16 research outputs found

    Better Bounds on the Adaptivity Gap of Influence Maximization under Full-adoption Feedback

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    In the influence maximization (IM) problem, we are given a social network and a budget kk, and we look for a set of kk nodes in the network, called seeds, that maximize the expected number of nodes that are reached by an influence cascade generated by the seeds, according to some stochastic model for influence diffusion. In this paper, we study the adaptive IM, where the nodes are selected sequentially one by one, and the decision on the iith seed can be based on the observed cascade produced by the first i−1i-1 seeds. We focus on the full-adoption feedback in which we can observe the entire cascade of each previously selected seed and on the independent cascade model where each edge is associated with an independent probability of diffusing influence. Our main result is the first sub-linear upper bound that holds for any graph. Specifically, we show that the adaptivity gap is upper-bounded by ⌈n1/3⌉\lceil n^{1/3}\rceil , where nn is the number of nodes in the graph. Moreover, we improve over the known upper bound for in-arborescences from 2ee−1≈3.16\frac{2e}{e-1}\approx 3.16 to 2e2e2−1≈2.31\frac{2e^2}{e^2-1}\approx 2.31. Finally, we study α\alpha-bounded graphs, a class of undirected graphs in which the sum of node degrees higher than two is at most α\alpha, and show that the adaptivity gap is upper-bounded by α+O(1)\sqrt{\alpha}+O(1). Moreover, we show that in 0-bounded graphs, i.e. undirected graphs in which each connected component is a path or a cycle, the adaptivity gap is at most 3e3e3−1≈3.16\frac{3e^3}{e^3-1}\approx 3.16. To prove our bounds, we introduce new techniques to relate adaptive policies with non-adaptive ones that might be of their own interest.Comment: 18 page

    Gaps in Information Access in Social Networks

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    The study of influence maximization in social networks has largely ignored disparate effects these algorithms might have on the individuals contained in the social network. Individuals may place a high value on receiving information, e.g. job openings or advertisements for loans. While well-connected individuals at the center of the network are likely to receive the information that is being distributed through the network, poorly connected individuals are systematically less likely to receive the information, producing a gap in access to the information between individuals. In this work, we study how best to spread information in a social network while minimizing this access gap. We propose to use the maximin social welfare function as an objective function, where we maximize the minimum probability of receiving the information under an intervention. We prove that in this setting this welfare function constrains the access gap whereas maximizing the expected number of nodes reached does not. We also investigate the difficulties of using the maximin, and present hardness results and analysis for standard greedy strategies. Finally, we investigate practical ways of optimizing for the maximin, and give empirical evidence that a simple greedy-based strategy works well in practice.Comment: Accepted at The Web Conference 201

    Mining Implicit Relevance Feedback from User Behavior for Web Question Answering

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    Training and refreshing a web-scale Question Answering (QA) system for a multi-lingual commercial search engine often requires a huge amount of training examples. One principled idea is to mine implicit relevance feedback from user behavior recorded in search engine logs. All previous works on mining implicit relevance feedback target at relevance of web documents rather than passages. Due to several unique characteristics of QA tasks, the existing user behavior models for web documents cannot be applied to infer passage relevance. In this paper, we make the first study to explore the correlation between user behavior and passage relevance, and propose a novel approach for mining training data for Web QA. We conduct extensive experiments on four test datasets and the results show our approach significantly improves the accuracy of passage ranking without extra human labeled data. In practice, this work has proved effective to substantially reduce the human labeling cost for the QA service in a global commercial search engine, especially for languages with low resources. Our techniques have been deployed in multi-language services.Comment: Accepted by KDD 202