19 research outputs found

    Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation

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    In this article, we explore the potential of using sentence-level discourse structure for machine translation evaluation. We first design discourse-aware similarity measures, which use all-subtree kernels to compare discourse parse trees in accordance with the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Then, we show that a simple linear combination with these measures can help improve various existing machine translation evaluation metrics regarding correlation with human judgments both at the segment- and at the system-level. This suggests that discourse information is complementary to the information used by many of the existing evaluation metrics, and thus it could be taken into account when developing richer evaluation metrics, such as the WMT-14 winning combined metric DiscoTKparty. We also provide a detailed analysis of the relevance of various discourse elements and relations from the RST parse trees for machine translation evaluation. In particular we show that: (i) all aspects of the RST tree are relevant, (ii) nuclearity is more useful than relation type, and (iii) the similarity of the translation RST tree to the reference tree is positively correlated with translation quality.Comment: machine translation, machine translation evaluation, discourse analysis. Computational Linguistics, 201

    Tunable Distortion Limits and Corpus Cleaning for SMT

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    We describe the Uppsala University system for WMT13, for English-to-German translation. We use the Docent decoder, a local search decoder that translates at the document level. We add tunable distortion limits, that is, soft constraints on the maximum distortion allowed, to Docent. We also investigate cleaning of the noisy Common Crawl corpus. We show that we can use alignment-based filtering for cleaning with good results. Finally we investigate effects of corpus selection for recasing.

    Feature Weight Optimization for Discourse-Level SMT

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    We present an approach to feature weight optimization for document-level decoding. This is an essential task for enabling future development of discourse-level statistical machine translation, as it allows easy integration of discourse features in the decoding process. We extend the framework of sentence-level feature weight optimization to the document-level. We show experimentally that we can get competitive and relatively stable results when using a standard set of features, and that this framework also allows us to optimize documentlevel features, which can be used to model discourse phenomena.

    Translation of "It" in a Deep Syntax Framework

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    We present a novel approach to the translation of the English personal pronoun it to Czech. We conduct a linguistic analysis on how the distinct categories of it are usually mapped to their Czech counterparts. Armed with these observations, we design a discriminative translation model of it, which is then integrated into the TectoMT deep syntax MT framework. Features in the model take advantage of rich syntactic annotation TectoMT is based on, external tools for anaphoricity resolution, lexical co-occurrence frequencies measured on a large parallel corpus and gold coreference annotation. Even though the new model for it exhibits no improvement in terms of BLEU, manual evaluation shows that it outperforms the original solution in 8.5% sentences containing it

    Discourse-level features for statistical machine translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) has progressed tremendously in the past two decades. The rule-based and interlingua approaches have been superseded by statistical models, which learn the most likely translations from large parallel corpora. System design does not amount anymore to crafting syntactical transfer rules, nor does it rely on a semantic representation of the text. Instead, a statistical MT system learns the most likely correspondences and re-ordering of chunks of source words and target words from parallel corpora that have been word-aligned. With this procedure and millions of parallel source and target language sentences, systems can generate translations that are intelligible and require minimal post-editing efforts from the human user. Nevertheless, it has been recognized that the statistical MT paradigm may fall short of modeling a number of linguistic phenomena that are established beyond the phrase level. Research in statistical MT has addressed discourse phenomena explicitly only in the past four years. When it comes to textual coherence structure, cohesive ties relate sentences and entire paragraphs argumentatively to each other. This text structure has to be rendered appropriately in the target text so that it conveys the same meaning as the source text. The lexical and syntactical means through which these cohesive markers are expressed may diverge considerably between languages. Frequently, these markers include discourse connectives, which are function words such as however, instead, since, while, which relate spans of text to each other, e.g. for temporal ordering, contrast or causality. Moreover, to establish the same temporal ordering of events described in a text, the conjugation of verbs has to be coherently translated. The present thesis proposes methods for integrating discourse features into statistical MT. We pre-process the source text prior to automatic translation, focusing on two specific discourse phenomena: discourse connectives and verb tenses. Hand-crafted rules are not required in our proposal; instead, machine learning classifiers are implemented that learn to recognize discourse relations and predict translations of verb tenses. Firstly, we have designed new sets of semantically-oriented features and classifiers to advance the state of the art in automatic disambiguation of discourse connectives. We hereby profited from our multilingual setting and incorporated features that are based on MT and on the insights we gained from contrastive linguistic analysis of parallel corpora. In their best configurations, our classifiers reach high performances (0.7 to 1.0 F1 score) and can therefore reliably be used to automatically annotate the large corpora needed to train SMT systems. Issues of manual annotation and evaluation are discussed as well, and solutions are provided within new annotation and evaluation procedures. As a second contribution, we implemented entire SMT systems that can make use of the (automatically) annotated discourse information. Overall, the thesis confirms that these techniques are a practical solution that leads to global improvements in translation in ranges of 0.2 to 0.5 BLEU score. Further evaluation reveals that in terms of connectives and verb tenses, our statistical MT systems improve the translation of these phenomena in ranges of up to 25%, depending on the performance of the automatic classifiers and on the data sets used

    Modeling contextual information in neural machine translation

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    Machine translation has provided impressive translation quality for many language pairs. The improvements over the past few years are largely due to the introduction of neural networks to the field, resulting in the modern sequence-to-sequence neural machine translation models. NMT is at the core of many largescale industrial tools for automatic translation such as Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, Amazon Translate and many others. Current NMT models work on the sentence-level, meaning they are used to translate individual sentences. However, for most practical use-cases, a user is interested in translating a document. In these cases, an MT tool splits a document into individual sentences and translates them independently. As a result, any dependencies between the sentences are ignored. This is likely to result in an incoherent document translation, mainly because of inconsistent translation of ambiguous source words or wrong translation of anaphoric pronouns. For example, it is undesirable to translate “bank” as a “financial bank” in one sentence and then later as a “river bank”. Furthermore, the translation of, e.g., the English third person pronoun “it” into German depends on the grammatical gender of the English antecedent’s German translation. NMT has shown that it has impressive modeling capabilities, but is nevertheless unable to model discourse-level phenomena as it needs access to contextual information. In this work, we study discourse-level phenomena in context-aware NMT. To facilitate the particular studies of interest, we propose several models capable of incorporating contextual information into standard sentence-level NMT models. We direct our focus on several discourse phenomena, namely, coreference (anaphora) resolution, coherence and cohesion. We discuss these phenomena in terms of how well can they be modeled by context-aware NMT, how can we improve upon current state-of-the-art as well as the optimal granularity at which these phenomena should be modeled. We further investigate domain as a factor in context-aware NMT. Finally, we investigate existing challenge sets for anaphora resolution evaluation and provide a robust alternative. We make the following contributions: i) We study the importance of coreference (anaphora) resolution and coherence for context-aware NMT by making use of oracle information specific to these phenomena. ii) We propose a method for improving performance on anaphora resolution based on curriculum learning which is inspired by the way humans organize learning. iii) We investigate the use of contextual information for better handling of domain information, in particular in the case of modeling multiple domains at once and when applied to zero-resource domains. iv) We present several context-aware models to enable us to examine the specific phenomena of interest we already mentioned. v) We study the optimal way of modeling local and global context and present a model theoretically capable of using very large document context. vi) We study the robustness of challenge sets for evaluation of anaphora resolution in MT by means of adversarial attacks and provide a template test set that robustly evaluates specific steps of an idealized coreference resolution pipeline for MT