11 research outputs found

    Inferring Energy Bounds via Static Program Analysis and Evolutionary Modeling of Basic Blocks

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    The ever increasing number and complexity of energy-bound devices (such as the ones used in Internet of Things applications, smart phones, and mission critical systems) pose an important challenge on techniques to optimize their energy consumption and to verify that they will perform their function within the available energy budget. In this work we address this challenge from the software point of view and propose a novel parametric approach to estimating tight bounds on the energy consumed by program executions that are practical for their application to energy verification and optimization. Our approach divides a program into basic (branchless) blocks and estimates the maximal and minimal energy consumption for each block using an evolutionary algorithm. Then it combines the obtained values according to the program control flow, using static analysis, to infer functions that give both upper and lower bounds on the energy consumption of the whole program and its procedures as functions on input data sizes. We have tested our approach on (C-like) embedded programs running on the XMOS hardware platform. However, our method is general enough to be applied to other microprocessor architectures and programming languages. The bounds obtained by our prototype implementation can be tight while remaining on the safe side of budgets in practice, as shown by our experimental evaluation.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854). Improved version of the one presented at the HIP3ES 2016 workshop (v1): more experimental results (added benchmark to Table 1, added figure for new benchmark, added Table 3), improved Fig. 1, added Fig.

    Predicting model training time to optimize distributed machine learning applications

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    Despite major advances in recent years, the field of Machine Learning continues to face research and technical challenges. Mostly, these stem from big data and streaming data, which require models to be frequently updated or re-trained, at the expense of significant computational resources. One solution is the use of distributed learning algorithms, which can learn in a distributed manner, from distributed datasets. In this paper, we describe CEDEs—a distributed learning system in which models are heterogeneous distributed Ensembles, i.e., complex models constituted by different base models, trained with different and distributed subsets of data. Specifically, we address the issue of predicting the training time of a given model, given its characteristics and the characteristics of the data. Given that the creation of an Ensemble may imply the training of hundreds of base models, information about the predicted duration of each of these individual tasks is paramount for an efficient management of the cluster’s computational resources and for minimizing makespan, i.e., the time it takes to train the whole Ensemble. Results show that the proposed approach is able to predict the training time of Decision Trees with an average error of 0.103 s, and the training time of Neural Networks with an average error of 21.263 s. We also show how results depend significantly on the hyperparameters of the model and on the characteristics of the input data.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through projects UIDB/04728/2020, EXPL/CCI-COM/0706/2021, and CPCA-IAC/AV/475278/2022

    An evolutionary scheduling approach for trading-off accuracy vs. verifiable energy in multicore processors

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    This work addresses the problem of energy-efficient scheduling and allocation of tasks in multicore environments, where the tasks can allow a certain loss in accuracy in the output, while still providing proper functionality and meeting an energy budget. This margin for accuracy loss is exploited by using computing techniques that reduce the work load, and thus can also result in significant energy savings. To this end, we use the technique of loop perforation, that transforms loops to execute only a subset of their original iterations, and integrate this technique into our existing optimization tool for energy-efficient scheduling. To verify that a schedule meets an energy budget, both safe upper and lower bounds on the energy consumption of the tasks involved are needed. For this reason, we use a parametric approach to estimate safe (and tight) energy bounds that are practical for energy verification (and optimization applications). This approach consists in dividing a program into basic (?branchless?) blocks, establishing the maximal (resp. minimal) energy consumption for each block using an evolutionary algorithm, and combining the obtained values according to the program control flow, by using static analysis to produce energy bound functions on input data sizes. The scheduling tool uses evolutionary algorithms coupled with the energy bound functions for estimating the energy consumption of different schedules. The experiments with our prototype implementation were performed on multicore XMOS chips, but our approach can be adapted to any multicore environment with minor changes. The experimental results show that our new scheduler enhanced with loop perforation improves on the previous one, achieving significant energy savings (31% on average for the test programs) for acceptable levels of accuracy loss

    Scheduling Task-parallel Applications in Dynamically Asymmetric Environments

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    Shared resource interference is observed by applications as dynamic performance asymmetry. Prior art has developed approaches to reduce the impact of performance asymmetry mainly at the operating system and architectural levels. In this work, we study how application-level scheduling techniques can leverage moldability (i.e. flexibility to work as either single-threaded or multithreaded task) and explicit knowledge on task criticality to handle scenarios in which system performance is not only unknown but also changing over time. Our proposed task scheduler dynamically learns the performance characteristics of the underlying platform and uses this knowledge to devise better schedules aware of dynamic performance asymmetry, hence reducing the impact of interference. Our evaluation shows that both criticality-aware scheduling and parallelism tuning are effective schemes to address interference in both shared and distributed memory applicationsComment: Published in ICPP Workshops '2

