5 research outputs found

    A Joint Learning Approach to Face Detection in Wavelet Compressed Domain

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    Face detection has been an important and active research topic in computer vision and image processing. In recent years, learning-based face detection algorithms have prevailed with successful applications. In this paper, we propose a new face detection algorithm that works directly in wavelet compressed domain. In order to simplify the processes of image decompression and feature extraction, we modify the AdaBoost learning algorithm to select a set of complimentary joint-coefficient classifiers and integrate them to achieve optimal face detection. Since the face detection on the wavelet compression domain is restricted by the limited discrimination power of the designated feature space, the proposed learning mechanism is developed to achieve the best discrimination from the restricted feature space. The major contributions in the proposed AdaBoost face detection learning algorithm contain the feature space warping, joint feature representation, ID3-like plane quantization, and weak probabilistic classifier, which dramatically increase the discrimination power of the face classifier. Experimental results on the CBCL benchmark and the MIT + CMU real image dataset show that the proposed algorithm can detect faces in the wavelet compressed domain accurately and efficiently


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    Abstract: In this paper, a multi-resolution feature extraction algorithm for face recognition is proposed based on two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT), which efficiently exploits the local spatial variations in a face image. For the purpose of feature extraction, instead of considering the entire face image, an entropybased local band selection criterion is developed, which selects high-informative horizontal segments from the face image. In order to capture the local spatial variations within these high-informative horizontal bands precisely, the horizontal band is segmented into several small spatial modules. Dominant wavelet coefficients corresponding to each local region residing inside those horizontal bands are selected as features. In the selection of the dominant coefficients, a histogram-based threshold criterion is proposed, which not only drastically reduces the feature dimension but also provides high within-class compactness and high between-class separability. A principal component analysis is performed to further reduce the dimensionality of the feature space. Extensive experimentation is carried out upon standard face databases and a very high degree of recognition accuracy is achieved by the proposed method in comparison to those obtained by some of the existing methods

    A Curvelet Domain Face Recognition Scheme Based on Local Dominant Feature Extraction

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    A Wavelet-Domain Local Dominant Feature Selection Scheme for Face Recognition

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    Interest Points Tracking in Video Sequence of Non-stationary Camera

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou trasování bodů získaných z videosekvence kamery, která je držena rukou. Práce je zaměřena na případ pohybující se kamery a statického pozadí a jevů, které jsou s tímto případem spojeny a mohou nastat. Je zde zkoumán pohyb kamery, který je dán jeho směrem a rychlostí. Cílem této práce je zvolení a následná implementace tří principiálně odlišných metod, vhodných k trasování významných bodů pro případ pohybující se kamery a jejich následné srovnání podle daných kritérií. Na základě toho srovnání bude za předem definovaných podmínek zvolen algoritmus, který si nejlépe dokázal poradit s trasováním těchto bodů.The thesis deals with the issue of tracking feature points earned from videosequences of hand helded camera. The work is focused on the case of moving camera and static background, and events that are associated with this case and can occur. There is studied the movement of the camera, which is given its direction and speed. The aim of this work is the election and the subsequent implementation of three fundamentally different methods suitable for tracking feature points in case of moving camera and their comparison according to set criteria. On the basis of comparison will be under pre-defined conditions chosen algorithm that is best able to deal with tracing these points.