7 research outputs found

    Indexing Uncertain Categorical Data over Distributed Environment

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    International audienceToday, a large amount of uncertain data is produced by several applications where the management systems of traditional databases incuding indexing methods are not suitable to handle such type of data. In this paper, we propose an inverted based index method for effciently searching uncertain categorical data over distributed environments. We adress two kinds of query over the distributed uncertain databases, one a distributed probabilis-tic thresholds query, where all results sastisfying the query with probablities that meet a probablistic threshold requirement are returned, and another a distributed top k-queries, where all results optimizing the transfer of the tuples and the time treatment are returned

    Preserving differential privacy under finite-precision semantics

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    International audienceThe approximation introduced by finite-precision representation of continuous data can induce arbitrarily large information leaks even when the computation using exact semantics is secure. Such leakage can thus undermine design efforts aimed at protecting sensitive information. We focus here on differential privacy, an approach to privacy that emerged from the area of statistical databases and is now widely applied also in other domains. In this approach, privacy is protected by adding noise to the values correlated to the private data. The typical mechanisms used to achieve differential privacy have been proved correct in the ideal case in which computations are made using infinite-precision semantics. In this paper, we analyze the situation at the implementation level, where the semantics is necessarily limited by finite precision, i.e., the representation of real numbers and the operations on them are rounded according to some level of precision. We show that in general there are violations of the differential privacy property, and we study the conditions under which we can still guarantee a limited (but, arguably, acceptable) variant of the property, under only a minor degradation of the privacy level. Finally, we illustrate our results on two examples: the standard Laplacian mechanism commonly used in differential privacy, and a bivariate version of it recently introduced in the setting of privacy-aware geolocation

    Toward timely, predictable and cost-effective data analytics

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    Modern industrial, government, and academic organizations are collecting massive amounts of data at an unprecedented scale and pace. The ability to perform timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing of such large data sets in order to extract deep insights is now a key ingredient for success. Traditional database systems (DBMS) are, however, not the first choice for servicing these modern applications, despite 40 years of database research. This is due to the fact that modern applications exhibit different behavior from the one assumed by DBMS: a) timely data exploration as a new trend is characterized by ad-hoc queries and a short user interaction period, leaving little time for DBMS to do good performance tuning, b) accurate statistics representing relevant summary information about distributions of ever increasing data are frequently missing, resulting in suboptimal plan decisions and consequently poor and unpredictable query execution performance, and c) cloud service providers - a major winner in the data analytics game due to the low cost of (shared) storage - have shifted the control over data storage from DBMS to the cloud providers, making it harder for DBMS to optimize data access. This thesis demonstrates that database systems can still provide timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing, if they use an agile and adaptive approach. In particular, DBMS need to adapt at three levels (to workload, data and hardware characteristics) in order to stabilize and optimize performance and cost when faced with requirements posed by modern data analytics applications. Workload-driven data ingestion is introduced with NoDB as a means to enable efficient data exploration and reduce the data-to-insight time (i.e., the time to load the data and tune the system) by doing these steps lazily and incrementally as a side-effect of posed queries as opposed to mandatory first steps. Data-driven runtime access path decision making introduced with Smooth Scan alleviates suboptimal query execution, postponing the decision on access paths from query optimization, where statistics are heavily exploited, to query execution, where the system can obtain more details about data distributions. Smooth Scan uses access path morphing from one physical alternative to another to fit the observed data distributions, which removes the need for a priori access path decisions and substantially improves the predictability of DBMS. Hardware-driven query execution introduced with Skipper enables the usage of cold storage devices (CSD) as a cost-effective solution for storing the ever increasing customer data. Skipper uses an out-of-order CSD-driven query execution model based on multi-way joins coupled with efficient cache and I/O scheduling policies to hide the non-uniform access latencies of CSD. This thesis advocates runtime adaptivity as a key to dealing with raising uncertainty about workload characteristics that modern data analytics applications exhibit. Overall, the techniques introduced in this thesis through the three levels of adaptivity (workload, data and hardware-driven adaptivity) increase the usability of database systems and the user satisfaction in the case of big data exploration, making low-cost data analytics reality

    Solving hard subgraph problems in parallel

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    This thesis improves the state of the art in exact, practical algorithms for finding subgraphs. We study maximum clique, subgraph isomorphism, and maximum common subgraph problems. These are widely applicable: within computing science, subgraph problems arise in document clustering, computer vision, the design of communication protocols, model checking, compiler code generation, malware detection, cryptography, and robotics; beyond, applications occur in biochemistry, electrical engineering, mathematics, law enforcement, fraud detection, fault diagnosis, manufacturing, and sociology. We therefore consider both the ``pure'' forms of these problems, and variants with labels and other domain-specific constraints. Although subgraph-finding should theoretically be hard, the constraint-based search algorithms we discuss can easily solve real-world instances involving graphs with thousands of vertices, and millions of edges. We therefore ask: is it possible to generate ``really hard'' instances for these problems, and if so, what can we learn? By extending research into combinatorial phase transition phenomena, we develop a better understanding of branching heuristics, as well as highlighting a serious flaw in the design of graph database systems. This thesis also demonstrates how to exploit two of the kinds of parallelism offered by current computer hardware. Bit parallelism allows us to carry out operations on whole sets of vertices in a single instruction---this is largely routine. Thread parallelism, to make use of the multiple cores offered by all modern processors, is more complex. We suggest three desirable performance characteristics that we would like when introducing thread parallelism: lack of risk (parallel cannot be exponentially slower than sequential), scalability (adding more processing cores cannot make runtimes worse), and reproducibility (the same instance on the same hardware will take roughly the same time every time it is run). We then detail the difficulties in guaranteeing these characteristics when using modern algorithmic techniques. Besides ensuring that parallelism cannot make things worse, we also increase the likelihood of it making things better. We compare randomised work stealing to new tailored strategies, and perform experiments to identify the factors contributing to good speedups. We show that whilst load balancing is difficult, the primary factor influencing the results is the interaction between branching heuristics and parallelism. By using parallelism to explicitly offset the commitment made to weak early branching choices, we obtain parallel subgraph solvers which are substantially and consistently better than the best sequential algorithms