59 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of the Cayley Semigroup Membership Problem

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    We investigate the complexity of deciding, given a multiplication table representing a semigroup S, a subset X of S and an element t of S, whether t can be expressed as a product of elements of X. It is well-known that this problem is {NL}-complete and that the more general Cayley groupoid membership problem, where the multiplication table is not required to be associative, is {P}-complete. For groups, the problem can be solved in deterministic log-space which raised the question of determining the exact complexity of this variant. Barrington, Kadau, Lange and McKenzie showed that for Abelian groups and for certain solvable groups, the problem is contained in the complexity class {FOLL} and they concluded that these variants are not hard for any complexity class containing {Parity}. The more general case of arbitrary groups remained open. In this work, we show that for both groups and for commutative semigroups, the problem is solvable in {qAC}^0 (quasi-polynomial size circuits of constant depth with unbounded fan-in) and conclude that these variants are also not hard for any class containing {Parity}. Moreover, we prove that {NL}-completeness already holds for the classes of 0-simple semigroups and nilpotent semigroups. Together with our results on groups and commutative semigroups, we prove the existence of a natural class of finite semigroups which generates a variety of finite semigroups with {NL}-complete Cayley semigroup membership, while the Cayley semigroup membership problem for the class itself is not {NL}-hard. We also discuss applications of our technique to {FOLL}

    The Intersection Problem for Finite Monoids

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    We investigate the intersection problem for finite monoids, which asks for a given set of regular languages, represented by recognizing morphisms to finite monoids from a variety V, whether there exists a word contained in their intersection. Our main result is that the problem is PSPACE-complete if V is contained in DS and NP-complete if V is non-trivial and contained in DO. Our NP-algorithm for the case that V is contained in DO uses novel methods, based on compression techniques and combinatorial properties of DO. We also show that the problem is log-space reducible to the intersection problem for deterministic finite automata (DFA) and that a variant of the problem is log-space reducible to the membership problem for transformation monoids. In light of these reductions, our hardness results can be seen as a generalization of both a classical result by Kozen and a theorem by Beaudry, McKenzie and Therien.Comment: Extended version of a paper accepted to STACS 201

    A Simple Deterministic Distributed MST Algorithm, with Near-Optimal Time and Message Complexities

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    Distributed minimum spanning tree (MST) problem is one of the most central and fundamental problems in distributed graph algorithms. Garay et al. \cite{GKP98,KP98} devised an algorithm with running time O(D+nlogn)O(D + \sqrt{n} \cdot \log^* n), where DD is the hop-diameter of the input nn-vertex mm-edge graph, and with message complexity O(m+n3/2)O(m + n^{3/2}). Peleg and Rubinovich \cite{PR99} showed that the running time of the algorithm of \cite{KP98} is essentially tight, and asked if one can achieve near-optimal running time **together with near-optimal message complexity**. In a recent breakthrough, Pandurangan et al. \cite{PRS16} answered this question in the affirmative, and devised a **randomized** algorithm with time O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+ \sqrt{n}) and message complexity O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). They asked if such a simultaneous time- and message-optimality can be achieved by a **deterministic** algorithm. In this paper, building upon the work of \cite{PRS16}, we answer this question in the affirmative, and devise a **deterministic** algorithm that computes MST in time O((D+n)logn)O((D + \sqrt{n}) \cdot \log n), using O(mlogn+nlognlogn)O(m \cdot \log n + n \log n \cdot \log^* n) messages. The polylogarithmic factors in the time and message complexities of our algorithm are significantly smaller than the respective factors in the result of \cite{PRS16}. Also, our algorithm and its analysis are very **simple** and self-contained, as opposed to rather complicated previous sublinear-time algorithms \cite{GKP98,KP98,E04b,PRS16}

    Efficient data intensive secure computation : fictional or real

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    Secure computation has the potential to completely reshape the cybersecruity landscape, but this will happen only if we can make it practical. Despite significant improvements recently, secure computation is still orders of magnitude slower than computation in the clear. Even with the latest technology, running the killer apps, which are often data intensive, in secure computation is still a mission impossible. In this paper, I present two approaches that could lead to practical data intensive secure computation. The first approach is by designing data structures. Traditionally, data structures have been widely used in computer science to improve performance of computation. However, in secure computation they have been largely overlooked in the past. I will show that data structures could be effective performance boosters in secure computation. Another approach is by using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). A common belief is that FHE is too inefficient to have any practical applications for the time being. Contrary to this common belief, I will show that in some cases FHE can actually lead to very efficient secure computation protocols. This is due to the high degree of internal parallelism in recent FHE schemes. The two approaches are explained with Private Set Intersection (PSI) as an example. I will also show the performance figures measured from prototype implementations