7 research outputs found

    The Internet of Things as a Privacy-Aware Database Machine

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    Instead of using a computer cluster with homogeneous nodes and very fast high bandwidth connections, we want to present the vision to use the Internet of Things (IoT) as a database machine. This is among others a key factor for smart (assistive) systems in apartments (AAL, ambient assisted living), offices (AAW, ambient assisted working), Smart Cities as well as factories (IIoT, Industry 4.0). It is important to massively distribute the calculation of analysis results on sensor nodes and other low-resource appliances in the environment, not only for reasons of performance, but also for reasons of privacy and protection of corporate knowledge. Thus, functions crucial for assistive systems, such as situation, activity, and intention recognition, are to be automatically transformed not only in database queries, but also in local nodes of lower performance. From a database-specific perspective, analysis operations on large quantities of distributed sensor data, currently based on classical big-data techniques and executed on large, homogeneously equipped parallel computers have to be automatically transformed to billions of processors with energy and capacity restrictions. In this visionary paper, we will focus on the database-specific perspective and the fundamental research questions in the underlying database theory

    Der Lehrstuhl Datenbank- und Informationssysteme der Universität Rostock

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    Im Jahr 2014 feierte der Lehrstuhl Datenbank- und Informationssysteme (LS DBIS) an der Universität Rostock sein zwanzigjähriges Bestehen. Zur Jubiläumsveranstaltung mit ehemaligen und aktuellen Studenten, Mitarbeitern, Kollegen und Kooperationspartnern wurde diverses Material aus 20 Jahren aufbereitet. In diesem Beitrag soll daraus ein Rückblick auf 20 Jahre Forschung und Lehre im Bereich Datenbank- und Informationssysteme sowie ein Ein- und Ausblick auf aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten gegeben werden

    The Internet of Things as a Privacy-Aware Database Machine

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    Instead of using a computer cluster with homogeneous nodes and very fast high bandwidth connections, we want to present the vision to use the Internet of Things (IoT) as a database machine. This is among others a key factor for smart (assistive) systems in apartments (AAL, ambient assisted living), offices (AAW, ambient assisted working), Smart Cities as well as factories (IIoT, Industry 4.0). It is important to massively distribute the calculation of analysis results on sensor nodes and other low-resource appliances in the environment, not only for reasons of performance, but also for reasons of privacy and protection of corporate knowledge. Thus, functions crucial for assistive systems, such as situation, activity, and intention recognition, are to be automatically transformed not only in database queries, but also in local nodes of lower performance. From a database-specific perspective, analysis operations on large quantities of distributed sensor data, currently based on classical big-data techniques and executed on large, homogeneously equipped parallel computers have to be automatically transformed to billions of processors with energy and capacity restrictions. In this visionary paper, we will focus on the database-specific perspective and the fundamental research questions in the underlying database theory

    Knowledge-Driven Harmonization of Sensor Observations: Exploiting Linked Open Data for IoT Data Streams

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    The rise of the Internet of Things leads to an unprecedented number of continuous sensor observations that are available as IoT data streams. Harmonization of such observations is a labor-intensive task due to heterogeneity in format, syntax, and semantics. We aim to reduce the effort for such harmonization tasks by employing a knowledge-driven approach. To this end, we pursue the idea of exploiting the large body of formalized public knowledge represented as statements in Linked Open Data