci-bisimilarity.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS'10, arXiv:1011.601

    Network algebra for synchronous dataflow

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    We develop an algebraic theory of synchronous dataflow networks. First, a basic algebraic theory of networks, called BNA (Basic Network Algebra), is introduced. This theory captures the basic algebraic properties of networks. For synchronous dataflow networks, it is subsequently extended with additional constants for the branching connections that occur between the cells of synchronous dataflow networks and axioms for these additional constants. We also give two models of the resulting theory, the one based on stream transformers and the other based on processes as considered in process algebra.Comment: 24 page

    Process algebra with strategic interleaving

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    In process algebras such as ACP (Algebra of Communicating Processes), parallel processes are considered to be interleaved in an arbitrary way. In the case of multi-threading as found in contemporary programming languages, parallel processes are actually interleaved according to some interleaving strategy. An interleaving strategy is what is called a process-scheduling policy in the field of operating systems. In many systems, for instance hardware/software systems, we have to do with both parallel processes that may best be considered to be interleaved in an arbitrary way and parallel processes that may best be considered to be interleaved according to some interleaving strategy. Therefore, we extend ACP in this paper with the latter form of interleaving. The established properties of the extension concerned include an elimination property, a conservative extension property, and a unique expansion property.Comment: 19 pages, this version is a revision of the published versio

    Contradiction-tolerant process algebra with propositional signals

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    In a previous paper, an ACP-style process algebra was proposed in which propositions are used as the visible part of the state of processes and as state conditions under which processes may proceed. This process algebra, called ACPps, is built on classical propositional logic. In this paper, we present a version of ACPps built on a paraconsistent propositional logic which is essentially the same as CLuNs. There are many systems that would have to deal with self-contradictory states if no special measures were taken. For a number of these systems, it is conceivable that accepting self-contradictory states and dealing with them in a way based on a paraconsistent logic is an alternative to taking special measures. The presented version of ACPps can be suited for the description and analysis of systems that deal with self-contradictory states in a way based on the above-mentioned paraconsistent logic.Comment: 25 pages; 26 pages, occurrences of wrong symbol for bisimulation equivalence replaced; 26 pages, Proposition 1 added; 27 pages, explanation of the phrase 'in contradiction' added to section 2 and presentation of the completeness result in section 2 improved; 27 pages, uniqueness result in section 2 revised; 27 pages, last paragraph of section 8 revise