    Interval-based Resource Usage Verification by Translation into Horn Clauses and an Application to Energy Consumption

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    Many applications require conformance with specifications that constrain the use of resources, such as execution time, energy, bandwidth, etc. We have presented a configurable framework for static resource usage verification where specifications can include lower and upper bound, data size-dependent resource usage functions. To statically check such specifications, our framework infers the same type of resource usage functions, which safely approximate the actual resource usage of the program, and compares them against the specification. We review how this framework supports several languages and compilation output formats by translating them to an intermediate representation based on Horn clauses and using the configurability of the framework to describe the resource semantics of the input language. We provide a more detailed formalization and extend the framework so that both resource usage specification and analysis/verification output can include preconditions expressing intervals for the input data sizes for which assertions are applicable, proved, or disproved. Most importantly, we also extend the classes of functions that can be checked. We provide results from an implementation within the Ciao/CiaoPP framework, and report on a tool built by instantiating this framework for the verification of energy consumption specifications for imperative/embedded programs. This paper is under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Transactional memory on heterogeneous architectures

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    Tesis Leida el 9 de Marzo de 2018.Si observamos las necesidades computacionales de hoy, y tratamos de predecir las necesidades del mañana, podemos concluir que el procesamiento heterogéneo estará presente en muchos dispositivos y aplicaciones. El motivo es lógico: algoritmos diferentes y datos de naturaleza diferente encajan mejor en unos dispositivos de cómputo que en otros. Pongamos como ejemplo una tecnología de vanguardia como son los vehículos inteligentes. En este tipo de aplicaciones la computación heterogénea no es una opción, sino un requisito. En este tipo de vehículos se recolectan y analizan imágenes, tarea para la cual los procesadores gráficos (GPUs) son muy eficientes. Muchos de estos vehículos utilizan algoritmos sencillos, pero con grandes requerimientos de tiempo real, que deben implementarse directamente en hardware utilizando FPGAs. Y, por supuesto, los procesadores multinúcleo tienen un papel fundamental en estos sistemas, tanto organizando el trabajo de otros coprocesadores como ejecutando tareas en las que ningún otro procesador es más eficiente. No obstante, los procesadores tampoco siguen siendo dispositivos homogéneos. Los diferentes núcleos de un procesador pueden ofrecer diferentes características en términos de potencia y consumo energético que se adapten a las necesidades de cómputo de la aplicación. Programar este conjunto de dispositivos es una tarea compleja, especialmente en su sincronización. Habitualmente, esta sincronización se basa en operaciones atómicas, ejecución y terminación de kernels, barreras y señales. Con estas primitivas de sincronización básicas se pueden construir otras estructuras más complejas. Sin embargo, la programación de estos mecanismos es tediosa y propensa a fallos. La memoria transaccional (TM por sus siglas en inglés) se ha propuesto como un mecanismo avanzado a la vez que simple para garantizar la exclusión mutua

    Improved static analysis and verification of energy consumption and other resources via abstract interpretation

