15 research outputs found

    Avoiding the Intrinsic Unfairness of the Trolley Problem

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    As an envisaged future of transportation, self-driving cars are being discussed from various perspectives, including social, economical, engineering, computer science, design, and ethical aspects. On the one hand, self-driving cars present new engineering problems that are being gradually successfully solved. On the other hand, social and ethical problems have up to now being presented in the form of an idealized unsolvable decision-making problem, the so-called "trolley problem", which is built on the assumptions that are neither technically nor ethically justifiable. The intrinsic unfairness of the trolley problem comes from the assumption that lives of different people have different values.In this paper, techno-social arguments are used to show the infeasibility of the trolley problem when addressing the ethics of self-driving cars. We argue that different components can contribute to an "unfair" behaviour and features, which requires ethical analysis on multiple levels and stages of the development process. Instead of an idealized and intrinsically unfair thought experiment, we present real-life techno-social challenges relevant for the domain of software fairness in the context of self-driving cars

    Workshop Ethics and Morality in Business Informatics (Workshop Ethik und Moral in der Wirtschaftsinformatik – EMoWI\u2719)

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    The aim of the first edition of the EMoWI workshop was to establish a new forum for Business Informatics researchers and practitioners to reflect on the various ways in which the concern with business information systems and digital technologies gives rise to questions and issues with an ethical dimension. The several contributions of the workshop have made it plain that ethical questions indeed crop up in many fields of Business Informatics, ranging from specific research objects such as digital platforms to methodological presuppositions of the discipline at large. This chapter provides an overview of the background and the contributions of the EMoWI workshop 2019

    Bounded Temporal Fairness for FIFO Financial Markets.

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    Financial exchange operators cater to the needs of their users while simultaneously ensuring compliance with the financial regulations. In this work, we focus on the operators’ commitment for fair treatment of all competing participants. We first discuss unbounded temporal fairness and then investigate its implementation and infrastructure requirements for exchanges. We find that these requirements can be fully met only under ideal conditions and argue that unbounded fairness in FIFO markets is unrealistic. To further support this claim, we analyse several real-world incidents and show that subtle implementation inefficiencies and technical optimizations suffice to give unfair advantages to a minority of the participants. We finally introduce, ϵ -fairness, a bounded definition of temporal fairness and discuss how it can be combined with non-continuous market designs to provide equal participant treatment with minimum divergence from the existing market operation

    Bounded Temporal Fairness for FIFO Financial Markets

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    Financial exchange operators cater to the needs of their users while simultaneously ensuring compliance with the financial regulations. In this work, we focus on the operators' commitment for fair treatment of all competing participants. We first discuss unbounded temporal fairness and then investigate its implementation and infrastructure requirements for exchanges. We find that these requirements can be fully met only under ideal conditions and argue that unbounded fairness in FIFO markets is unrealistic. To further support this claim, we analyse several real-world incidents and show that subtle implementation inefficiencies and technical optimizations suffice to give unfair advantages to a minority of the participants. We finally introduce, {\epsilon}-fairness, a bounded definition of temporal fairness and discuss how it can be combined with non-continuous market designs to provide equal participant treatment with minimum divergence from the existing market operation

    Distribution-aware Fairness Test Generation

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    This work addresses how to validate group fairness in image recognition software. We propose a distribution-aware fairness testing approach (called DistroFair) that systematically exposes class-level fairness violations in image classifiers via a synergistic combination of out-of-distribution (OOD) testing and semantic-preserving image mutation. DistroFair automatically learns the distribution (e.g., number/orientation) of objects in a set of images. Then it systematically mutates objects in the images to become OOD using three semantic-preserving image mutations -- object deletion, object insertion and object rotation. We evaluate DistroFair using two well-known datasets (CityScapes and MS-COCO) and three major, commercial image recognition software (namely, Amazon Rekognition, Google Cloud Vision and Azure Computer Vision). Results show that about 21% of images generated by DistroFair reveal class-level fairness violations using either ground truth or metamorphic oracles. DistroFair is up to 2.3x more effective than two main baselines, i.e., (a) an approach which focuses on generating images only within the distribution (ID) and (b) fairness analysis using only the original image dataset. We further observed that DistroFair is efficient, it generates 460 images per hour, on average. Finally, we evaluate the semantic validity of our approach via a user study with 81 participants, using 30 real images and 30 corresponding mutated images generated by DistroFair. We found that images generated by DistroFair are 80% as realistic as real-world images.Comment: Full paper for poster presented at ICSE 2023; 12 pages, LaTex; Updated the affiliation information of one of the authors and fixed formatting for the citation

    Fairness in machine learning : an empirical experiment about protected features and their implications

