2,091 research outputs found

    Continuous monitor for gas ratios in a mixture

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    Fluidic oscillator, incorporating piezoelectric transducer to sense molecular weight of gas mixture, is used to continuously monitor ratio of a mixture of two gases in a flowing system. Device is lightweight, compact, reliable, easy to install, and also produces a simple output signal for controller. Frequency of oscillation is measured and signal converted to ac output

    Slow Rise and Partial Eruption of a Double-Decker Filament. I Observations and Interpretation

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    We study an active-region dextral filament which was composed of two branches separated in height by about 13 Mm. This "double-decker" configuration sustained for days before the upper branch erupted with a GOES-class M1.0 flare on 2010 August 7. Analyzing this evolution, we obtain the following main results. 1) During hours before the eruption, filament threads within the lower branch were observed to intermittently brighten up, lift upward, and then merge with the upper branch. The merging process contributed magnetic flux and current to the upper branch, resulting in its quasi-static ascent. 2) This transfer might serve as the key mechanism for the upper branch to lose equilibrium by reaching the limiting flux that can be stably held down by the overlying field or by reaching the threshold of the torus instability. 3) The erupting branch first straightened from a reverse S shape that followed the polarity inversion line and then writhed into a forward S shape. This shows a transfer of left-handed helicity in a sequence of writhe-twist-writhe. The fact that the initial writhe is converted into the twist of the flux rope excludes the helical kink instability as the trigger process of the eruption, but supports the occurrence of the instability in the main phase, which is indeed indicated by the very strong writhing motion. 4) A hard X-ray sigmoid, likely of coronal origin, formed in the gap between the two original filament branches in the impulsive phase of the associated flare. This supports a model of transient sigmoids forming in the vertical flare current sheet. 5) Left-handed magnetic helicity is inferred for both branches of the dextral filament. 6) Two types of force-free magnetic configurations are compatible with the data, a double flux rope equilibrium and a single flux rope situated above a loop arcade

    K band Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The 2 Jy Sample

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy for a complete sample of 33 ultraluminous infrared galaxies at a resolution of R\approx 1000. Most of the wavelength range from 1.80-2.20 microns in the rest frame is covered, including the Pa-alpha and Br-gamma hydrogen recombination lines, and the molecular hydrogen vibration-rotation 1-0 S(1) and S(3) lines. Other species, such as He I, [Fe II], and [Si VI] appear in the spectra as well, in addition to a number of weaker molecular hydrogen lines. Nuclear extractions for each of the individual galaxies are presented here, along with spectra of secondary nuclei, where available. The Pa-alpha emission is seen to be highly concentrated on the nuclei, typically with very little emision extending beyond a radius of 1 kpc. Signatures of active nuclei are rare in the present sample, occurring in only two of the 33 galaxies. It is found that visual extinctions to the nuclei via the Pa-alpha/Br-gamma line ratio in excess of 10 magnitudes are relatively common among ULIRGs, and that visual extinctions greater than 25 mag are necessary to conceal a QSO emitting half the total bolometric luminosity. The vibration-rotation lines of molecular hydrogen appear to be predominantly thermal in origin, with effective temperatures generally around 2200 K. The relative nuclear velocities between double nucleus ULIRGs are investigated, through which it is inferred that the maximum deprojected velocity difference is about 200 km/s. This figure is lower than the velocities predicted by physical models of strong interactions/mergers of large, gas-rich galaxies.Comment: 52 pages (19 with just figures), 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal; Table 3 not formatted properly on astro-ph: get source and print Murphy.tab3.p

    Colonial gifts : family politics and the exchange of goods in British India, c.1780 –1820

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    This paper situates Anglo-Indian gifts within a spectrum of emotionally-charged exchange mechanisms through which material objects circulated in British India. At one end of this spectrum was the market, perhaps best exemplified by the public auctions at which the personal possessions of deceased Anglo-Indians were sold to any buyer who could pay the purchase price set at probate. At the other end of the spectrum of exchange were gifts, commissions and bequests, forms of exchange that offered the British colonial elite mechanisms for combating the powerful centrifugal forces that operated within Anglo-Indian families—most notably disease, death and distance

    Delocalization of electrons in a Random Magnetic Field

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    Delocalization problem for a two-dimensional non-interacting electron system is studied under a random magnetic field. With the presence of a random magnetic field, the Hall conductance carried by each eigenstate can become nonzero and quantized in units of e2/he^2/h. Extended states are characterized by nonzero Hall conductance, and by studying finite-size scaling of the density of extended states, an insulator-metal phase transition is revealed. The metallic phase is found at the center of energy band which is separated from the localized states at the band tails by critical energies ±Ec\pm E_c. Both localization exponent and the critical energy EcE_c are shown to be dependent on the strength of random magnetic field.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, 3 figures available upon reques

    Optical Spectroscopy of the IRAS 1-Jy Sample of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    This paper discusses the optical spectroscopic properties of the IRAS 1-Jy sample of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs). One hundred and eight of the 118 1-Jy ULIGs have been observed at dlambda = 8.3 AA resolution over the wavelength range ~4500 A -- 8900 A. These data are combined with large, previously published sets of optical spectroscopic data of lower luminosity infrared galaxies to look for systematic trends with infrared luminosity over the luminosity range L_ir ~ 10^{10.5}-10^{13} L_sun. As found in previous studies, the fraction of Seyfert galaxies among luminous infrared galaxies increases abruptly above L_ir ~ 10^{12.3} L_sun --- about 50% of the galaxies with L_ir > 10^{12.3} L_sun present Seyfert characteristics. Many of the optical and infrared spectroscopic properties of the Seyfert galaxies are consistent with the presence of a genuine active galactic nucleus (AGN). About 30% of these galaxies are Seyfert 1s with broad-line regions similar to those of optical quasars. The percentage of Seyfert 1 ULIGs increases with infrared luminosity, contrary to the predictions of the standard unification model for Seyfert galaxies. Comparisons of the broad-line luminosities of optical and obscured Seyfert 1 ULIGs with those of optically selected quasars of comparable bolometric luminosity suggest that the dominant energy source in most of these ULIGs is the same as in optical quasars, namely mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole, rather than a starburst. These results are consistent with recently published ISO, ASCA, and VLBI data. (abridged)Comment: Text and 23 figures (45 pages), Tables 1 - 6 (16 pages

    Current Carrying States in a Random Magnetic Field

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    We report results of a numerical study of noninteracting electrons moving in two dimensions, in the presence of a random potential and a random magnetic field for a sequence of finite sizes, using topological properties of the wave functions to identify extended states. Our results are consistent with the existence of a second order localization-delocalization transition driven by the random potential. The critical randomness strength and localization length exponent are estimated via a finite size scaling analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 7 eps figure