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    Resource analysis aims at inferring the cost of executing programs for any possible input, in terms of a given resource, such as the traditional execution steps, time ormemory, and, more recently energy consumption or user defined resources (e.g., number of bits sent over a socket, number of database accesses, number of calls to particular procedures, etc.). This is performed statically, i.e., without actually running the programs. Resource usage information is useful for a variety of optimization and verification applications, as well as for guiding software design. For example, programmers can use such information to choose different algorithmic solutions to a problem; program transformation systems can use cost information to choose between alternative transformations; parallelizing compilers can use cost estimates for granularity control, which tries to balance the overheads of task creation and manipulation against the benefits of parallelization. In this thesis we have significatively improved an existing prototype implementation for resource usage analysis based on abstract interpretation, addressing a number of relevant challenges and overcoming many limitations it presented. The goal of that prototype was to show the viability of casting the resource analysis as an abstract domain, and howit could overcome important limitations of the state-of-the-art resource usage analysis tools. For this purpose, it was implemented as an abstract domain in the abstract interpretation framework of the CiaoPP system, PLAI.We have improved both the design and implementation of the prototype, for eventually allowing an evolution of the tool to the industrial application level. The abstract operations of such tool heavily depend on the setting up and finding closed-form solutions of recurrence relations representing the resource usage behavior of program components and the whole program as well. While there exist many tools, such as Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and libraries able to find closed-form solutions for some types of recurrences, none of them alone is able to handle all the types of recurrences arising during program analysis. In addition, there are some types of recurrences that cannot be solved by any existing tool. This clearly constitutes a bottleneck for this kind of resource usage analysis. Thus, one of the major challenges we have addressed in this thesis is the design and development of a novel modular framework for solving recurrence relations, able to combine and take advantage of the results of existing solvers. Additionally, we have developed and integrated into our novel solver a technique for finding upper-bound closed-form solutions of a special class of recurrence relations that arise during the analysis of programs with accumulating parameters. Finally, we have integrated the improved resource analysis into the CiaoPP general framework for resource usage verification, and specialized the framework for verifying energy consumption specifications of embedded imperative programs in a real application, showing the usefulness and practicality of the resulting tool.---ABSTRACT---El Análisis de recursos tiene como objetivo inferir el coste de la ejecución de programas para cualquier entrada posible, en términos de algún recurso determinado, como pasos de ejecución, tiempo o memoria, y, más recientemente, el consumo de energía o recursos definidos por el usuario (por ejemplo, número de bits enviados a través de un socket, el número de accesos a una base de datos, cantidad de llamadas a determinados procedimientos, etc.). Ello se realiza estáticamente, es decir, sin necesidad de ejecutar los programas. La información sobre el uso de recursos resulta muy útil para una gran variedad de aplicaciones de optimización y verificación de programas, así como para asistir en el diseño de los mismos. Por ejemplo, los programadores pueden utilizar dicha información para elegir diferentes soluciones algorítmicas a un problema; los sistemas de transformación de programas pueden utilizar la información de coste para elegir entre transformaciones alternativas; los compiladores paralelizantes pueden utilizar las estimaciones de coste para realizar control de granularidad, el cual trata de equilibrar el coste debido a la creación y gestión de tareas, con los beneficios de la paralelización. En esta tesis hemos mejorado de manera significativa la implementación de un prototipo existente para el análisis del uso de recursos basado en interpretación abstracta, abordando diversos desafíos relevantes y superando numerosas limitaciones que éste presentaba. El objetivo de dicho prototipo era mostrar la viabilidad de definir el análisis de recursos como un dominio abstracto, y cómo se podían superar las limitaciones de otras herramientas similares que constituyen el estado del arte. Para ello, se implementó como un dominio abstracto en el marco de interpretación abstracta presente en el sistema CiaoPP, PLAI. Hemos mejorado tanto el diseño como la implementación del mencionado prototipo para posibilitar su evolución hacia una herramienta utilizable en el ámbito industrial. Las operaciones abstractas de dicha herramienta dependen en gran medida de la generación, y posterior búsqueda de soluciones en forma cerrada, de relaciones recurrentes, las cuales modelizan el comportamiento, respecto al consumo de recursos, de los componentes del programa y del programa completo. Si bien existen actualmente muchas herramientas capaces de encontrar soluciones en forma cerrada para ciertos tipos de recurrencias, tales como Sistemas de Computación Algebraicos (CAS) y librerías de programación, ninguna de dichas herramientas es capaz de tratar, por sí sola, todos los tipos de recurrencias que surgen durante el análisis de recursos. Existen incluso recurrencias que no las puede resolver ninguna herramienta actual. Esto constituye claramente un cuello de botella para este tipo de análisis del uso de recursos. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales desafíos que hemos abordado en esta tesis es el diseño y desarrollo de un novedoso marco modular para la resolución de relaciones recurrentes, combinando y aprovechando los resultados de resolutores existentes. Además de ello, hemos desarrollado e integrado en nuestro nuevo resolutor una técnica para la obtención de cotas superiores en forma cerrada de una clase característica de relaciones recurrentes que surgen durante el análisis de programas lógicos con parámetros de acumulación. Finalmente, hemos integrado el nuevo análisis de recursos con el marco general para verificación de recursos de CiaoPP, y hemos instanciado dicho marco para la verificación de especificaciones sobre el consumo de energía de programas imperativas embarcados, mostrando la viabilidad y utilidad de la herramienta resultante en una aplicación real

    Contributions à l'optimisation de programmes et à la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau