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    Increasingly, machine learning models perform high-stakes decisions in almost any do main. These models and the datasets - they are trained on– may be prone to exacerbating social disparities due to unmitigated fairness issues. For example, features representing different social groups are known as protected features– as stated by Equality Act of 2010; they correspond to one of these fairness issues. This work explores the impact of protected features on predictive models’ outcomes and their performance and fairness. We propose a knowledge-driven pipeline for detecting protected features and mitigating their effect. Protected features are defined based on metadata and are removed during the training phase of the models. Nevertheless, these protected features are merged into the output of the models to preserve the original dataset information and enhance explainability. We empirically study four machine learning models (i.e., KNN, Decision Tree, Neural Net work, and Naive Bayes) and datasets for fairness benchmarking (i.e., COMPAS, Adult Census Income, and Credit Card Default). The observed results suggest that the proposed pipeline preserves the models’ performance and facilitate the extraction of information of the models’ to use in fairness metrics

    Non-Invasive Fairness in Learning through the Lens of Data Drift

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    Machine Learning (ML) models are widely employed to drive many modern data systems. While they are undeniably powerful tools, ML models often demonstrate imbalanced performance and unfair behaviors. The root of this problem often lies in the fact that different subpopulations commonly display divergent trends: as a learning algorithm tries to identify trends in the data, it naturally favors the trends of the majority groups, leading to a model that performs poorly and unfairly for minority populations. Our goal is to improve the fairness and trustworthiness of ML models by applying only non-invasive interventions, i.e., without altering the data or the learning algorithm. We use a simple but key insight: the divergence of trends between different populations, and, consecutively, between a learned model and minority populations, is analogous to data drift, which indicates the poor conformance between parts of the data and the trained model. We explore two strategies (model-splitting and reweighing) to resolve this drift, aiming to improve the overall conformance of models to the underlying data. Both our methods introduce novel ways to employ the recently-proposed data profiling primitive of Conformance Constraints. Our experimental evaluation over 7 real-world datasets shows that both DifFair and ConFair improve the fairness of ML models. We demonstrate scenarios where DifFair has an edge, though ConFair has the greatest practical impact and outperforms other baselines. Moreover, as a model-agnostic technique, ConFair stays robust when used against different models than the ones on which the weights have been learned, which is not the case for other state of the art

    A semi-automated BPMN-based framework for detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization, and fairness requirements

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    Requirements are inherently prone to conflicts. Security, data-minimization, and fairness requirements are no exception. Importantly, undetected conflicts between such requirements can lead to severe effects, including privacy infringement and legal sanctions. Detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization, and fairness requirements is a challenging task, as such conflicts are context-specific and their detection requires a thorough understanding of the underlying business processes. For example, a process may require anonymous execution of a task that writes data into a secure data storage, where the identity of the writer is needed for the purpose of accountability. Moreover, conflicts not arise from trade-offs between requirements elicited from the stakeholders, but also from misinterpretation of elicited requirements while implementing them in business processes, leading to a non-alignment between the data subjects’ requirements and their specifications. Both types of conflicts are substantial challenges for conflict detection. To address these challenges, we propose a BPMN-based framework that supports: (i) the design of business processes considering security, data-minimization and fairness requirements, (ii) the encoding of such requirements as reusable, domain-specific patterns, (iii) the checking of alignment between the encoded requirements and annotated BPMN models based on these patterns, and (iv) the detection of conflicts between the specified requirements in the BPMN models based on a catalog of domain-independent anti-patterns. The security requirements were reused from SecBPMN2, a security-oriented BPMN 2.0 extension, while the fairness and data-minimization parts are new. For formulating our patterns and anti-patterns, we extended a graphical query language called SecBPMN2-Q. We report on the feasibility and the usability of our approach based on a case study featuring a healthcare management system, and an experimental user study. \ua9 2020, The Author(s)

    A flexible framework for evaluating user and item fairness in recommender systems

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-020-09285-1One common characteristic of research works focused on fairness evaluation (in machine learning) is that they call for some form of parity (equality) either in treatment—meaning they ignore the information about users’ memberships in protected classes during training—or in impact—by enforcing proportional beneficial outcomes to users in different protected classes. In the recommender systems community, fairness has been studied with respect to both users’ and items’ memberships in protected classes defined by some sensitive attributes (e.g., gender or race for users, revenue in a multi-stakeholder setting for items). Again here, the concept has been commonly interpreted as some form of equality—i.e., the degree to which the system is meeting the information needs of all its users in an equal sense. In this work, we propose a probabilistic framework based on generalized cross entropy (GCE) to measure fairness of a given recommendation model. The framework comes with a suite of advantages: first, it allows the system designer to define and measure fairness for both users and items and can be applied to any classification task; second, it can incorporate various notions of fairness as it does not rely on specific and predefined probability distributions and they can be defined at design time; finally, in its design it uses a gain factor, which can be flexibly defined to contemplate different accuracy-related metrics to measure fairness upon decision-support metrics (e.g., precision, recall) or rank-based measures (e.g., NDCG, MAP). An experimental evaluation on four real-world datasets shows the nuances captured by our proposed metric regarding fairness on different user and item attributes, where nearest-neighbor recommenders tend to obtain good results under equality constraints. We observed that when the users are clustered based on both their interaction with the system and other sensitive attributes, such as age or gender, algorithms with similar performance values get different behaviors with respect to user fairness due to the different way they process data for each user clusterThe authors thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and suggestions. This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Reference: 123496 Y. Deldjoo et al. PID2019-108965GB-I00) and in part by the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsor