21 research outputs found

    A Survey on the Integration of NAND Flash Storage in the Design of File Systems and the Host Storage Software Stack

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    With the ever-increasing amount of data generate in the world, estimated to reach over 200 Zettabytes by 2025, pressure on efficient data storage systems is intensifying. The shift from HDD to flash-based SSD provides one of the most fundamental shifts in storage technology, increasing performance capabilities significantly. However, flash storage comes with different characteristics than prior HDD storage technology. Therefore, storage software was unsuitable for leveraging the capabilities of flash storage. As a result, a plethora of storage applications have been design to better integrate with flash storage and align with flash characteristics. In this literature study we evaluate the effect the introduction of flash storage has had on the design of file systems, which providing one of the most essential mechanisms for managing persistent storage. We analyze the mechanisms for effectively managing flash storage, managing overheads of introduced design requirements, and leverage the capabilities of flash storage. Numerous methods have been adopted in file systems, however prominently revolve around similar design decisions, adhering to the flash hardware constrains, and limiting software intervention. Future design of storage software remains prominent with the constant growth in flash-based storage devices and interfaces, providing an increasing possibility to enhance flash integration in the host storage software stack

    A Survey on the Integration of NAND Flash Storage in the Design of File Systems and the Host Storage Software Stack

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    With the ever-increasing amount of data generate in the world, estimated to reach over 200 Zettabytes by 2025, pressure on efficient data storage systems is intensifying. The shift from HDD to flash-based SSD provides one of the most fundamental shifts in storage technology, increasing performance capabilities significantly. However, flash storage comes with different characteristics than prior HDD storage technology. Therefore, storage software was unsuitable for leveraging the capabilities of flash storage. As a result, a plethora of storage applications have been design to better integrate with flash storage and align with flash characteristics. In this literature study we evaluate the effect the introduction of flash storage has had on the design of file systems, which providing one of the most essential mechanisms for managing persistent storage. We analyze the mechanisms for effectively managing flash storage, managing overheads of introduced design requirements, and leverage the capabilities of flash storage. Numerous methods have been adopted in file systems, however prominently revolve around similar design decisions, adhering to the flash hardware constrains, and limiting software intervention. Future design of storage software remains prominent with the constant growth in flash-based storage devices and interfaces, providing an increasing possibility to enhance flash integration in the host storage software stack

    Are Unikernels Ready for Serverless on the Edge?

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    Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a promising edge computing execution model but requires secure sandboxing mechanisms to isolate workloads from multiple tenants on constrained infrastructure. Although Docker containers are lightweight and popular in open-source FaaS platforms, they are generally considered insufficient for executing untrusted code and providing sandbox isolation. Commercial cloud FaaS platforms thus rely on Linux microVMs or hardened container runtimes, which are secure but come with a higher resource footprint. Unikernels combine application code and limited operating system primitives into a single purpose appliance, reducing the footprint of an application and its sandbox while providing full Linux compatibility. In this paper, we study the suitability of unikernels as an edge FaaS execution environment using the Nanos and OSv unikernel tool chains. We compare performance along several metrics such as cold start overhead and idle footprint against sandboxes such as Firecracker Linux microVMs, Docker containers, and secure gVisor containers. We find that unikernels exhibit desirable cold start performance, yet lag behind Linux microVMs in stability. Nevertheless, we show that unikernels are a promising candidate for further research on Linux-compatible FaaS isolation

    AC/DC: Adaptive Cutoffs and Disputable Cutoffs for robust critical transactions in smart-contracts

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    To guarantee delivery of their intended functionalities in the presence of unresponsive parties, current smart-contracts cut users off from being able to commit their responses after a fixed period of time has elapsed. However, current blockchains have limited transaction processing capacities, so a fixed amount of time will not always be sufficient to receive every (C-TX). This paper presents a mechanism for adaptive cutoffs (ACs) which ensures that users retain the opportunity to commit despite blockchain congestion, and enables early cutoffs when the number of required is low. A non-interactive argument system for setting adaptive cutoffs under the current Ethereum Virtual Machine is described. Additionally, disputable cutoffs (DCs) are presented, which are a more efficient approach used in parallel to ACs based on a bisection-based dispute. Furthermore, it’s empirically demonstrated that an AC/DC-enabled smart-contract can receive a larger number of than its non-adaptive counterparts when user responsiveness is slowed due to denial of service or congestion

    A Comprehensive Survey of In-Band Control in SDN: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a thriving networking architecture that has gained popularity in recent years, particularly as an enabling technology to foster paradigms like edge computing. SDN separates the control and data planes, which are later on synchronised via a control protocol such as OpenFlow. In-band control is a type of SDN control plane deployment in which the control and data planes share the same physical network. It poses several challenges, such as security vulnerabilities, network congestion, or data loss. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, in-band control also presents significant opportunities, including improved network flexibility and programmability, reduced costs, and increased reliability. Benefiting from the previous advantages, diverse in-band control designs exist in the literature, with the objective of improving the operation of SDN networks. This paper surveys the different approaches that have been proposed so far towards the advance in in-band SDN control, based on four main categories: automatic routing, fast failure recovery, network bootstrapping, and distributed control. Across these categories, detailed summary tables and comparisons are presented, followed by a discussion on current trends a challenges in the field. Our conclusion is that the use of in-band control in SDN networks is expected to drive innovation and growth in the networking industry, but efforts for holistic and full-fledged proposals are still needed

    On I/O Performance and Cost Efficiency of Cloud Storage: A Client\u27s Perspective

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    Cloud storage has gained increasing popularity in the past few years. In cloud storage, data are stored in the service provider’s data centers; users access data via the network and pay the fees based on the service usage. For such a new storage model, our prior wisdom and optimization schemes on conventional storage may not remain valid nor applicable to the emerging cloud storage. In this dissertation, we focus on understanding and optimizing the I/O performance and cost efficiency of cloud storage from a client’s perspective. We first conduct a comprehensive study to gain insight into the I/O performance behaviors of cloud storage from the client side. Through extensive experiments, we have obtained several critical findings and useful implications for system optimization. We then design a client cache framework, called Pacaca, to further improve end-to-end performance of cloud storage. Pacaca seamlessly integrates parallelized prefetching and cost-aware caching by utilizing the parallelism potential and object correlations of cloud storage. In addition to improving system performance, we have also made efforts to reduce the monetary cost of using cloud storage services by proposing a latency- and cost-aware client caching scheme, called GDS-LC, which can achieve two optimization goals for using cloud storage services: low access latency and low monetary cost. Our experimental results show that our proposed client-side solutions significantly outperform traditional methods. Our study contributes to inspiring the community to reconsider system optimization methods in the cloud environment, especially for the purpose of integrating cloud storage into the current storage stack as a primary storage layer