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    Since the end of Dennard scaling, power efficiency is the limiting factor for large-scale computing. Hardware accelerators such as reconfigurable circuits (FPGA, CGRA) or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) were introduced to improve the performance under a limited energy budget, resulting into complex heterogeneous platforms. This document presents a synthetic description of my research activities over the last decade on compilers for high-performance computing and high-level synthesis of circuits (HLS) for FPGA accelerators. Specifically, my contributions covers both theoretical and practical aspects of automatic parallelization and HLS in a general theoretical framework called the polyhedral model.A first chapter describes our contributions to loop tiling, a key program transformation for automatic parallelization which splits the computation atomic blocks called tiles.We rephrase loop tiling in the polyhedral model to enable any polyhedral tile shape whose size depends on a single parameter (monoparametric tiling), and we present a tiling transformation for programs with reductions – accumulations w.r.t. an associative/commutative operator. Our results open the way for semantic program transformations ; program transformations which does not preserve the computation but still lead to an equivalent program.A second chapter describes our contributions to algorithm recognition. A compiler optimization will never replace a good algorithm, hence the idea to recognize algorithm instances in a program and to substitute them by a call to a performance library. In our PhD thesis, we have addressed the recognition of templates – functionswith first-order variables – into programs and its application to program optimization. We propose a complementary algorithm recognition framework which leverages our monoparametric tiling and our reduction tiling transformations. This automates semantic tiling, a new semantic program transformation which increases the grain of operators (scalar → matrix).A third chapter presents our contributions to the synthesis of communications with an off-chip memory in the context of high-level circuit synthesis (HLS). We propose an execution model based on loop tiling, a pipelined architecture and a source-level compilation algorithm which, connected to the C2H HLS tool from Altera, ends up to a FPGA configuration with minimized data transfers. Our compilation algorithm is optimal – the data are loaded as late as possible and stored as soon as possible with a maximal reuse.A fourth chapter presents our contributions to design a unified polyhedral compilation model for high-level circuit synthesis.We present the Data-aware Process Networks (DPN), a dataflow intermediate representation which leverages the ideas developed in chapter 3 to explicit the data transfers with an off-chip memory. We propose an algorithm to compile a DPN from a sequential program, and we present our contribution to the synthesis of DPN to a circuit. In particular, we present our algorithms to compile the control, the channels and the synchronizations of a DPN. These results are used in the production compiler of the Xtremlogic start-up.Depuis la fin du Dennard scaling, l’efficacité énergétique est le facteur limitant pour le calcul haute performance. Les accélérateurs matériels comme les circuits reconfigurables (FPGA, CGRA) ou les accélérateurs graphiques (GPUs) ont été introduits pour améliorer les performances sous un budget énergétique limité, menant à des plateformes hétérogènes complexes.Mes travaux de recherche portent sur les compilateurs et la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau (High-Level Synthesis, HLS) pour le calcul haute-performance. Specifiquement, mes contributions couvrent les aspects théoriques etpratiques de la parallélisation automatique et la HLS dans le cadre général du modèle polyédrique.Un premier chapitre décrit mes contributions au tuilage de boucles, une transformation fondamentale pour la parallélisation automatique, qui découpe le calcul en sous-calculs atomiques appelés tuiles. Nous reformulons le tuilage de boucles dans le modèle polyédrique pour permettre n’importe tuile polytopique dont la taille dépend d’un facteur homothétique (tuilage monoparamétrique), et nous décrivons une transformation de tuilage pour des programmes avec des réductions – une accumulation selon un opérateur associative et commutatif. Nos résultats ouvrent la voie à des transformations de programme sémantiques ; qui ne préservent pas le calcul, mais produisent un programme équivalent.Un second chapitre décrit mes contributions à la reconnaissance d’algorithmes. Une optimisation de compilateur ne remplacera jamais un bon algorithme, d’où l’idée de reconnaître les instances d’un algorithme dans un programme et de les substituer par un appel vers une bibliothèque hauteperformance, chaque fois que c’est possible et utile.Dans notre thèse, nous avons traité la reconnaissance de templates – des fonctions avec des variables d’ordre 1 – dans un programme et son application à l’optimisation de programes. Nous proposons une approche complémentaire qui s’appuie sur notre tuilage monoparamétrique complété par une transformation pour tuiler les réductions. Ceci automatise le tuilage sémantique, une nouvelle transformation sémantique qui augmente le grain des opérateurs (scalaire → matrice).Un troisième chapitre présente mes contributions à la synthèse des communications avec une mémoire off-chip dans le contexte de la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau. Nous proposons un modèle d’exécution basé sur le tuilage de boucles, une architecture pipelinée et un algorithme de compilation source-à-source qui, connecté à l’outil de HLS C2H d’Altera, produit une configuration de circuit FPGA qui réalise un volume minimal de transferts de données. Notre algorithme est optimal – les données sont chargées le plus tard possible et stockées le plus tôt possible, avec une réutilisation maximale et sans redondances.Enfin, un quatrième chapitre présente mes contributions pour construire un modèle de compilation polyédrique unifié pour la synthèse de circuits haut-niveau.Nous présentons les réseaux de processus DPN (Data-aware Process Networks), une représentation intermédiaire dataflow qui s’appuie sur les idées développées au chapitre 3 pour expliciter les transferts de données entre le circuit et la mémoire off-chip. Nous proposons une suite d’algorithmes pour compiler un DPN à partir d’un programme séquentiel et nous présentons nos contributions à la synthèse d’un DPN en circuit. En particulier, nous présentons nos algorithmes pour compiler le contrôle, les canaux et les synchronisations d’un DPN. Ces résultats sont utilisés dans le compilateur de production de la start-up XtremLogic