684 research outputs found

    Risk-Aware Stability, Ultimate Boundedness, and Positive Invariance

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    This paper introduces the notions of stability, ultimate boundedness, and positive invariance for stochastic systems in the view of risk. More specifically, those notions are defined in terms of the worst-case Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), which quantifies the worst-case conditional expectation of losses exceeding a certain threshold over a set of possible uncertainties. Those notions allow us to focus our attention on the tail behavior of stochastic systems in the analysis of dynamical systems and the design of controllers. Furthermore, some event-triggered control strategies that guarantee ultimate boundedness and positive invariance with specified bounds are derived using the obtained results and illustrated using numerical examples.Comment: under review. A typo has been fixed on April 19, 202

    Axiomatic approach to the cosmological constant

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    A theory of the cosmological constant Lambda is currently out of reach. Still, one can start from a set of axioms that describe the most desirable properties a cosmological constant should have. This can be seen in certain analogy to the Khinchin axioms in information theory, which fix the most desirable properties an information measure should have and that ultimately lead to the Shannon entropy as the fundamental information measure on which statistical mechanics is based. Here we formulate a set of axioms for the cosmological constant in close analogy to the Khinchin axioms, formally replacing the dependency of the information measure on probabilities of events by a dependency of the cosmological constant on the fundamental constants of nature. Evaluating this set of axioms one finally arrives at a formula for the cosmological constant that is given by Lambda = (G^2/hbar^4) (m_e/alpha_el)^6, where G is the gravitational constant, m_e is the electron mass, and alpha_el is the low energy limit of the fine structure constant. This formula is in perfect agreement with current WMAP data. Our approach gives physical meaning to the Eddington-Dirac large number hypothesis and suggests that the observed value of the cosmological constant is not at all unnatural.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Some further references adde

    Third Down with a Yard to Go: The Dixit-Skeath Conundrum on Equilibria in Competitive Games

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    In strictly competitive games, equilibrium mixed strategies are invariant to changes in the ultimate prizes. Dixit and Skeath argue that this seems counter-intuitive, and it is a challenge to the expected utility theory. We show that this invariance is robust to dropping the independence axiom, but is removed if we drop the reduction axiom. The conditions on the resulting recursive expected-utility model to get the desired outcome are analogous to conditions used in the standard model of comparative statics under risk.

    Estimating the Algorithmic Complexity of Stock Markets

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    Randomness and regularities in Finance are usually treated in probabilistic terms. In this paper, we develop a completely different approach in using a non-probabilistic framework based on the algorithmic information theory initially developed by Kolmogorov (1965). We present some elements of this theory and show why it is particularly relevant to Finance, and potentially to other sub-fields of Economics as well. We develop a generic method to estimate the Kolmogorov complexity of numeric series. This approach is based on an iterative "regularity erasing procedure" implemented to use lossless compression algorithms on financial data. Examples are provided with both simulated and real-world financial time series. The contributions of this article are twofold. The first one is methodological : we show that some structural regularities, invisible with classical statistical tests, can be detected by this algorithmic method. The second one consists in illustrations on the daily Dow-Jones Index suggesting that beyond several well-known regularities, hidden structure may in this index remain to be identified